• 想起鱼儿自由自在嬉戏鸟儿飞翔天空平静河流

    It reminds you of a calm stream with little fish swimming freely up and down in it and birds flying in the sky.


  • 他吃完饭后,这只熊猫站了起来,平静地拿出了他藏起来的枪,对着天空开了一枪。

    After he finished his dinner, the panda stood up, calmly pulled out a gun which he had hidden, and fired into the air.


  • 这种颜色让人不禁联想到新生儿,而且能给人平静的力量,它代表着天空海洋,更神奇,它几乎任何深色调形成完美的颜色搭配。

    Not only is it a color that we associate with newborn boys, it's also very calming, evokes the ocean and the sky, and pairs nicely with nearly any accent color.


  • 平静湖泊反射了加拿大天空树木

    A still lake reflects sky and trees in Canada.


  • 树木搭起框架,在他们上面,延伸着大海天空一面平静静静地休憩着。

    The hills were framed with trees, and beyond them stretched a band of sea on which the sky, like a sail becalmed, rested in all its tenderness.


  • 温暖的清风姑娘长发一般柔和,吹动着平静天空帆船似的白云

    A warn wind, soft as a girl's hair, moves sailboat clouds in gentle skies.


  • 张海峡群岛国家海洋保护区照片里,平静水面反映了多云天空

    Calm water mirrors cloudy skies in this photograph of Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary.


  • 多少年来平平静静,现在却出了事;天空陆地海洋数千千万万,出事时候出头上……马那张叫人难以容忍的马脸在我眼前浮现,驱散了我的胡思乱想

    There are countless men in the air, on land and at sea, and all that really happens happens to me…The almost unbearable memory of Maddens long horseface put an end to these wandering thoughts.


  • 平静天空细瘦新月持续朝着金星靠近,金星明亮厚实的月牙形让山脉中的地平线轮廓分明

    In steady skies the slender Moon is still sliding toward Venus, the bright planet's compact crescent just clearing the mountainous horizon.


  • 帕瓦罗蒂助手德文•蒂诺克向“天空TG24电视台透露,帕瓦罗蒂自己的家中平静度过了最后日子

    Pavarotti's assistant Edwin Tinoco told Sky TG 24 television that Pavarotti's final days had been calm and spent at home.


  • 天空晴和,日照当空,平静云彩缓缓飘过,没有一丝自然灾害要发生的迹象。

    It was a calm, sun-filled day, crossed by peaceful clouds that gave no hint of any natural disaster.


  • 满眼哀伤,仰望着深蓝色天空那儿星星清澈平静湖面上朵朵白莲在漂移着;

    He raised his mournful eyes towards the deep blue sky, where the stars were floating like white lilies on the surface of a clear calm lake.


  • 到了下午,一切变成咖啡桌上照片那么漂亮蓝色天空白色平静的海面,浮冰栖息着的一鸬鹚可爱颏带企鹅摇摇摆摆走上白雪覆盖的山坡

    In the afternoon it all became coffee-table photogenic: blue skies, white ice, calm waters, a lone cormorant on a steeple of ice, and twee chinstrap penguins hiking up snowy slopes.


  • 散开船只几分钟内就停好了。平静天空俯瞰海景,这是一片海岛

    Within minutes the scattered boats lay still, and the seascape takes on an air of quiet industry, a watery allotment land.


  • 控制战略旨在平静车身运动因为如果移动车辆中被连接到了一个钩子固定天空

    The control strategy seeks to calm vehicle body movement, as if the moving vehicle were connected to a hook fixed on the sky.


  • 大海平静出奇,晚霞映照绚丽多彩天空已有孤星闪烁。(英语原文两句译成汉语合为一句。)

    The sea was wonderfully calm and now it was rich with all the color of the setting sun. In the sky already a solitary star twinkled.


  • 分离时候发现自己朝着方向仰望天空知道你们同一天空下,你内心感到平静,这时,你就知道了你恋爱

    You know you are in love when at those times you are apart, you find yourself gazing at the sky in the direction she lives and feeling some peace in knowing that you live under the same sky.


  • 抬起充满哀伤眼睛,仰望深蓝色的天空星星在那里游移如同朵朵百合散落清澈平静湖面上

    He raised his mournful eyes towards the deep blue sky, where the stars were floating like white lilies on the surface of a clear calm lake.


  • 蓝蓝的天空云雀绿色的谷地上空翱翔,噢,如今的乡间以往生活过的乡间更加美丽,更加,更加平静

    The sky was blue, the larks were soaring high over the green corn, I thought all that country-side more beautiful and peaceful by far than I had ever known it to be yet.


  • 悲伤地望着天空,望着深蓝色天空繁星百合花一样漂浮清澈平静天空湖里

    He raised his mournful eyes towards the deep blue sky, where the stars were floating like white lilies on the surface of a clear calm lake.


  • 平静湖面上映出天空色彩艳丽的树木倒影

    The sky and the brightly colored trees were reflected in the calm surface of the lake.


  • 匆忙走进教室时,天空灰色之前,已黑云笼罩,黄昏,我觉得相当平静没有

    When I hurried into the classroom, the sky, gray before, was shrouded now by black clouds, darken to twilight, I felt quite stuffy, while it was quite calm, without wind.


  • 这时的海面平静天空看不到一点乌云

    The sea was calm and there were no storm clouds to be seen in the sky.


  • 这时的海面平静天空看不到一点乌云

    The sea was calm and there were no storm clouds to be seen in the sky.


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