• 混乱现局之下,只有积极口号积极的态度才能领导群众

    In the present chaotic situation we can lead the masses only by positive slogans and a positive attitude.


  • 轮流回复世界平衡而且脱帽致敬黑暗秘密一个任务上的年轻英雄角色-混乱

    You take the role of a young hero on a mission to restore balance to the world and uncover the secrets of the Dark Light - the root of chaos.


  • 造成问题原因食物过期标签混乱目前政府监管

    One major cause of this problem is the confusion over food expiration labels, which are currently not regulated by the government.


  • 一种主题“我爱你”的电脑病毒美国引起了混乱亚洲欧洲政府商业电脑已经先期遭到严重破坏

    A computer virus titled "ILOVEYOU" has caused havoc in the United States after crippling government and business computers in Asia and Europe.


  • 为什么埃亚·菲亚·德拉火山引起了如此混乱未来意味着什么

    So why has the eruption of Eyjafjallajokull caused such chaos, and what does that mean for the future?


  • 某些来说,凯恩斯英雄,他挽救西方世界走出萧条,对其他人来说,他被视作恶棍,当下混乱归罪于他。

    For some, Keynes is the hero who rescued the West from the Great Depression, for others the villain to blame for the current mess.


  • 假设生前预嘱能迫使银行简化允许投资者管理层迅速内部运作上想办法,下功夫,那么,破产也许不会引起那么混乱

    If living wills forced Banks to simplify, allowing investors and administrators to get to grips with their inner workings quickly, failures might be less chaotic.


  • 创作这部电影的原因在于我相信如果我们这样的国家引起如此混乱,那么我们应该准备面对由此局面而产生的可怕结果

    I did this film because I believe that if we as a country are going to cause such disorder we must also be prepared to face the horrendous images that result from these events.


  • 概是冰河时代导致了这场灭绝。南半球表面形成的个巨冰盖引起全球气候剧变,海平面剧变下降,导致海水化学成份变得混乱

    An ice age has been blamed for the extinctions - a huge ice sheet in the southern hemisphere caused climate change and a fall in sea level, and messed with the chemistry of the oceans.


  • 现在可以想象混乱计划指挥部汇报行踪

    Right now, I can imagine him calling some Project Mayhem headquarters and reporting my whereabouts.


  • 每套服装,扮相,后台整齐模特照片安放在一起制作套时装秀大混乱少有井井有条。

    Each outfit, or look, is neatly organized backstage along with the models' photographs - a modicum of order in the chaos that goes into producing a fashion show.


  • 是因为我们本来,相比那些混乱银行之前银行危机规模,金融整顿直接成本似乎还很节俭。

    Large as they are, the immediate costs of the financial clean-ups seem modest against the scale of the banking mess and costs of previous banking crises.


  • 泰勒一定知道答案。混乱计划第一条规矩就是不要有关大混乱计划的任何问题

    Tyler would know, but the first rule about Project Mayhem is you don't ask questions about Project Mayhem.


  • 就如同搏击俱乐部办公室文员快递小弟所作,“混乱行动”摧毁人类文明这样我们才能拥有更好的明天。

    Like fight club does with clerks and box boys, Project Mayhem will break up civilization so we can, make something better out of the world.


  • 美国银行银行家忙于应对金融危机混乱美林收购交易时,一批美林高层已经逃之夭夭了

    At bank of America, for example, where bankers are grappling with both the financial downturn and a tumultuous takeover of Merrill Lynch, a raft of senior Merrill bankers have jumped ship.


  • 泰勒创立混乱行动”时候大混乱行动”的目标别人无关

    When Tyler invented Project Mayhem, Tyler said the goal of Project Mayhem had nothing to do with other people.


  • 他们认为一个空间(一些其它开放式工作区)的地方混乱

    They suggest that a large number of people in a single mega-cube (or some other open workspace) would be chaotic.


  • 他们指明昏迷的并不是无用混乱的神经黏性物,并非所有损坏一样

    The semiconscious brain is not a useless sack of neural goo, they have shown, and not all damaged brains are the same.


  • 20世纪超级矛盾冲突划清界限不同,在我们斗争中,将会发生区域混乱敌军扩散的情况。

    And unlike the great power conflicts and clear lines of division that defined the 20th century, our effort will involve disorderly regions and diffuse enemies.


  • 总是紧急而且重要事情发生使得我们时间表时间内产生混乱

    There will always be a handful of urgent and important issues that arise, causing our schedules to be chaotic for short periods.


  • 不过陈先生编目工作主要目的不是寻求归还文物而是精确地确定混乱拿走什么

    However Mr Chen said that the primary intention of the cataloguing exercise was not to seek return of the relics, but to establish exactly what had been taken during the chaos.


  • 混乱行动”迫使人类文明休眠好让地球有足够时间恢复

    Project Mayhem will force humanity to go dormant or into remission long enough for the Earth to recover.


  • 闪电崩盘报告从事高频交易的交易公司做了一些澄清由于那天发生大混乱这些公司受到了广泛指责

    The flash-crash report provides some vindication for high-frequency trading firms, which had been widely blamed for the mayhem that day.


  • 大混乱行动例会早就换到地下室召开了。越来越多的人搏击俱乐部毕业,加入纵火小组、突击小组、恶作剧小组、假消息小组之类。

    The meetings for Project Mayhem have moved to bigger basements because each committee-Arson, Assault, Mischief, and Misinformation-gets bigger as more guys graduate out of fight club.


  • 混乱计划各个小队总是在不停的提炼脂肪

    Teams of Project Mayhem guys render fat all day.


  • 实际上试图按照不同特性集合对它们进行分类像在一个非常、非常混乱迷宫中行走一样困难。

    In fact, trying to sort through the various feature sets is like navigating a very large, very confusing, maze.


  • 然而沙尔米拉却和曼尼普尔恶劣处境一样,成为印度的尴尬。 曼尼普尔印度东北部七个问题(区)中状况混乱的

    Yet Ms Sharmila’s case, like the wretched condition of Manipur, the most violent of seven troubled north-eastern states, is a national embarrassment.


  • 然而沙尔米拉却和曼尼普尔恶劣处境一样,成为印度的尴尬。 曼尼普尔印度东北部七个问题(区)中状况混乱的

    Yet Ms Sharmila’s case, like the wretched condition of Manipur, the most violent of seven troubled north-eastern states, is a national embarrassment.


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