• 一定前门一个家里人人都得着窥视孔。

    Make sure your front door has a peephole at a level that everyone in the family can see through.


  • 手术开始阶段使用咬出棘得着的骨片。

    The initial posterior bone work is done using rongeur to remove the process spinous and any accessible bone fragments.


  • 世界很多地方第六当地消防车得着最高高度

    And in many parts of the world, the sixth floor is as high as the local fire-engines can reach.


  • 放在孩子容易得着地方,这样他们就可以自主享受读书的乐趣。

    Place books within easy reach of your child, so they can enjoy looking at them on their own.


  • 现代鳄鱼捕食猎物无所不包,它们会吞下所有它们能得着食对象。

    Modern crocs, which hunt a wide range of prey, eat whatever's available in their areas.


  • 总是希望想要他,一个白天坐轮椅活动时可以东西。

    He keeps begging for a big dog to be his companion, one he can reach out and touch as he sits in his wheelchair in the sun.


  • 自己目标得着的是现实的,远大必须全力以赴才能达到。

    Make your goals reachable and realistic, yet big enough that you have to stretch to reach them.


  • 来说那些得着的东西拉出来轻而易举的事,花费大量时间东西放回原处

    It was so easy for her to pull out everything that was accessible, and I spent a lot of time putting stuff back.


  • 翻滚自己起来得着的范围伸手抓到玩具,这些在宝宝发育阶段是一个里程碑。

    Turing over, sitting up by himself, and being able to grasp a toy within reach are all milestones in baby development.


  • 假如行进拿到水瓶不要阻止你自己放弃那个好可是口袋不能伸手得着的背包

    If you want to grab your water bottle on the go, dont frustrate yourself by falling for that nifty new pack with pockets that are just out of reach.


  • 后方防卫动作没有的,因此时是骑兵马刀得着的距离最短的的位置对手达到最长的距离。

    There is no guard taught to the left rear, for if a trooper is attacked from that direction his arm is in the position giving the least reach, while his opponent has the longest reach possible.


  • 第一闹钟比较柔和着的范围设置真正起床5分钟之前温柔的铃音慢慢将你唤醒

    The first one is gentle, within reach and set for five minutes before you really need it. This soothing sound will slowly wake you up.


  • 通常来说,对于类似上面的垂直滚动组件布局动作控制组件放在手得着的左边或者右边其他的放在相反位置。

    In general, for layouts with horizontally scrolling components, place action controls on left or right hand side and vice versa for vertically scrolling components.


  • 使接触所有得着或者感觉到的东西,如阳光呀,丝绸摆动时沙沙声呀,昆虫叫声呀,开门吱嗄声呀亲人说话声呀。

    She brought me into touch with everything that could be reachedor feltsunlight, the rustling of silk, the noises of insects, the creaking of a door, the voice of a loved one.


  • 心理学中,著名的苹果理论:一个渴望成功应该永远努力采摘那些需要奋力跳起来着的“苹果”——目标

    In psychology, there is a well-known apple picking theory - a person who is eager for success should always try to pick the "apple" - the goal - which needs a hard jump to reach.


  • 使接触所有得着或者感觉东西,如阳光呀,丝绸摆动时沙沙声呀,昆虫叫声呀,开门呀,亲人的说话声呀。

    She brought me into touch with everything that could be reached or feltsunlight, the rustling of silk, the noises of insects, the creaking of a door, the voice of a loved one.


  • 让猴子接受钉耙使用训练过程会改变神经元的反射方式,即神经元变成能钉耙得着的范围事物有反射,不是对手臂得着的范围内的事物有反射。

    Training the monkeys to use the rakes caused these neurons to change—reacting to objects lying within rake’s reach rather than arm’s reach.


  • 但是特有20岁成年人那样发达肌肉寄养母亲伊丽莎白·科自豪地说:“鳄鱼般的牙齿,凡是着的东西她都牙咬,包括自己的手指头。”

    But Shante has the brawn of a 20-year-old, boasts her foster mother, Elizabeth Coe, "and she has teeth like an alligator, which she'll use on anything that gets within reach, including fingers."


  • 这个12岁的小孩能踏板令人难以置信,更不用说汽车

    It is incredible that the 12-year-old managed to even reach the pedals, let alone drive the car.


  • 然而这些砸器运用起来真是出人意料的心应手,剔起来两三便不在话下,然后再用力骨头了,我们骨髓

    But these chopping tools are marvellous and quick at getting the meat off the bone and then, with one sharp blow, I could break the bone and we'd be able to get to the marrow.


  • 每个手里都拿一把能锅里肉的勺子勺子的他们胳膊太多他们无法这把勺子把肉送自己嘴里

    Each held a spoon that reached the pot, but each spoon had a handle so much longer than their own arms that it could not be used to get the stew into their own mouths.


  • 那些只有我们轻易这些树熊

    But the trees were only three or four metres high, so the koalas were well within reach of our long-handled nets.


  • 破旧红色得着并排

    The shabby red piano seat is long enough for two people to sit side by side.


  • 可以所有季节收获果实每个人都可以得着

    Love is a fruit that can be harvested at all seasons, and that is within reach of everybody.


  • 头马一根英尺长的绳子拴着,想吃英尺开外干草,它得着吗痫。

    A A horse was tied to a rope five feet long, and wantedto eat the hay nine feet away. Could he manage that.


  • 刚好在球门口前方划过无人可以射门

    The ball passed right across the front of the goalmouth but no one could get a touch on it to score.


  • 老师回忆说,公寓场景地板都有些“太高了,站在上面用作外景照明的Condor灯了。”

    Sigel recalls that the floor used for the apartments was "way up, beyond where you can reach with Condors for exterior lighting."


  • 詹姆斯自家门前的车道上放了两个墩子,将前轮开到上面,这样就能得着过滤器了。

    To get at it, James had driven the car's front wheels onto two ramps3 he positioned in the driveway.


  • 詹姆斯自家门前的车道上放了两个墩子,将前轮开到上面,这样就能得着过滤器了。

    To get at it, James had driven the car's front wheels onto two ramps3 he positioned in the driveway.


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