• 初学者来说安全地拍摄太阳照片相机需要一个特殊太阳滤波器

    For starters, safely taking pictures of the sun requires a special solar filter on the camera.


  • 匈牙利维斯·普雷姆图片整合了今年112月期间当地时间上午10拍摄36太阳照片

    This picture, made in Veszprem, Hungary, combines 36 photos of the sun taken at 10 a.m. local time between January and December.


  • 这个合成图片包含幅因日蚀而暗淡太阳照片,那是2006年3月出现土耳其安塔利亚上空太阳

    The composite picture includes an exposure of the eclipsed sun as it appeared over Antalya, Turkey, in March 2006.


  • 匈牙利维斯·普雷姆图片整合了今年1月至12月期间当地时间上午10拍摄36太阳照片

    This picture, made in Veszprem, Hungary, combines 36 photos of the sun taken at 10 a. m. local time between January and December.


  • 采用相对新的摄影技术——板照相法,法国物理学家路易斯利昂于1845年成功拍到首张太阳照片

    Taking advantage of a relatively new technology the daguerreotype French physicists Louis fizeau and Leon foucault made the first successful photographs of the sun on april21845.


  • 每天同一时间、同一地点太阳照片,每周一至两次产生30至50画面,制作而成8字曲线照片

    Analemma photographs are made by taking a picture of the sun from the same place at the same time of day once or twice a week, generating 30 to 50 frames.


  • 1956年,歌手埃尔维斯·普雷斯利卡尔·帕金斯约翰尼·卡什杰瑞··刘易斯孟菲斯太阳工作室钢琴前即兴表演的照片讲述了一个不为人知的故事

    The 1956 picture of singers Elvis Presley, Carl Perkins, Johnny Cash and Jerry Lee Lewis jamming at a piano in Sun Studios in Memphis tells a hidden story.


  • 穿着加拿大队运动衫,戴着羊毛太阳金牌照片奖品翻过来看背面

    Wearing a Canada team sweatshirt, a woolen cap and sunglasses, she picked up the gold medal, snapped a photograph and turned over the prize to see the back.


  • 后他脱下夹克,摘下太阳镜,把它们穿戴在袋鼠身上,让他的照片更有趣。

    He then took off his jacket and sunglasses and put them on the kangaroo to make his photo more interesting.


  • 这些照片都是太阳动力学观测站上拍摄到的,目前研究太阳这个天体中,先进航天器

    The pictures were taken by the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), which is the most advanced spacecraft ever designed to study the Sun.


  • 拍摄照片大熊湖太阳天文台望远镜采用自适应光学技术配件以便校正大气扰动误差,调节信号畸变

    The telescope that took the picture is know as the New Solar telescope which USES adaptive optics, parts that change to adapt to disturbances in the atmosphere and correct distortions in the signals.


  • 新泽西理工大学著名教授飞利浦·r·古德和大熊天文台小组共同拍摄了一张目前细节丰富的太阳黑子照片

    A new image taken by NJIT Distinguished Professor Philip R. Goode and the Big Bear Solar Observatory (BBSO) team is the most detailed sunspot photo yet.


  • 也许不是通常日落(日出)的色彩可以非常戏剧化尤其大气清澈太阳看起来非常接近地平线的时候,就象照片中的景象

    Maybe not. Normally, sunset (and sunrise) colours can be still be very dramatic, especially when the atmosphere is clear and the sun is viewed very near the horizon, as in this scene.


  • 今晨日偏食使得太阳呈现新月状,其景象就像波兰卢布林的林间拍下的照片一样。

    This morning's partial solar eclipse had the sun masquerading as a crescent moon, as seen in a picture taken through trees in Lublin, Poland.


  • 请看情人太阳耀斑引起极光照片

    See pictures of auroras generated by the Valentine's Day solar flare.


  • 春分过24小时后太阳应该从东方偏北升起沿弧线上升一会儿就正好出现照片中的东方

    Waiting 24 hours allowed the Sun to rise just north of east and arc back to an exactly eastern alignment for the photo.


  • 几张照片显示挤满新生恒星区域、一个类似太阳稳定恒星以及一个内部都是恒星漩涡状星系

    The images show a bustling star-forming region, the remains of a star similar to the sun, and a swirling galaxy lined with stars.


  • 6月7一次壮观的太阳耀斑爆发(照片)。

    A solar flare created a spectacular eruption on June 7 (pictured).


  • 一个巨大日珥太阳西南区域爆发全景照片NASA太阳动力学观测卫星2010年11月17拍摄

    A huge solar filament snakes around the southwestern horizon of the sun in this full disk photo taken by NASA's solar Dynamics Observatory on Nov. 17, 2010.


  • 突出了日全食特点已知最早的8字曲线照片中,有一个太阳圆盘天体项链垂饰似的闪耀光芒

    One disk of the sun shines like a pendant on a celestial necklace in the first known analemma photo to feature a total solar eclipse.


  • 这张不寻常自拍照片照相机按装在日本卡洛斯飞船上,飞船于6月15与其主体脱离后,拍摄了一张全部展开太阳照片

    In an unusual take on a self-portrait, a camera aboard Japan's Ikaros spacecraft separated from the main body on June 15 to snap this first picture of the craft's fully deployed solar sail.


  • 2001年希腊制作8字曲线合成照片,你可以看到太阳好似Tholos——特尔斐雅典娜圣域圆形建筑——附近的山后升起来。

    The sun seems to rise from behind the hills near the Tholos, a circular building in the sanctuary of Athena Pronaia in ancient Delphi, in an analemma photo composite made in Greece in 2001.


  • 张8字曲线合成照片显示了2003年3月至2004年3月,太阳出现西班牙赫罗纳上空路径

    This analemma photo-composite shows the sun's path as it appeared over Girona, Spain, from March 2003 to March 2004.


  • 令人震撼的照片加州大熊天文台望远镜拍摄有关直径8,000英里左右巨大太阳黑子最佳照片

    The stunning picture was taken using the Big Bear Telescope in California and is the best photo of a huge sunspot that is around 8, 000 miles in diameter.


  • 除了模拟照片所看到了行星卫星外我们太阳系统还包含一个恒星一些小行星彗星,和冥王星那样侏儒行星。

    In addition to the planets and moons seen in this simulated photo, our solar system contains a star, asteroids and comets, and dwarf planets such as Pluto.


  • 提斯凯尔团队分析了65张西拍到卫五照片有些太阳飞船身后时拍的,有些是太阳差不多卡西尼前面时拍的。

    Tiscareno and his team analyzed 65 Cassini images of Rhea, some of which were taken with the sun behind the craft and some with the sun more or less in front of Cassini.


  • 上面显示照片建筑物后面窥视太阳时所拍摄的,带有一个22度的日晕在围绕太阳闪耀

    Shown above is a photo of the sun peeking from behind a building, with a 22-degree solar halo arc shining around it.


  • 照片包含曝光44太阳幢房子的照片同一地点,也都胶卷的一画面上。

    The shot includes 44 exposures of the sun and a picture of a house, all taken from the same location and all on a single frame of film.


  • 款引起轰动设计太阳电池板马桶电气化学系统提供能源(参见上方照片)。

    One design that's making a splash is a toilet that uses solar panel to power the pot's electrochemical system (photo, top).


  • 款引起轰动设计太阳电池板马桶电气化学系统提供能源(参见上方照片)。

    One design that's making a splash is a toilet that uses solar panel to power the pot's electrochemical system (photo, top).


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