• 很多社区,包括硅谷都有大量人口

    All those communities, including the Silicon Valley, have a lot of population.


  • 二者都大量人口相应需要大量资源尤其是土地能源

    Both have massive populations with correspondingly massive needs for resources, especially land, water and energy.


  • 由于1999年厄瓜多尔经济萧条,大量人口移居外地寻找生存机会

    This is because Ecuador's economy collapsed in 1999 and large Numbers of migrants sought opportunities elsewhere.


  • 认为城市之所以活力,是因为有大量人口,这样各种活动构成社区。

    She holds that a vibrant city has a lot of people, leading to the various activities of the community.


  • 根据人口调查统计,美国历史上仅仅两个类似十年间如此大量人口增长

    Only two other decades in us history have seen a larger number of people added to the census rolls.


  • 美国生产率不见得提高漂亮,远比欧洲来得好美国没有这些大量人口问题

    Productivity growth in the U.S. has not been spectacular lately, but it’s been much better than Europe, and the U.S. doesn’t have this massive demographic problem, ” he said.


  • 中国欧洲而且中国大量人口别的国家的小问题,可能在中国就是一个问题了。

    China is larger than Europe and China's population is an enormous amount. A little problem to other countries is a big problem to China.


  • 城市由于狭小空间范围内聚居了大量人口产业缺水给城市带来的危害就更为严重。

    As there are great Numbers of people and industries gathered in the narrow space of a city, such shortage will surely pose a great threat.


  • 三角城市密集地区集聚着大量的人口财富气候变化加剧长三角城市密集区的灾害风险

    The Yangtze River Delta cities have high density of population and wealth, and climate change will add to great disaster risks.


  • 例如美国预测提前还款风险相当复杂,要求大量人口资信信息同时还要充足市场数据

    Forecasting prepayment risk in America, for example, is complicated and requires lots of information about demographics and credit factors, along with plenty of market data.


  • 18世纪感染性疾病引发大量人口死亡这些疾病包括霍乱肺结核白喉麻疹天花伤寒

    In the 18th century, infectious diseases led to huge numbers of deaths, including those from cholera, tuberculosis, diphtheria, measles, smallpox and typhoid, he said.


  • 消费者营销目标大量人口统计群体,主要通过大众传媒零售商企业营销买卖双方的谈判过程更加私人化

    While consumer marketing is aimed at large demographic groups through mass media and retailers, the negotiation process between the buyer and seller is more personal in business marketing.


  • 人口猛增,或者大量人口流动如今现代交通手段使得这种流动相对容易起来产生问题会对社会造成新的压力

    Additional social stresses may also occur because of the population explosion or problems arising from mass migration movementsthemselves made relatively easy nowadays by modern means of transport


  • 译文:人口猛增或者大量的人口流动如今现代交通手段使得这种流动相对容易起来产生问题会对社会造成新的压力

    Additional social stresses may also occur because of the population explosion or problems arising from mass migration movements themselves made relatively easy nowadays by modern means of transport.


  • 认为短期来看,中国经济规模尺度上会变得大,但是长期来看,社会正义大量人口问题绝对使中国走向衰退。

    I think in the near term China's economy will be larger in simple volume, but in the long term problems with social justice and massive population will absolutely bring China down.


  • 另外美国还有大群说西班牙人,这些人口大都美国墨西哥毗邻处,此外在佛罗里达、伊利诺斯以及纽约州大量的人口说西班牙语。

    In addition, there is also a sizable population of Spanish speakers living predominantly in the border states with Mexico but also in largely in Florida, Illinois, and New York as well as other areas.


  • 人类为了养活以前更多的人口需要获得可耕地因此大量砍伐树木

    To feed the larger population, humans need to obtain arable land, so there is a massive clearing of trees.


  • 为了养活更多的人口人类需要获得可耕地因此大量树木被砍伐

    To feed the larger population, humans need to obtain arable lands, so there is a massive clearing of trees.


  • 因为众多人口大量垃圾污染空气,所以(城市)环境很可怕的。

    The environment is awful because the population is too large and too much rubbish make the air unfresh.


  • 所有这些必须马上开始着手,中国人口性别失衡仍然不算尖锐,在国家大量储备财富时开始着手。

    All this must begin now, while China's demographic and gender imbalances remain mild, and while the state has a vast reserve of wealth.


  • 埃及则杂乱首都开罗居住大量人民,数量超过突尼斯全国人口

    Egypt is big and messy, with a lot more people living in its capital, Cairo, alone than in the whole of Tunisia.


  • 但是为了适应不断增长人口需要,该州需要大量新的工作——还有,正如这些失业比较分析显示那样,最近就业增长已经远远不能满足实际需要

    But it needs lots of new jobs just to keep up with its rising population - and as those unemployment comparisons show, recent employment growth has fallen well short of what's needed.


  • 报告倡导采取战略帮助部分国家避免人才外流,即大量技术工人移民发达国家而造成人口损失

    And the report advocates strategies to help some countries avoid suffering from brain drain - the loss of large Numbers of highly skilled workers who emigrate to rich countries.


  • 日本拥有大量的赤字巨额的债务以及老龄的人口

    Japan has a big deficit, a large debt and the oldest population in the OECD.


  • 日本拥有大量的赤字巨额的债务以及老龄的人口

    Japan has a big deficit, a large debt and the oldest population in the OECD.


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