• 国产泡桐落叶乔木具有心形对生叶片淡紫色白色锥状花冠,内部具有花斑。

    Any of several Chinese deciduous trees of the genus Paulownia, having large, heart-shaped, opposite leaves and pyramidal panicles of purplish or white flowers with a spotted interior.


  • 泡桐一种中国泡桐属落叶乔木,具有心形的对生叶片紫色白色状花冠,内部具有花斑。

    Any of several Chinese deciduous trees of the genus paulownia having large heart-shaped opposite leaves and pyramidal panicles of purplish or white flowers with a spotted interior.


  • 泡桐一种中国泡桐属落叶乔木具有心形对生叶片紫色白色状花冠,内部具有花斑。

    Any of several Chinese deciduous trees of the genus Paulownia, having large, heart - shaped, opposite leaves and pyramidal panicles of purplish or white flowers with a spotted interior.


  • 年龄的人的看法改变了,因为他们的有生之年减少

    Your perspective on life changes because you have fewer years to live.


  • 一份研究发现志愿者性质工作可以提升构成幸福要素快乐满意度自尊活的掌控度、身体健康抗抑郁能力

    One study found that volunteer work enhanced all six aspects of well-being: happiness, life satisfaction, self-esteem, sense of control over life, physical health, and depression.


  • 没有担忧这意味着一些司空见惯事情产生了兴趣

    The lack of larger concerns meant I took an extreme interest in the quotidian aspects of life.


  • 其它灭绝对生物进化产生了的影响,动物因此逐渐处于优势地位,但是,奥陶纪末期灭绝发生前后,处于支配地位动物物种没有发生变化

    Although the four other Big Five extinction events led to huge changes in which animals rose to prominence, the same animals that dominated before the end-Ordovician dominated afterward.


  • 马利》这本书里,这种了解描写的淋漓尽致。 这是封有趣的匿名表白信,献给所有四条腿的“块头——他们似乎怀有世上罕见的热情”。

    He makes that abundantly clear in "Marley and Me, " a very funny valentine to all those four-legged "big, dopey, playful galumphs that seemed to love life with a passion not often seen in this world."


  • Flom活科学网说,“6个月婴儿一个方向时会盯着那个方向看很久。

    "The six-month-olds would look in that direction and kept looking in that direction, " Flom told LiveScience.


  • 绣球植物多种绣球属植物一种,对生白色粉色蓝色花簇顶部

    Any of various shrubs of the genus Hydrangea , having opposite leaves and large, flat - topped or rounded clusters of white, pink, or blue flowers.


  • 自己舒适迈出的一彻底改变了看法拓展了我的视野,做了以前觉得不可能事情

    Stepping so far out of my comfort zone has changed my entire outlook on life and helped me expand my horizons and do things that previously seemed impossible.


  • 这些电影通过融合年轻人联系在一起主题——甜蜜的爱情永恒的友谊,突出了多重反思

    These films forgo the themes typically associated with young people - treacly romance, everlasting friendship-in favor of more complex meditations on life.


  • 双眼墨水形成烟雾,一只洪堡鱿鱼(学名:鱿)迅速潜水员身边逃离

    With an angry eye and a cloud of ink, a jumbo squid (Dosidicus gigas) flees from a diver.


  • 如果路旁边发现小虫子放回草丛中,周围所有生命知中,试图成为一个正面变化原动力无论是小的或者层面

    If there is a worm caught on the sidewalk, move it to the grass. Life your live in conscious awareness of all life around you, and seek to be an agent of positive change, on small and large levels.


  • 垃圾滤液污染物浓度毒性成分复杂对生环境人体健康危害十分严重是一种典型的高污染、难处理高浓度有机废水

    The concentration of the pollution in garbage leachates is high, the virulence is great and the component is complex , which harms the biological environment and people' s health very seriously.


  • 这些发现与表明持续压力即使微小治疗影响增加的证据一致

    These findings are consistent with growing evidence that constant stress, even minimal, can have a major impact on the quality of life.


  • 利用离子束介导技术物体进行遗传改良研究领域内仍然存在着7研究难题值得注意

    The 7 research puzzles in the genetic improvement of biological bodies made by ion beam mediated technique, are worth noticed.


  • 由于对生实践态度不同,西方哲学史上出现理论哲学实践哲学传统

    In the history of west philosophy, there are two traditions named theoretical philosophy and praxis philosophy.


  • 她们的看法从未如此改变,”,“9- 15期间,PBRT组的妇女的压力感要弱于WBRT组。”

    "They perceive their life is not so drastically changed," he said. "At 9 and 15 weeks, the PBRT women perceived less stress than the WBRT women."


  • 堆积型铝土矿开采工作面雨季采场土壤性质产影响严重

    As the mining face of a certain accumulational bauxite deposit is large, the property of the stope soil has great influences on the mining activity during rains.


  • 传统人工投料粉尘污染,不但产操作人员的身体健康危害,而且还会影响产品质量、造成环境污染

    Traditional manpower powder-feeding produced dust and pollution, which did harm to health, affected product quality, and polluted environment.


  • 现代社会里金钱力量有目共睹但是这种力量肯定没有足以修改我们基本理解

    In modern society, the power of money be obvious to people, but this power must not large enough to modify our basic understanding of life.


  • 恶臭污染物不仅环境造成影响,而且严重危害人体健康,恶臭污染已列为七环境公害之一。

    Odorous compounds are of environmental concern because of their adverse effects on ecological environment and human health. They can cause health symptoms even in very small amounts.


  • 多硝基酚类污染物由于毒性具有生物积累性生化降解环境人体健康构成严重威胁

    Nitrophenols wastewater with the feature of strong toxicity, bioaccumulation and difficulty biochemical degradation, threat the ecological environment and human health seriously.


  • 由于很多淡水水体体积很小,所以生物成分淡水系统影响通常海水土壤中对生态系统影响

    The influence of the biological component on ecosystem is often greater in fresh waters than in marine or terrestrial systems, because of the small size of many freshwater bodies.


  • 关于名泰国山地部族(凯伦)小孩冒险一个城市,在世界一侧一个外国人孩子拥有不同的文化不同的态度故事

    It is a story about two Thai Hill Tribes (Karen) kids adventure in a big city in an opposite side of the world with a foreigner kid who has a different culture and a different attitude about living.


  • 诗歌欣赏具有美学价值赋予生活激情;引发对生反思启发心灵,激发创造性想象力

    Appreciation of poetry is of 3 aesthetics values: pouring passion into life; making the readers reflective and meditate on the true meaning of life; inspiring readers' creation and imagination.


  • 诗歌欣赏具有美学价值赋予生活激情;引发对生反思启发心灵,激发创造性想象力

    Appreciation of poetry is of 3 aesthetics values: pouring passion into life; making the readers reflective and meditate on the true meaning of life; inspiring readers' creation and imagination.


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