• 承蒙大英博物馆惠允,复制这些画

    The pictures have been reproduced by courtesy of the British Museum.


  • 大英博物馆18世纪首次开放,其作品主要是基于科学家斯隆爵士收藏品

    The British Museum first opened in the 18th Century largely based on the collections of the scientist Sir Hans Sloane


  • 大英博物馆允许摄影所以参观博物馆商店是个主意可以在那里买到明信片

    Photography is allowed in the British Museum, so it's a good idea to visit the museum shop and you can buy postcards there.


  • 受欢迎的博物馆是伦敦的大英博物馆

    The most popular museum is the British Museum in London.


  • 果你是大英博物馆今年200万游客中的一员,不要试图太快看完。

    If you are one of the British Museum's two million visitors this year, don't try to see it all too quickly.


  • 如,汉斯·斯隆爵士的8万件藏品,构成了1759年开馆的大英博物馆的核心藏品。

    The 80,000 objects collected by Sir Hans Sloane, for example, formed the core collection of the British Museum which opened in 1759.


  • 大千被誉为“中国的毕加索”,而吴冠中是第一位其作品在大英博物馆展出的中国画家。

    Zhang Daqian is regarded as "the Picasso of China" and Wu Guanzhong was the first Chinese painter whose works were shown at the British Museum.


  • 漫步穿过大英博物馆会看到华丽餐桌装饰基于各种文化的建筑之中,见证盛宴中心地带

    Wander through the British Museum and you see the ornate table decorations that bear witness to the central place of feasting in courts of all cultures.


  • 宗像教授一个大英博物馆为背景刺激的冒险故事的开头惊呼。是一部漫画日本卡通

    So exclaims Professor Munakata at the outset of a rollicking adventure set at the British Museum, in the form of a manga, or Japanese cartoon.


  • 一点星相当然能预测到的最终居然安置大英博物馆来;我们坦率说吧,布卢姆斯伯里这里对于而言难免一种失望!

    The one thing his star-map certainly did not predict, was that he might ultimately wind up at the British Museum; let's face it, Bloomsbury might have been a bit of a disappointment to him!


  • 如今人们可以伦敦大英博物馆看到这件文物

    Today, it can be viewed at the British Museum in London.


  • 大英博物馆手稿展厅部分,大多数人民经过恋人雕像展台时,都是视而不见般地擦身而过。

    In the Manuscript Saloon at the British Museum, most people walk straight past the case that contains the statue of the lovers.


  • 首都许多博物馆一样,大英博物馆免费参观,不过当然免费了。

    Like many museums in the capital, the British museum is free-but eating and drinking certainly are not.


  • 大英博物馆古老阅览室穹顶之下,游离光线浓墨般的阴影交织在一起;将这里作为木乃伊墓室在合适不过了。

    The setting, under the dome of the old British Museum reading room, is strikingly exploited with ghostly lighting and deep shadows; a mummy's burial chamber is even recreated inside.


  • 然而艺术品追讨案件引人注目的伦敦大英博物馆尔金大理石浮雕。

    However, the most famous outstanding case of art restitution remains the Elgin marbles in the British Museum in London.


  • 也是最近大英博物馆轰动一时展览阿富汗古代世界交叉口所体现的。

    That's the implicit message of the British Museum's latest blockbuster exhibition, Afghanistan: Crossroads of the Ancient World.


  • 而今粮票已经成为历史已经答应这些粮票赠送给大英博物馆

    They never did. For their historical value, I've promised to give them to the British museum.


  • 大英博物馆北美洲展馆部分,众多五彩缤纷的羽毛头饰华丽壮观图腾中间颗不起眼却有趣的小“垃圾”静静地躺在一个小展台上

    In the North American gallery of the British Museum, among the magnificent feather headdresses, and in a case beside the totem poles, is a very interesting bit of rubbish indeed.


  • 已经答应母亲留给粮票捐赠给大英博物馆

    My mother's food coupons will go to the British Museum as I have promised.


  • 大英博物馆的这次展览倾向于弱化墨西卡时期暴虐统治经常发动战争掠夺贡品战俘,战俘被用来祭祀嗜血神灵,他们帮助科尔特斯得到了盟友

    The British Museum tends to play down the more oppressive aspects of Mexica rule: their constant wars in search of tribute and of captives for sacrifice to bloodthirsty gods helped cortes gain Allies.


  • 大英博物馆雕像正在大声言语着,死者仿佛苏醒了过来

    Statues are speaking at the British Museum. The dead are coming to life.


  • 娃娃只是大英博物馆我们了解平时被忽略的数以千计文物中的一个,是人类渴望了解未来明证

    The Huwawa mask is just one of thousands of objects in the British Museum designed to let us know what lies around the corner, evidence of the insatiable human thirst to look beyond the now.


  • 今天大英博物馆拥有中国剪纸王朝超过1000是从现在作品

    Today, the British Museum still possess Chinese paper cutting works of Tang dynasty, which is more than 1000 years from now.


  • 10分钟打电话大英博物馆多少平方米

    Then 10 minutes later another call asking how many square meters is the British Museum.


  • 这样意味着这些永恒收藏变成一个巨大的贷款银行这些作品将会不断地被运到其它博物馆这些博物馆的作品也会借给大英博物馆

    To do so would mean turning the permanent collection into a vast loan bank. The pictures would be constantly travelling to other museums, so that these museums would return the favour and lend theirs.


  • 大英博物馆工作人员不完整棺材前面,棺材的内部有铭文

    A member of British Museum staff stands in front of an incomplete coffin, with painted inscriptions inside


  • 去年西尔弗曼大英博物馆照片绘画管理人尼古拉斯·博士(Dr Nicholas Turner)讨论画像之后认为画像背后更多故事进行了深入研究。

    Silverman believed there was more to the portrait and delved into the matter after a discussion last year with Dr Nicholas Turner, formerly the keeper of prints and drawings at the British Museum.


  • 大英博物馆古老阅览室穹顶之下,游离光线浓墨般的阴影交织在一起;

    The setting, under the dome of the old British Museum reading room, is strikingly exploited with ghostly lighting and deep shadows;


  • 大英博物馆镶刻在文化 皇冠上的一宝石拥有4公里长的展廊 400 万件展品。

    The jewel in this cultural crown is the British Museum, with 4 kilometers of galleries and more than 4 million exhibits.//


  • 的建筑师事务所——世界上著名工程包括大英博物馆展厅”(GreatCourt重建德国国会大厦(Reichstag)——最近加入一个欧洲联合会开辟遥远边境

    His firm, whose most famous projects include the British Museum's Great Court and the rebuilt Reichstag in Germany, is joining a European consortium pitching for the farthest frontier.


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