• 品脱大啤酒特易购仅79便士,是那种网上四个连绑的啤酒

    A pint of lager costs 79 pence at Tesco Plc, based on a four-pack of own-brand beer on its website.


  • 日本啤酒饮料制造商麒麟三得利7月14日宣布他们正在商讨双方的合并计划。

    Kirin and Suntory, two of Japan's biggest beer and beverage companies, announced on July 14th that they were talking about a merger.


  • 购买啤酒带来规模效应,可以抵消啤酒销售网络高昂固定成本

    Buying large brewers brings the volume needed to offset the high fixed cost both of breweries and distribution networks.


  • 巴西啤酒市场20亿美元,它中国美国之后世界第三大啤酒市场。

    Brazil's beer market is worth 20 billion U.S. dollars and is the world's third-largest after China and the United States.


  • 第二晚上他们换上只巨型单柄酒杯来到酒馆,隆重首次使用他们特制啤酒

    The following day in the evening, they two people change on a few giant Chan Bing rummer comes to cafes, use their tailor-made tankard ceremoniously first.


  • 摘要本文家盘点10啤酒价格最便宜国家展示品脱酒的价格到底可以低。

    ABSTRACT: This article will give a conclusion for top 10 countries producing cheapest beers and show how cheap one pint can be.


  • 受制于国内反种族隔离法律的束缚,南非啤酒1990年时只局限于满足于国内消费者,而今天成为世界啤酒厂之一。

    South African Breweries in 1990 was a local brewer confined to its home country by anti-apartheid laws. Today it is one of the world’s three largest beer companies.


  • 早餐麦片制造商通用磨坊凯洛格卡夫食品公司(吉百利所有者),啤酒生产商英博安海斯-布希它们最低需求品进行了保值措施。

    Breakfast cereal makers General Mills and Kellogg, food maker Kraft (owner of Cadbury), and giant beer makers InBev and Anheuser-Busch have all hedged at least part of their requirements.


  • 这种细菌可以谷物上滋生,干谷物用于制造努比亚人日常饮食主食啤酒面包

    This bacterium can flourish on the dried grain used for making two staples of the Nubian diet, beer and bread.


  • 于是,每天孩子们出去玩时电视机坐,靠着一啤酒打发时光。

    Then he'd spend each day with a large crate of beer in front of the television while I took the children out.


  • 打开了,里面是仓库一样会看到不甚协调景象:一个肥硕非洲女人穿着印有花朵的袍子,看管着成千上万啤酒

    The door opens into a storeroom, where you're greeted by the equally incongruous sights of a voluptuous African woman dressed in a large flower-print robe guarding thousands of cans of beer.


  • 保护主义伞撑到了战略资产以外——除非认为啤酒也是国家资源

    But protectionism extends beyond strategic assets-unless you count beer as a national resource.


  • 当然,可以直接啤酒放在冰箱但是冰冻啤酒炎热夏季尤其受欢迎。

    You may also place a beer mug in the refrigerator but an icy brew goes particularly down well in the hot summer sun.


  • 中途停下来脚手架上啤酒

    He had stopped to lean on a scaffold to drink beer from a "tall boy" can wrapped in a brown bag.


  • 看上去这里有许多口渴小狗要喝狗啤酒。这种啤酒发明人布伦丹,没想到全世界这种啤酒如此需求

    It seems there are a lot of thirsty pooches out there. Creator Terrie Berenden said she has been overwhelmed by the international demand for her 'doggy beer'.


  • 直到最近啤酒酿造商试图推进新兴市场富裕地区重振逐渐衰落的市场。

    Until recently big brewers tried to make up for flagging sales in the rich world by pushing into emerging markets.


  • 里面多个电视屏幕上播着场足球比赛麦芽酒冰镇啤酒陆续拿上来,一朋友趴在桌子着天。

    Inside, a football match is showing on various screens, pints of ale and chilled lager are being pulled, and huddles of friends are bent over tables laughing and in conversation.


  • 人们出于礼貌而无法拒绝白兰地很快他们醉倒了,因为他们并不习惯啤酒的酒。

    The brandy, which they had been too polite to refuse, had made them drunk in a very short time, as they were not used to drinking anything stronger than beer.


  • 起初,照片里除了还有其他很多男人,他们群人酒吧里围着一张桌子,每个人手里一品脱啤酒,冲着相机镜头高高举起。

    At first he appeared with other men, the whole group at a table in a bar, offering pints of beer to the camera.


  • 邻近餐厅亚特兰酒吧提供葡萄酒鸡尾酒比利时啤酒选择提供舒适座位赶上体育游戏

    Adjacent to the restaurant, the Atlanta Bar serves a vast selection of wine, cocktails, and Belgian beers, and offers comfortable seating for catching a sports game.


  • 咧嘴笑着喝了一啤酒列出了另外两个共同点,但我很快忘了

    I grinned and gulped my beer as he listed two more commonalities I then promptly forgot.


  • 太感谢你了应该买点啤酒佳肴美酒,岂非人生憾事

    Thanks. I think I should go and get some beers. It'll be a pity if we have delicious meal without beers.


  • 保把电视机音量时,雷恩眼前啤酒抬起了头。

    Raine looked up from his beer as the bartender raised the volume of the TV.


  • 破坏规矩强行啤酒一口气喝的话这个要付钱。

    Anyone who broke the rule would be forced to drink a huge jug of beer, and if he was unable to finish it in one go would have to pay the bill.


  • 水龙头酒吧经典食品40高清电视一个精心策划清单超过50啤酒其中包括许多密歇根工艺酿造自来水米高梅底特律首屈一指体育酒吧

    Tap: With pub food classics, 40 HD TVs, and a carefully curated list of more than 50 beers, including many Michigan craft brews, Tap is MGM Grand Detroit's premiere sports bar.


  • 南希呷了啤酒觉得味道还不错然后决定开门见山

    Nancy took a swig of her beer, which tasted good, then decided to come to the point.


  • 啤酒袋装皮箱里,穿上显男人风度与地位的笔挺西装,向一间间酒吧走去

    I filled my leather briefcase with beer and cold packs, put on my best power suit and hit the bars.


  • 事实上很棒机会,接触路虎皇家邮政一些英国啤酒品牌

    In fact, I was given some great opportunities, like Land Rover, the Royal Mail and some of the big British beer brands.


  • 事实上很棒机会,接触路虎皇家邮政一些英国啤酒品牌

    In fact, I was given some great opportunities, like Land Rover, the Royal Mail and some of the big British beer brands.


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