• 会中的群体来完成,足够人数出现

    This can be accomplished through a small group at Masters Conclave, and enough will show for this.


  • 他们打破10分钟内在场所同时跳绳人数纪录

    The record they hope to claim is the greatest number of people simultaneously jumping rope at multiple venues in a 10-minute span.


  • 10%学龄儿童有着持续明显数学学习困难其中成绩不及格

    About 10% of school-age children have persistent and significant difficulties with math, while many more fail to reach basic levels of mathematics achievement.


  • 例如身边建筑物为例,构建大楼一个多人数甚至数年)的项目

    For example, consider the building around you. Constructing the building was a multiperson, multimonth (or multiyear) project.


  • 然而不够人数辛苦,仍然未能取得杰出成就,甚至没有取得重大进步

    Yet that isn't enough, since many people work hard for decades without approaching greatness or even getting significantly better.


  • 张专辑黄金和一首单曲金钱无关直奔人数1电台图表个月出售白金卡

    The album went gold and his first single Money for nothing went straight up to number 1 on the radio chart for several months and sold platinum.


  • 无论是开始培训录用首名员工,还是管理载了,都处在一个领导者位置上。

    Whether you've just started training your first hire or you've been managing scores of people for decades, you're in the position of being a leader.


  • 所有船舶餐厅配备固定式移动式餐桌适当座位足以人数船员在任一时间使用

    In all ships, mess rooms should be equipped with tables and appropriate seats, fixed or movable, sufficient to accommodate the greatest number of seafarers likely to use them at any one time.


  • 单单如此人数认为其他国家转向美国方式——从而引领世界汇入具有巨大威力新的全球化中。

    Moreover, most thought other countries would swing America's wayushering in the powerful convergence of a new globalization.


  • 越来越开始看电视上网乐子,这使得电影院人数急剧下降

    More and more people are turning to TV or the Internet for entertainment, leading to a sharp fall in going to the cinema.


  • 现在囚犯人数85,000人,如果1992年预计这么人入狱,可能有些“荒诞不经”,当时他是内政部长。

    He says that the current prison population of 85, 000 would have seemed "impossible and ridiculous" if that number had been predicted in 1992, when he was in the job.


  • 现在囚犯人数为85,000人,如果1992年预计这么人入狱,可能有些“荒诞不经”,当时他是内政部长。

    He says that the current prison population of 85,000 would have seemed "impossible and ridiculous" if that number had been predicted in 1992, when he was in the job.


  • 同时,08年从陆军退役人数下降了8.3%,人宁肯继续留在军中,不愿面对找不到工作尴尬

    The number who quit the military in 2008 also dropped by 8.3% year on year as fear of competing in a shrinking civilian jobs market persuaded more to stay on.


  • 带来的结果是:自行车并且骑自行车死亡人数减少了。

    The result: more bikes and fewer deaths.


  • 营养不良人数以及腹泻死亡人数增加风暴水灾造成死伤霍乱疫情的暴发频率将越来越

    Malnutrition will increase, as will the number of deaths from diarrhoeal disease. More storms and floods will cause more deaths and injuries, and cholera outbreaks will occur with greater frequency.


  • 飓风退去几个仍然失业。虽然失业人数下降,但影响深远的。

    Many people were unemployed for months after Katrina and, although the number out of work has fallen, the effects endure.


  • 很弱势我们聘用人数不能超过500人,因此将一些拒之门外难事

    Many of them were vulnerable, but we could not exceed the 500, and so it was a hard thing for us to leave people out.


  • 由于被掩埋废墟中随着救援工作进展,伤亡人数可能还会增加

    As many people are still buried under the rubble, the casualties may increase as rescue operations get intensified.


  • 越来越裁员人数随之而来害怕焦虑无庸置疑,都会担心他们工作

    With all the fear and anxiety that comes with increasing Numbers of layoffs, it's no wonder that many people worry about their jobs.


  • 如果不是交通问题使得一些人放弃前往,人数徒步英里来到现场

    That number would have been considerably higher if traffic problems hadn’t turned some away; many people walked for miles to the site.


  • 赖因费尔特:“要求做到平衡用来平衡的人数很少。”

    Reinfeldt said: "there are lots of requests for balance but there are very few people to balance with."


  • 由于习惯于标示核准范围外用药(人数临床试验中的),监管部门需要密切关注这些人,看看是否存在副作用,尤其是儿童

    There will be a lot of habitual off-label takers, more people than in the trials, so the regulators need to monitor them for side-effects-especially in children.


  • 房地产危机赶出他们自己阻止一些人获取房屋抵押贷款导致租房者人数扩大

    The number of renters is also expanding as the housing crisis drove many people out of their homes and prevented others from securing mortgages to buy houses.


  • 哲学专业招生人数增长超过过去招生增加人数其他人文社科领域出现了相似情况。

    It has slightly exceeded the growth of enrollments in the last ten years; many other humanities and social science fields have just kept up.


  • 但是之后仍然没有计算在内,导致真实人数可能更高

    But, with a vast number of people still unaccounted for three years later, the death toll might even be higher.


  • 网站会员人数激增一方面是因为大雪家中无事可做。 今年英国遭遇30年来寒冷的冬天

    The rise in membership is thought to be caused by the boredom of being stuck at home in the snow as the UK knuckles down for its coldest winter in 30 years.


  • 如今重要趋势之一参与竞拍人数在增加,其中不怕购买一些几年认为有点的汽车。

    One of the key trends is that the number of new bidders is still increasing and many of them are not afraid to buy something that, a few years ago, would have been considered a little off-beat.


  • 签名人数不能提名者更具份量但是我们因此有机会询问关于被提名者的具体情况。

    More names don't necessarily carry more weight, but they do give us more people to ask about the nominee.


  • 签名人数不能提名者更具份量但是我们因此有机会询问关于被提名者的具体情况。

    More names don't necessarily carry more weight, but they do give us more people to ask about the nominee.


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