• 纵使签名不会注意

    Even if the signature change again, you also don't pay more attention to me again.


  • 同时应该注意球队另外球队情况,关注整个比赛,这个需要合作策略

    At the same time I need to keep an eye on the whole game knowing how is the situation of our team and how is the other team. It involved more cooperation and strategy.


  • 丈夫心里:“要是妻子事情弄成这样自己注意了。”

    The husband thought to himself, "If my wife manages matters thus, I must look sharp myself."


  • 不过明天起床的。”奶奶自信地因为已经注意海蒂害怕了

    "I'll get up to-morrow, though," the grandmother said confidently, for she had noticed how frightened Heidi was.


  • 因此加尔各答的街市上有时会自己当作异乡人只有在这种情况下,才发现那么的东西值得一由于没有倾注注意会把它们遗漏了。

    So in the streets of Calcutta I sometimes imagine myself a foreigner, and only then do I discover how much is to be seen, which is lost so long as its full value in attention is not paid.


  • 日本见到的那些患有注意缺陷动障碍症抑郁症,在医生之前试着家里休息

    Many people with ADHD and depression I saw in Japan would try staying at home and resting for a few weeks before seeing a doctor.


  • 虽然只要是挺正常声音好像不会去有意识注意,但是看来一个声音造成的影响想象的

    While I don't consciously register voices that fall within a normal-sounding range, it seems as if a person's voice may be making more of an influence than I think.


  • 亲戚了帕金森氏症,所以注意生活积极方面事情一项长期艰难的工作。

    I have a close family member with Parkinson's disease. It's a constant struggle to get him to focus on all of the positive things in his life.


  • 注意这个世界上漂亮女人喜欢宇航员,于是希望决定离开

    I'd noticed there were a lot of good-looking women in the world and a lot of them liked astronauts. I hoped Dottie would decide to leave me.


  • 但是注意到,相信值得那么尊重时,其实更加生气

    But what I noticed was - I was actually more annoyed than I would be when I believed I didn't deserve much respect.


  • 职责要求注意要让尽可能写出尽可能软件来访问Live服务。

    The only thing I am paid to care about is that we get as many people as possible writing as much software as possible that interacts with Live services.


  • 注意第一件事相当所在地似乎编造的,不真实的。

    The first thing I noticed is how a lot of people seem to have fake locations listed as their own.


  • 那天下午,在放学回家路上注意事物,以前整个学期发现的事物还要

    That afternoon, noticed more things on my way home from school than I had that whole semester.


  • 彻底投入中了,没有注意涨潮上来

    I totally lost myself into digging clam, I didn't pay much attention to the water.


  • 注意身体、太尤其是饿会让容易生气地

    Pay attention to my body. Being too cold, too hot, and especially being too hungry, makes me far more irritable.


  • 基于这些理由,认为媒体应该注意公众人物私生活以外事情

    I believe that the media should pay more attention to matters other than the private lives of public figures.


  • 新闻业一个不那么为人注意领域愉快地驻守本周最终谢幕,要往前走了。

    This week, after more than eight years of lively habitation in one of journalism's more obscure corners, I'm making a final egress, passing on.


  • 阿美是啊喜欢教学方式告诉不要为了考试而填鸭式地学习,注意交流而不是死记硬背

    May: Yeah, I like her way of teaching. She told us not to cram for exams, and to pay more attention to communicating than memorizing.


  • 收获最大的一个环节,原来一个小小的简历里面包含了这么注意点,而且对相应内容的详略、布局要求竟是如此严格。

    Surprisingly there were so many things that we should pay attention to in the small resume and its composition was so strict.


  • 虽然可以过错推给安珀不过既然骑车的应该注意油表

    I could say it was Amber's fault but I was driving, so I guess I should have kept a closer eye on the gauge.


  • 当然喽,注意到的没有然而倘若有人告诉,他出于某种动机,往饮料里投放烟草什么麻醉剂一点儿也不感到惊奇

    Of course you didn't notice as much as I did. But it wouldn't occasion me the least surprise to learn that a pinch of tobacco or some narcotic was put in your drink for some ulterior object.


  • 接受你们建议注意母亲关系。之后,也会照顾的孩子。

    I will take your advises to look into the relationship with my mother and take my baby for more outdoor activity in the future.


  • 注意到,比起上周那个测试版恐惧现在打断几率更高

    Im noticing that fear is breaking a lot quicker and with a higher percentage than it did with last weeks version of beta.


  • 注意休息知道看不到真的希望这么

    Attention rest more, I know that you can't see me, but I really don't want you to me so tired.


  • 注意休息知道看不到真的希望这么

    Attention rest more, I know that you can't see me, but I really don't want you to me so tired.


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