• 学家的理论是,巨大物体自身的引力作用灾难性收缩留下一个强大的引力场,且没有任何东西逃脱时,黑洞形成了。

    Astronomers theorize that a black hole forms when a massive object shrinks catastrophically under its own gravity, leaving only a gravitational field so strong that nothing escapes it.


  • 这种正统宇宙观现在受到学家的挑战天文学家认为巨大气体”正星系周围所谓空无一物的空间落入许多星系中。

    This orthodox view of the universe is now being challenged by astronomers who believe that a heavy "rain" of gas is falling into many galaxies from the supposedly empty space around them.


  • 俄涅“下部边缘巨大而模糊火山口关键性完成了这个天文假象

    The strategic alignment of a large, faint crater at the "bottom" edge of Dione completes the astronomical illusion.


  • 巨大质量星系团望远镜强力使天文学家探测到了一个5.58遥远星系

    The power of this massive cluster telescope has allowed astronomers to detect a galaxy at the distant redshift of 5.58.


  • 令人震撼的照片加州大熊天文望远镜拍摄有关直径8,000英里左右巨大太阳黑子最佳照片

    The stunning picture was taken using the Big Bear Telescope in California and is the best photo of a huge sunspot that is around 8, 000 miles in diameter.


  • 今天英国格拉斯哥皇家天文社会会议上研究人员透露太阳就像巨大弹弓一样,发射着数十亿重的太阳物质进入宇宙空间

    Like giant slingshots, magnetic ropes on the sun fling billions of tons of solar matter out into space, researchers revealed today at a Royal Astronomical Society meeting in Glasgow, United Kingdom.


  • 发现行星同样天文学家早些时候发现一颗行星,行星海王星类似,是一颗巨大气体行星,围绕恒星运转的周期为5.4

    The same team of astronomers who discovered it had earlier found another planet, this time a gaseous giant similar to Neptune, orbiting the same star every 5.4 days.


  • 它们紧随宇宙伊始而形成类星体巨大无线电波发射进入天文学家的视野。

    These formed shortly after the universe began and they came to the attention of earthling astronomers because quasars are powerful radio sources.


  • 天文学家一直相似结论太阳燃烧膨胀以至于表面触碰到地球之时,地球这个巨大火球毁灭

    Astronomers have long come to a similar conclusion: that the Earth will be obliterated by a giant fireball as the sun burns up and expands so that its surface touches the planet.


  • 一个命名为开普勒10岩石星球学家描述历史伟大发现之一—地球巨大星球关于气体缺失了链接

    Yet a rocky world named Kepler 10b is being described by astronomers as one of the greatest discoveries in history – a ‘missing link’ between Earth and the giant planets made of gas.


  • 令人放心研究结果表明天文学家已经掌握90%以上大型小行星的空间位置,它们是一些可能导致地球表面生物物种大灭绝的,巨大的杀手行星。

    The study reassuringly suggests that astronomers already know the location of more than 90 percent of the very largest asteroids — the huge planet-busters that could cause mass extinctions.


  • 太阳海啸"也是能量释放的结果,天文学家目前认为日冕物质抛射产生的巨大冲击波。

    The tsunami, a circular shockwave, is caused by a huge explosion, known as a coronal mass ejection.


  • 立方天文身处南极点地下深处巨大、纯净的、无气泡远古冰块中。

    The IceCube observatory sits deep underneath the South Pole and has been built in a cubic kilometre of perfectly clear, bubble-free ancient ice.


  • 天文学家目前尚清楚,出现这样巨大椭圆形星系是个特例还是宇宙早期遍现象。

    Astronomers don't know if this is an exceptional case or if most massive elliptical galaxies actually formed so early in the universe's history.


  • 更何况月亮呈现出这样一种对于天文学家来说都不同寻常巨大的状况时,月亮必须处于圆满的阶段。

    In addition to appearing to be uncommonly big to stargazers, the moon will also be in its full phase.


  • MIAMI -学家在不同星系中发现了两个巨大黑洞一些怪异表现

    MIAMI? Some strange behavior from two huge black holes at the center of two different galaxies has been noticed by astronomers.


  • 虽然作用巨大希格斯粒子不能揭开这些谜团,通过天文望远镜观察我们仍能感觉到它们存在

    Even the mighty Higgs cannot explain those mysteries - though through telescopes and observation, we know they exist.


  • 质量汇集一起比4000亿个太阳还要大-足以表明天文学家发现确实巨大的原星团

    The lump sum of the mass turned out to be a minimum of 400billion suns - enough to indicate that the astronomers had indeed uncovered a massive proto-cluster.


  • Spitzer红外天文望远镜详细观测表明它们产生于巨大岩质星体的强烈撞击

    A detailed examination of those grains with the infrared-sensitive Spitzer Space Telescope shows that they come from forceful collisions with some massive rocky body.


  • 天文学家应用来自遥远恒星光线路线一个巨大银河星系团(Abell 1689)所扭曲,由此计算宇宙中暗能量的总量。

    Astronomers used the way that light from distant stars was distorted by a huge galactic cluster known as Abell 1689 to work out the amount of dark energy in the cosmos.


  • 这种声波如此巨大(大约2万光年)如此低沉(大约低于听力范围50个八度),所以学家它进行必要调整后,人才能听到

    The sound waves were so huge (about 20,000 light years in length) and so low (about 50 octaves below hearing range) that the astronomer had to adjust them to the range of human hearing.


  • 这种声波如此巨大(大约2万光年)如此低沉(大约低于听力范围50个八度),所以学家进行必要调整后,人才能听到

    The sound waves were so huge (about 20, 000 light years in length) and so low (about 50 octaves below hearing range) that the astronomer had to adjust them to the range of human hearing.


  • 天文学家这个行星坑坑洼洼拥有一个巨大

    Astronomers say the planet is heavily cratered and has a large iron core. Louis Friedman heads the Planetary Society. "mercury."


  • 这种断裂结构一度让学家们感到迷惑不解,直到2004年西尼号飞越这颗卫星时拍下了一系列的照片,天文学家才发现原来这些结构地质活动生成巨大悬崖

    The fractures puzzled astronomers until Cassini flew by in 2004 and revealed that they are large cliffs created by tectonic activity.


  • 这种断裂结构一度让学家们感到迷惑不解,直到2004年西尼号飞越这颗卫星时拍下了一系列的照片,天文学家才发现原来这些结构地质活动生成巨大悬崖

    The fractures puzzled astronomers until Cassini flew by in 2004 and revealed that they are large cliffs created by tectonic activity.


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