• 我们所说进化假说关于生物学古生物学大量观察的解释。

    What we call the evolutionary hypothesis is an explanation of a host of biological and paleontological observations.


  • 众多经历大量观察以及很多专注意图,会带给实实在在收获。

    Through much experience, much observation, and much focusing of thought you attract the physical manifested equivalent.


  • 大量观察岩心资料裂缝特征进行详细描述基础上,测井曲线进行岩心标定。

    Through investigating a large amount of core data, the characteristics of fractures were described and recorded as log curves in detail.


  • 然而复杂科学累积大量观察中发现九律最为广泛,最为明确,具代表性概论

    But out of the many observations accumulating in the science of complexity, these principles are the broadest, crispest, and most representative generalities.


  • 现在佛利指出如果获得大量观察资料与法则一致非常可能条法则也将如此不管法则正确与否

    Now jeffreys points out that, if a number of observations have been found to conform to a law, it is highly probable that next one will do so whether the law is true or not.


  • 本文大量观察分析碳钢应力促发表面马氏体光镜形态基础上,对形成条件立体形态进行了初步实验研究。

    In this paper the formation condition and morphology of the stress induced butterfly martensite in carbon steel are studied by analyzing a great number of specimens.


  • 奇怪,因为研究人员观察各种实验室动物往往给予大量食物它们闲暇时一点一点蚕食。

    This is strange because the sorts of lab animals the researchers looked attend to be given lots of food and left to nibble at leisure.


  • 例如经过训练观察主要通过对光谱出现简单线条精确分析来获取关于恒星大量信息

    For example, trained observers obtain a very large amount of information about a star mainly from the accurate analysis of the simple lines that appear in a spectrum.


  • 大量抛射物撞击的天体形成各种各样陨石坑包括“多盆地”——行星卫星上观察到的最大地质特征

    Massive projectiles striking much larger bodies create various kinds of craters, including "multi-ring basins"—the largest geologic features observed on planets and moons.


  • 经过活动大量耐心细致观察成功获得了这张获奖照片

    With a great deal of patience and careful observation of the wolves' movements, he succeeded in taking the award-winning photograph.


  • 观察应用程序下载大量补救文件如何因为网络问题而造成多次中断

    I have observed how downloading a large batch of remedy files for an application has been interrupted numerous times due to some network problems.


  • 一些牧师修女研究人员大量时间照管她们观察她们,尽其使这些贫困隐士生活得好些

    Some priests, nuns and researchers spend a great deal of time shepherding or observing shopping-bag ladies and are doing what they can to better the life of the lady hermits who are down.


  • 位经济学家跟踪观察英格兰大量次级借贷者,并掌握了他们详细信息包括他们抵押贷款期限还款历史

    The economists tracked down a large number of subprime borrowers in New England on whom they already had detailed information, including the terms of their mortgages and their repayment histories.


  • 我们数据进行分析时,我们观察到数据集是非对称性的,并且包含大量的具体信息,这指示正的外泄

    When our dataset was plotted, we observed that our dataset was asymmetrical and contained a long right hand tail, indicating positive skew.


  • 当时已经贝考察了15个月收集了大量野外数据这些数据大多通过对某些黑猩猩个体耐心观察而得到的,珍还给这些黑猩猩分别取名为灰胡子大卫麦克、奥利菲菲

    By then she had 15 months of field data from Gombe, most of it gathered through patient observation of individuals she knew by monikers such as David Greybeard, Mike, Olly, and Fifi.


  • 如果比较关心巨大内存压力(系统失效)由此产生大量内存分页,那么需要将每秒内存分页作为一个主要观察指标。

    This is the primary counter to observe if you are concerned about excessive memory pressure (that is, thrashing), and the excessive paging that may result.


  • 这个行动第六个年头希望通过人们对夜空观察大量资源建立起准确夜晚地球

    The program, in its sixth year, hopes crowd-sourced night-sky observations will yield the most accurate Earth-at-night maps.


  • 不管用什么方式进行分割关键大量随机数据放入应用程序观察故障是什么

    Any way you slice it, the key is to throw a lot of random data at an application and see what fails.


  • 编写大量访问者之后,另外一项观察发现就是功能某些通用片段多个访问者重用。

    Another observation after writing many visitors is that some common pieces of functionality should be reusable between visitors.


  • 奇怪,因为研究人员观察各种实验室动物往往给予大量食物它们闲暇时一点一点蚕食。

    This is strange because the sorts of lab animals the researchers looked at tend to be given lots of food and left to nibble at leisure.


  • 正如一位观察评论的那样,大量这样客户那些每年自己生意获利25%的人,他们很难理解为什么私人银行提供回报如此之

    As one observer remarks, many of these clients were people who were earning 25% a year from their own businesses; they found it hard to understand why private Banks were offering much lower returns.


  • 通过将各种观察结果不同方式组合在一起皮亚杰理论内容变得十分丰富写了大量书籍论文,丰富他的理论

    Piaget had a rich theoretical framework, pulling together all sorts of observations in different ways, wrote many, many books and articles and articulated his theory very richly.


  • 鼓励大量时间记录不同类型检验运行它们观察不同处。

    I would encourage you to spend a lot of time recording different types of verification points and running them to see the differences.


  • 的时候,我对天文学相当兴趣,并且花费了大量的时间徘徊于天文台阅读关于门科学(通过望远镜观察)。

    When I was younger, I was quite interested in astronomy, and spent a fair bit of time hanging around observatories and reading about the science (as well as looking through telescopes).


  • 作为步兵个人哈里前哨观察看到了大量行动前线共同度过了不少时光

    The two saw plenty of action at Outpost Harry and as infantrymen spent a good deal of time on the front line.


  • 很难通过简单解决方案观察处理大量并发连接的情况性能改进。

    It is difficult with such a simple solution to see the performance benefits and the large number of simultaneous connections.


  • 天文学家仔细观察一星光,以从星球空气获得令人信服生命存在证据比如大量甲烷氧气

    Astronomers can scrutinize this light for compelling evidence of life in the planet's air, such as significant quantities of both methane and oxygen.


  • 世卫组织通过全球卫生观察站网络门户以及负责提供大量疾病卫生指标统计数据库,公布数据分析结果

    WHO makes its data and analyses accessible through the Global Health Observatory portal as well as databases that provide statistics on a wide range of diseases and health indicators.


  • 世卫组织通过全球卫生观察站网络门户以及负责提供大量疾病卫生指标统计数据库,公布数据分析结果

    WHO makes its data and analyses accessible through the Global Health Observatory portal as well as databases that provide statistics on a wide range of diseases and health indicators.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定