• 这本指南告诫夜间不要单独行走

    The guidebook warns against walking alone at night.


  • 夜间温度可能降到15摄氏度以下。

    Night temperatures can drop below 15 degrees Celsius.


  • 夜间做清洁工补充微薄的收入

    She supplements her meagre income by cleaning at night.


  • 斯蒂芬夜间察看了

    Stephen checked on her several times during the night.


  • 暖气夜间停止供热。

    The heating goes off at night.


  • 开始夜间盗汗。

    He started having night sweats.


  • 可选择地中海夜间垂钓或是瑞士玩帆板

    You have the choice of night fishing in the Mediterranean, or windsurfing on a lake in Switzerland.


  • 步行海滩夜间工作的渔民浅水中拖网捕鱼

    She would walk on to the beach and watch the night fishermen trawl the shallow waters.


  • 警官埋伏起来等待捉拿那些夜间悄悄追踪作案对象的黑帮成员。

    Police officers lie in wait for the gangs who stalk their prey at night.


  • 满月出现的时候,这种夜间出没啮齿类动物小心洞里

    When there is a full moon, this nocturnal rodent is careful to stay in its burrow.


  • 抗利尿处方可以减少夜间排尿

    Antidiuretic prescriptions can reduce nighttime urination.


  • 观看飞狐猴夜间行为吗?

    Want observations describing the nocturnal behavior of the flying lemur?


  • 人们通常认为梵高夜间题材艺术家

    People don't usually think of Van Gogh as an artist of nocturnal themes.


  • 日晷对应物用来测量夜间时间

    The sundial's counterpart, the water clock, was designed to measure temporal hours at night.


  • 夜间牛奶加快睡眠开始使老鼠更久

    Night milk quickened the start of sleep and caused the mice to sleep longer.


  • 研究人员建议睡眠问题饮用夜间收集牛奶

    People with sleeping problems have been advised to drink milk collected during the night by researchers.


  • 对于那些夜间难以入睡的人,建议服用褪黑激素药物

    Taking melatonin drugs has been suggested to those who are struggling to fall asleep at night.


  • 夜间气温下降时,沙漠地面上雨水可能变成薄冰

    It's possible that rain on the desert floor could turn to thin sheets of ice when temperatures drop at night.


  • 更大体重意味着代谢成本增加导致夜间体重损失增加。

    The increased metabolic cost of possessing higher body mass contributes to the increased overnight mass loss.


  • 它们夜间捕食不能利用光线帮忙找到猎物躲避障碍物

    They hunt at night, and cannot use light to help them find prey and avoid obstacles.


  • 水体往往白天吸收热量然后夜间这些热量释放出来。

    Bodies of water tend to absorb the heat during the day, and then they release the heat at night.


  • 蝙蝠避开其他捕食者找到猎物——通常是夜间飞行昆虫

    The bats are able to avoid other predators, and locate preytypically insects that fly around at night.


  • 这种夜间交易”也许可以一直追溯到所有哺乳动物祖先身上。

    It is probable that the nocturnal trades a way back in the ancestry of all mammals.


  • 周四凌晨,发现号航天飞机肯尼迪航天中心进行罕见夜间着陆

    The space shuttle Discovery made a rare night landing at the Kennedy Space Centre early on Thursday,.


  • 诚然夜间充电完全取代每周去加油站之前电池还有长的

    To be sure, the battery still has a long way to go before the nightly recharge completely replaces the weekly trip to the gas station.


  • 如果夜间温度已经非常接近冰点那么仅仅下降几度就可以使温度降到冰点以下。

    If temperatures overnight are already very close to the freezing point, then this drop of just a few degrees can take the temperature below freezing.


  • 蝙蝠吸血鬼像。它们夜间活动有些品种吸血而且它们有着灵敏听觉嗅觉

    Bats are much like vampires. They are nocturnal, some species drink blood, and they have an acute sense of hearing and smell.


  • 这些类型手表睡眠研究用来测量人们睡眠时长、睡眠效率以及他们是否夜间醒来

    These kinds of watches are used in sleep studies as a way of measuring how long people are sleeping, how efficient the sleep is, and whether they are waking up in the night.


  • 大约15左右时候,由于学校工作其他活动压力这些男性自愿开始减少夜间睡眠时间

    At about age 15 or so, the men voluntarily began cutting down their nightly sleep time because of pressures from school, work, and other activities.


  • 大约15左右时候,由于学校工作其他活动压力这些男性自愿开始减少夜间睡眠时间

    But at about age 15 or so, the men voluntarily began cutting down their nightly sleep time because of pressures from school, work, and other activities.


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