• 64日,约翰内斯堡兰德高中,巴西队训练进行了短时比赛后,太阳落山了

    The sun sets as the team play a short match during a Brazilian training session at Randburg High School on June 4, 2010 in Johannesburg, South Africa. (Richard Heathcote/Getty Images)


  • 太阳落山了,”农场主,“看看天空妹妹月亮天空,不是照样给我们光亮吗?”

    "The sun has set." said the rich man, "But look at the sky!" His sister, the moon, is now in the sky. She gives us light.


  • 我们必须马上出发克拉拉因为太阳已经落山了我们导游马上就到。

    We must soon start, Clara, for the sun is already low; our guides will be here shortly.


  • 太阳开始落山了,金色的光芒斜射进底。两人就这时分别了。

    The sun was beginning to set and sending deep gold-colored rays slanting under the trees when they parted.


  • 确保太阳落山回到田园生活去,然后晚上灯光表演就开始了,这个表演让人眼花缭乱,特别是那些城市人。

    Be sure to be back in your rural idyll for sunset and then the evening light show; it can be dazzling, especially for those who live in a city.


  • 太阳很快落山了由于了很长而且外面寒冷无比感到非常疲惫

    The sun went to bed soon and I felt tired as I walked a long way in the snow and it's freezing outside.


  • 帐篷设计目的英国格拉斯顿伯里艺术节上充当夜晚闪亮的灯塔。它提供了柔和的夜光,太阳落山后能容易找到营地

    Designed to be a glowing beacon in the night at theGlastonbury arts festival in England, the tent provides comfortableevening lighting, making it easier to navigate camp when the sun goesdown.


  • 当时,太阳还没落山,就在先前发现牙齿之地,考察队员约翰尼斯·海尔·塞拉西发现了一块

    As the sun was setting, Yohannes Haile-Selassie found a hand bone not a stone's throw from where the teeth had been found the previous year.


  • 最后太阳终于落山了整个战场逐渐变杰克逊终于顶住了,他们付出惨痛代价,有数千士兵伤亡。

    Finally, the sun went down, and the battlefield became dark. Jackson's men had held, but they paid a terrible price.


  • 太阳落山的时候到达农舍,我疲乏

    I arrived at the hut at sunset, and I was very tired.


  • 才意识到已经下午因为太阳公公就要落山

    I noticed that we had slept until the afternoon, because the sun was heading to the west rapidly.


  • 正当太阳落山的时候,出现奇特的寂静一种周围的一切都终止了的感觉,尽管公共汽车出租车嘈杂声还在继续。

    Just as the sun is setting there comes a strange quietness and a feeling that everything about you has come to an end, though the bus, the taxi and the noise go on.


  • 不到分钟我们沙滩上安顿下来了,薄荷西瓜芝麻海草奶昔吃,我们都知道,不到太阳落山我们是不会离开此地了。

    Within five minutes we are settled on the beach with mint, melon, sesame and seaweed shakes and know that we are not leaving this spot till sunset.


  • 人们重新聚集到摔跤场周围的时候,炽热太阳开始落山,这时候人们穿上了节日盛装

    The hot sun had just begun to sink when the people again assembled around the wrestling area, now all dressed in their best.


  • 太阳很快落山了由于了很长而且外面寒冷无比感到非常疲惫

    Thee sun went to bed soon and I felt tired as I walked a long way in the snow and it's freezing outside.


  • 太阳,快要落山了天上云霞灿烂地绽放着自己美丽的色彩

    Sun going down, the sky clouds are brightly blooming their beautiful colors.


  • 很显然屋顶发现太阳快要落山了所以她想做的就是等上屋顶并且日落

    She clearly wanted to go up and I realized the sun was going down and what she wanted to do was go up on the roof top and see the sunset.


  • 太阳落山我们在了丰都码头,这样可以看到日落白塔后的美丽景色。

    As the sun set we docked at Fengdu so that we could see the beautiful sun setting behind the white pagoda.


  • 太阳已经落山了看到东边山头闪出橘红色的光线,好像森林着火一样。

    The sun had set, and I was watching what seemed to be the bright-orange glow of a forest fire beyond a ridge to the east.


  • 走到许昌洛阳交界处太阳已经落山了

    Xuchang and Luoyang come to the junction, the sun has been downhill.


  • 现在太阳落山还是闪光灯打开吧。

    But the sun is setting. I think it is better to open the flash for supplying light.


  • 这个圆球固定不动的,并且稍微太阳前面落山,在下边显示了一个影子这样确定了太阳相对位置

    This orb is stationary, and sets just slightly ahead of the Sun, showing a shadow on its lower side as it does so, confirming its relative location vs a vs the Sun.


  • 太阳落山了郊游结束了恋恋不舍离开晋阳机会还

    The sun went to bed soon I one day trip is almost over, reluctant to leave the jinyang lake, think I have the chance to will come again.


  • 太阳落山了郊游结束了恋恋不舍离开晋阳机会还

    The sun went to bed soon I one day trip is almost over, reluctant to leave the jinyang lake, think I have the chance to will come again.


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