• 新的研究表明咖啡也许为了扭转阿尔茨海默病作用所需要的。

    A few cups of coffee a day may be all that is needed to reverse the effects of Alzheimer's disease, new research suggests.


  • 失踪了,任何一个战场都有英里

    Nealy disappeared two days ago, several miles away from any of the fighting.


  • 警察支付贿赂如同例行公事,否则他们阻碍穿过喀布尔有时会遇上宗这样的事情。

    Mr. Ghafar said he routinely paid bribes to the police who threatened to hinder his passage through Kabul, sometimes several in a day.


  • 确实对于给定日期每年属于哪个星期总是后移闰年除外,后移

    Indeed, the day of the week for a given date progresses by one annually, except on leap years, where it progresses by two.


  • 这笔当初预想实用只需要些许练习别人伸手去拿日历的时候算某一到底是星期

    It's far more useful than I first thought, and with just a little practice, you'll be able to find out the days of the week much faster than when reaching for a calendar.


  • 小伙伴爸爸徒步我们后面公园,沿途英里都做上了小狗比的失物招领标记过去,菲比没有音信。

    My friend's Dad hiked into the state park behind our house, miles in, Posting signs explaining about our lost dog. A day passed, and still no Phoebe.


  • 一个村庄里,就起床,要走英里路取水

    She lives in a rural village, rises before dawn, and walks miles to collect water.


  • 不能提供无限伸缩性”、它并非便士”,不能小时就能搞定”——它也不能为衬衣

    It does not provide "infinite scalability," it does not "cost pennies a day," you can't "get there in an hour" - it won't iron my shirts either.


  • 事实上许多幼儿好的其余只是随便摄取。

    In fact, many toddlers simply eat one good meal each day, and then just pick at their other meals.


  • 每个31月份有连续的3个星期在这个月出现了

    Every 31-day month has three days that are marked five times each.


  • 这种猴子高一米左右,一身厚厚的皮毛黑色鼻口簇灰褐色的毛发扇形散开,看上去就如同维多利亚时代绅士们留的一般。“我!”

    It was about three feet tall, with a thick fur coat and brownish-gray hair fanned out around its black muzzle like a Victorian gentleman's cheek whiskers.


  • 制作午餐健身计划看看中午时间去健身房提前标注日历上预约一样。

    Schedule Your Workout: Look at your week and choose the day(s) with the fewest obstacles in your path for a lunchtime workout. Schedule it in your calendar just like you would any other appointment.


  • 小试了福特推出的嘉年华小型车,曼哈顿拥堵42街直到限速70西侧高速公路,跑了英里

    I took a short drive in Ford's new Fiesta compact car today. The route covered several miles through Manhattan, from a traffic jam on 42nd Street to a 70-mph stint on the West Side Highway.


  • 真正挑战知道历史任意星期

    The real challenge is to determine the day of the week for an arbitrary date in history.


  • 如果真的找出历史上任何时星期需要记忆一些东西了。

    If, unlike myself, you want to go really wild and mentally find out the days for any year, you'll need to grow some extra math and memorization muscles.


  • 知道就必儆醒,不容挖透房屋是你们知道的。

    But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up.


  • 肥胖:《预防》杂志健美栏目编辑Michele Stanten:“能够之中低卡路里的帮助很多保持足够状态进而远离小吃。”

    Obesity. Reaching for calorie-free glasses of water throughout the day helps many people stay filled up enough to pass on snacks, says Prevention Fitness Editor Michele Stanten.


  • 既然我们在讨论这个问题,何不提高赌注日历往前世纪:1752年英格兰美洲殖民地又是星期

    While we're at it, why don't we raise the stakes further by rolling back the calendar a couple centuries: What day of the week was September 6, 1752, in England and its American colonies?


  • 缅甸第二,”Dundon回忆说,“偶尔看见这个简陋溜冰场,有一些二十的青年在溜冰。”

    "On my second day in Burma," Dundon recounts, "I stumbled upon this ramshackle skate park, where a handful of local teenagers and twenty-something's were hanging out and practicing their tricks."


  • 匙会更好心脏健康(但是记住算算那些巧克力热量!)

    Eat a few tablespoons a day for better heart health (but remember to count those chocolate calories!)


  • 英国,一中的顿饭都它们各自名字,比如breakfast早餐brunch早午餐,elevenses午前,lunch午餐,tea下午茶,dinner(晚餐,正餐),supper晚饭。

    In the UK we have many different names for mealtimes, including 'Breakfast', 'Brunch', 'Elevenses',' Lunch ', 'Tea', 'Dinner' and 'Supper'!


  • 如果国王阿卜杜拉真的要给市场放气,试着宣布百万产量方面的增加

    If King Abdullah really wants to deflate the oil markets, he could try announcing an increase in output of a few million barrels a day.


  • 假定选择的话,我基于以下出处尽没有犹豫选择后者的没有雅见解

    If asked to make a choice, I would not hesitate to side with the latter view for several strong reasons.


  • 叙利亚北部巴博阿尔萨拉玛学校学习生活,搭建距土耳其边境不远帐篷其中一座正在上着堂课

    A school day at the Bab al-Salama school in northern Syria, several classes study under this tent, with one of four pitched on the edge of camp not far from the border with Turkey.


  • 家住时代张小姐办公室同事一起网上团购静脉曲张”。

    Before two days of age, home city of Miss Zhang, and office colleagues from the online group purchase several double" varicose socks".


  • 过去哩路矗立着堂那古老的钟楼,衬着火红,显出一片黑里带影子。

    While a few miles distant, toward the north, the venerable campanile of the mission SAN Juan stood silhouetted in purplish black against the flaming east.


  • 雨,隐约阳光使阴暗下午明亮起来

    After raining for a whole day, a few faint gleams of sunshine lit up the gloomy afternoon.


  • 如果因为存款低于商定最小额美元或者缴费晚了这样愚蠢的情况而被收取费用,给客服打电话

    If you're charged a fee for something silly like allowing your balance to drop a few bucks below the agreed-upon minimum or sending your payment a day late, call customer service.


  • 但是关于什么时候或者之内吃餐其实并不重要

    But there's nothing particularly important in general about what time you eat or how many meals you take in a day.


  • 开始过去,就可以看到产卵雌性穿过离海岸线公里高原地带

    After the first two days, eggless females may be seen crossing plateau roads, kilometres from the shore.


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