• 知道看来很明显但是实际上多长时间一次告诉别人想要一些不受人打扰时间呢?

    I know this seems obvious, but how often do you actually tell people that you want some uninterrupted time?


  • 视节目《超强大脑》多长时间一次

    How often does the TV program Super Brain show?


  • 应该多长时间检查(心脏病其他并发症)

    How often should I be screened for heart disease or other complications of an arrhythmia?


  • 下一个知道问题就是哪些内容推送,哪些不会推送,推送的内容多长时间更新一次

    Next I wanted to know what pushed and what didn't and for the stuff that didn't how often information was updated.


  • 上司讨论工作什么、不要做什么包括一些基本事项上司希望何时到岗,以及希望你多长时间向他汇报一次工作进展

    Discuss the "do's and don 'ts" of your job, which could include basic things like what time you are expected at work, and how often you have to update your manager on your progress.


  • 上司讨论工作什么、不要做什么包括一些基本事项,上司希望何时到岗,以及希望你多长时间向他汇报一次工作进展

    Discuss the 'do's and don 'ts' of your job, which could include basic things like what time you are expected at work, and how often you have to update your manager on your progress.


  • 方法同步调用可能要比对一个空方法的非同步调用20我们多长时间才调用一次方法呢?

    A synchronized call to an empty method may be 20 times slower than an unsynchronized call to an empty method, but how often do we call empty methods?


  • 实验者知道他们完成任务之后,一段9.75走廊要花费多长时间

    This time the experimenters wanted to see how fast participants would walk down a 9.75m corridor after they had completed the task.


  • 通过度量执行这个方法花费时间可以知道网格往返调用花费多长时间

    By measuring the amount of time taken executing this method, you will know how long a round-trip call into the grid is taking.


  • 参与者被询问多长时间一次锻炼提供了体重身高数据,用来计算出他们的体质指数BMI)。

    People were also asked how often they exercised, and provided weight and height so that body mass index, or BMI, could be calculated.


  • 没有预定义的进度表需要找到适合项目节奏”,基于你的构建要花费多长时间开发人员多久提交一次等等

    There is no pre-defined schedule; you need to find the "project rhythm" that suits you best, based on how long the build takes, how often developers can deliver, and so on.


  • 的挫败似乎打击了他们的信心,再次问及需要多长时间熟练掌握技能时,他们悲观的答案却又实际所需时间要长。

    Then, after trying, they were asked how quickly they’d become good at it. But this time they were pessimistic and thought it’d take them longer to learn than it actually did.


  • 多长时间查看邮件取决于工作情况但是一般情况下尽可能小时查看一次或者每天查看两次。

    How often you check it will obviously depend on your job, but try perhaps once every hour or twice per day.


  • 维护线程查看每个连接检查连接在池中存放时间以及连接创建最后一次使用以来已经多长时间

    The maintenance thread looks at each connection in the pool, checks how long it has been in the pool, and how much time has elapsed since it was created and last used.


  • 可以只消遣几分钟或者随便多长时间都行。

    You can play them for minutes at a time and invest as little or as much time as you want.


  • sudo特性使用时间票据判断自从最后一次运行sudo命令以来已经过了多长时间

    Sudo has a feature that USES time tickets to determine how long since the last sudo command was run.


  • 首先RefreshInterval参数将告知Web服务器多长时间需要重新载入一次插件

    First, the RefreshInterval parameter tells the Web server how often the plug-in needs to be reloaded.


  • 10月14号召开的一次政策会议会,日本银行退出策略沉默不语,估计也不能沉默多长时间了。

    The bank kept mum about exit strategies after a policy meeting on October 14th, but it cannot do so for much longer.


  • 中,我们创建了statistics用于向用户展示多长时间添加修改删除一次书签

    In this example we created a Statistics class to show the user how often he or she added, modified, or deleted a bookmark.


  • WebSphereApplicationServer使用典型超时就是默认事务处理超时,定义了自动之前一次事务处理最长运行多长时间

    A typical timeout used with WebSphere Application Server is the default transaction timeout, which defines how long a transaction can run before it is automatically rolled back.


  • 不知多长时间睁开双眼只是目光里没有任何反应只有空空凝视

    Some unknown interval of time passes before her eyes open again, only this time there is no response in them, just a blank stare.


  • 许多情况下大夫知道病人多长时间来看一次门诊更好。

    And in many situations, doctors don't even know how often a patient needs to be seen.


  • 我们长时间谈话记录并没有记录下来,我们希望再对杰克进行一次音频采访

    None of the many long conversations we had were recorded, and we hope to capture an audio interview with Jake soon.


  • 受访者通过调查问卷回答了有关多长时间进行一次日光浴使用日光浴情况以及是否其他地区游泳日光浴等问题

    Subjects reported on questionnaires how often they sunbathed, their use of tanning beds, and if they traveled to other regions to swim and sunbathe.


  • 第一需要知道如何设定采样计算机每隔多长时间进行一次测量

    First, you need to figure out how to set the sampling rate, or how often your computer takes a measurement.


  • 最后写给什么时候回忆起来多长时间

    When was the last time he wrote you? I can't recall how long it's been.


  • 多长时间或者什么情况下原料供应商进行一次审计?是现场审计还是通过文件审计?

    How often or under what conditions will you audit the suppliers of starting materials? Do you audit by visiting or by documents?


  • 多长时间或者什么情况下原料供应商进行一次审计?是现场审计还是通过文件审计?

    How often or under what conditions will you audit the suppliers of starting materials? Do you audit by visiting or by documents?


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定