• 研究没有接受任何外部资金资助。

    No external funding was provided for this study.


  • 如果外部资金没有增长望远镜被关闭

    If external funding is not raised, the telescope would close.


  • 依靠外部资金公司比如银行贷款或者股权出售显得尤其脆弱

    Firms that depend on external funds, such as bank loans or equity sales, are particularly vulnerable.


  • 外部资金大部分其它来源它们兴旺时期的速度那样急剧地枯竭

    Most other sources of external finance have dried up as dramatically as they had grown in the boom years.


  • 荣幸没有外部资金支持情况下我们打造这个团队

    I am proud of the whole team we have managed to put together without external funding.


  • 如果需要外部资金才能开创自己事业的话,那么你就要准备商业计划

    If you'll need outside funding in order to start your home business, you should expect to prepare a small business plan.


  • 希望管理人员使用保留收益信号安全性获取外部资金

    That is, I expect that managers used retained earnings to signal security and obtain external funds.


  • 虽然一种稳健操作手法,但是适当地引入一些外部资金也许更好

    Although this is a steady operating measure, appropriate introduction of outside capitals might be more optimal.


  • 惠誉指出,下调评级的原因是国家政策不一致,外部资金以及国内银行虚弱等

    Fitch blamed inconsistent state policies, external finances, and weak domestic Banks for the downgrade.


  • 突然出现许许多多的新兴公司外部资金胃口开,以此保证公司的不断壮大

    Suddenly, there were lots of new companies with big appetites for outside capital, which they needed in order to keep growing.


  • 许多初创公司在某一个时点,都必须寻求外部资金太快寻求资金支持错误的。

    Many startups will reach a point where it becomes necessary to seek outside funding, but securing backing too soon is a mistake.


  • 管理层收购(MBO)作为杠杆收购,在实施过程需要大量外部资金

    To be one kind of leveraged buy-outs (LMO), there need a greet deal of external funds during the course of implement.


  • 他们不再依靠外部资金,相反拥有大量外汇储备——少于世界外汇储备总量四分之三

    They are no longer financially dependent on the rest of the world, but have large foreign-exchange reservesno less than three-quarters of the global total.


  • 半数投资者未来一年没有计划评估他们外部资金管理者支付费用很多投资者从未评估过费用问题。

    Half had no plans in the coming year to review the fees they pay to outside money managers; many never review fees.


  • 自力更生可以让避免放弃宝贵的公司股份如果你不需要外部资金扶持,那就不要接受

    Bootstrapping prevents you from having to give up valuable equity in your company. If you don't need outside funding to start, don't take it.


  • 我们抱歉,但是遇到访问外部资金转移技术困难稍后再次尝试。我们对此不便感到抱歉。

    We are sorry but we have encountered technical difficulties accessing external Funds Transfer. Please try again later. We apologize for any inconvenience.


  • 如果引进了外部资金这些通常都会视为血汗产权(也就是说在你卖掉股权退出之前这笔钱的)。

    If you raise external capital, this is almost always regarded as sweat equity (meaning you don't get it back until exit time, when you sell your equity).


  • 2002年以来多数新增资金来自巴西中国俄罗斯联邦国内资金以及全球基金提供外部资金

    Most of the increased funding since 2002 has come from domestic funding in Brazil, China and the Russian Federation, and external financing from the Global fund.


  • 地区国家没有大力吸收自己大量资本而是依靠国际投资外部资金外部投资者当然可能不同投资注入期。

    Instead of tapping its own abundant capital, the region continues to depend on external funds to finance internal investment. Outside investors, of course, may have different investment horizons.


  • 最后提出了对经济现状仍然疲软现状需要做出努力以及摆脱外部资金过分依赖现状方向

    Finally, we discuss efforts which need to be made under the current weak economic situation, and the new direction how to get rid of excessive reliance on external funding status.


  • 一切作者颁发证书给没有利益抵触研讨,除了来源于作者机构支持外,该项研讨没有外部资金支持

    Acknowledgements All authors certify that the research is free of conflict of interest. No external funding, apart from the support of the authors institutions, was available for this study.


  • 一般来讲,如果公司利润下降经济状况恶化外部资金来源不复存在因此依靠外部资金来源归还贷款不合适的。

    In general, it is inappropriate to rely on the external sources for repayment because they will disappear if the firm's profitability declines or economic conditions deteriorate.


  • 这使好莱坞形成了一种文化”,各家制片厂越来越习惯于轻松获得外部资金,在推出昂贵的电影制作项目上很少犹豫。

    That created a culture in Hollywood where studios grew accustomed to easy access to outside capital and rarely thought twice about launching into expensive film-making projects.


  • 固定成本诱使企业经常融入外部资金,而是使用现金持有作为缓冲器,则公司把现金系统性储蓄起来,这与持有现金交易成本动机一致。

    The fixed costs induce firms to raise external funds infrequently and to use cash holdings as a buffer; therefore firms will save cash out of their cash flow in a systematic way.


  • 摩根·士丹利史蒂芬·罗奇认为新兴经济国家弱点已经改变,1990年代,它来自于外部资金依赖,现在对外部需求的倚重成为软肋。

    Stephen Roach of Morgan Stanley argues that the weakness of emerging economies is no longer their dependence on external finance, as in the 1990s, but their dependence on external demand.


  • 金融危机引发13次经济衰退中,那些外部资金依赖度最高的产业增长近0.8个百分点,一般而言,这一增长低于那些对外部资金依赖度最低的产业。

    In the 13 recessions caused by financial crises, the industries most dependent on external finance grew 0.8 percentage points more slowly, on average, than those least dependent.


  • 金融危机引发13次经济衰退中,那些外部资金依赖度最高的产业增长近0.8个百分点,一般而言,这一增长低于那些对外部资金依赖度最低的产业。

    In the 13 recessions caused by financial crises, the industries most dependent on external finance grew 0.8 percentage points more slowly, on average, than those least dependent.


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