• 不仅如此胎儿自己母亲声音识别证明他们学习能力。

    Not only that, but fetuses' recognition of their mothers' voices proves that fetuses are capable of learning.


  • 另外,胎儿对妈妈声音识别证明胎儿学习的能力。

    fetusesrecognition of their mothers’ voices proves that fetuses are capable of learning.


  • 可以模仿人类的面部表情,进行对话,并通过容貌或声音识别人类。

    She can copy human facial expressions, hold conversations and recognize people by their looks or voices.


  • 他们正在研发一种水下电脑这种仪器识别海豚声音据此及时做出回应

    They are in the process of developing an underwater computer that attempts to recognize dolphin sounds and then respond in real time.


  • 研究人员现在试图测试进行优化选出声音识别决定性的特征帮助判断是在哪些方面出现了问题

    The researchers are now attempting to refine their tests to pick out the individual features in a voice that lead to recognition, to see which she has most difficulty with.


  • 识别记忆多达张脸即使吵闹情况下,它也能用八只分开电子耳朵听懂声音

    It can recognize and remember up to ten faces and use its eight separate electronic ears to understand human voices even in noisy situations.


  • 思考这些声音时候会产生脑电波,人机接口将这些脑电波识别出来,转换以后显示电脑屏幕上

    The act of thinking about those sounds created brainwave patterns that the interfaces identified and transmitted to a computer screen.


  • 经过训练患者们便能够声音识别不同物体

    Over several weeks of training, patients became able to recognise different objects using the sounds.


  • 一发现表明右脑对于声音识别来说显得更为重要用于理解听到的内容。

    The finding suggests that in the human brain, the right side is more important in voice recognition while the left is used to understand words.


  • 婴儿周岁他们可以识别很多声音甚至简单单词

    By the time babies are a year old they can recognize a lot of sounds and even simple words.


  • 翻译文字经过声音识别翻译软件的处理后会立刻生成,并电影 “字幕”一样及时有效地呈现给正在交谈个人

    The text -- provided instantly through voice recognition and translation programmes -- would effectively provide movie-like 'subtitles' during a conversation between two people wearing the glasses.


  • 配备视觉识别装置用户可以激光投影键盘作业,在敲击还会模拟出相应的声音

    Keyboard based on optical recognition mechanism that enables the user to tap on the projected keys, while producing real tapping sounds.


  • 由于爱上爱游戏声音识别软件,所以SAL 9000可以妻子交谈甚至可以和她石头、剪子、布简单游戏

    As the game "Love Plus" has voice recognition software, SAL9000 says it's possible to have a sort of conversation with Nene or even play simple games such as rock, paper, scissors.


  • 这个宠物看上去有点像是猴子的混合体,感知声音手势识别物体比如玩家放在屏幕前玩具

    The animal, which looks a bit like a cross between a dog, cat and monkey, reacts to voices and gestures and can recognise objects, such as toys, that a player puts on screen.


  • 它们能够声音识别出来电生气语调,据此做出反应——通常电话转接经理

    They can detect anger in a caller's voice and respond accordingly - usually by routing the call to a manager.


  • 1996年比尔·盖茨宣布2011拥有识别用户声音表情电脑

    In 1996 I watched Bill Gates announce that by 2011 we would have computers that could recognise their owners' faces and voices.


  • 由于爱上爱游戏声音识别软件所以SAL9000可以和妻子交谈,甚至可以和她石头、剪子、布简单游戏

    As the game "Love Plus" has voice recognition software, SAL9000 says it's possible to have a sort of conversationwith Nene or even play simple games such as rock, paper, scissors。


  • 识别人脸声音,遵从人说出指令

    It can also recognize faces and voices, as well as respond to spoken commands. (See photo).


  • 记住Franny识别哥哥声音特殊方法:,其他那样。

    Remember that way that Franny can identify the timbre of her brother's voice very specifically: it's like no other.


  • EMIEW2投产之后日立公司推出2010升级,让它拥有更好环境识别功能改进声音识别功能。

    Two years after the launch of EMIEW 2, Hitachi upgraded the 2010 version with better situational awareness and improved voice recognition.


  • 记录大脑信号可以看出新生儿其他女性声音有反应,但这种声音只是启动大脑声音识别区域的功能。

    The brain signals also revealed that while the infants did react to other women's voices, these sounds only activated the voice recognition parts of the brains.


  • 包含音频对话框具有以下特点语音合成数字音频、声音识别电话音质拨号输入和话音输入录制。

    It includes audio dialogs that feature synthesized speech, digitized audio, recognition of spoken and telephone tone dialing input, and recording of spoken input.


  • 早晚进行了测试之后,那些识别边界的婴儿显示出的脑波活动说明他们现在能够识别这个声音了。

    When tested in the morning, and again in the evening, the babies who'd heard the tricky boundary vowels all night showed brainwave activity indicating that they could now recognize this sound.


  • 科学家希望找到更多声音识别障碍同时在寻找具有异常优异声音识别能力可作为对比的

    The scientists hope to find more people who have trouble identifying voices, but are also seeking people at the opposite end of the scale, who are unusually good at it.


  • 十分独特声音可能全球的都能识别出这种音调大多数听到过声音,而不幸的是,有些害怕这种声音

    It's such a distinctive sound, the pitch is probably recognised around the globe. Most people have heard it and, sadly for some, they dread it.


  • 装置利用传感器检测面部表情比如皱眉语音识别软件检测司机声音音调里的上升愤怒

    His device USES sensors to detect facial expressions, such as frowns, and voice recognition software to pick up rising irritation in the tone of a driver's voice.


  • 多年来,计算机用户能够运行处理器密集型语音识别应用程序基于声音处理执行命令,但这常常需要进行大量的配置

    For many years, computer users have been able to run processor-intensive speech recognition applications executing commands based on voice processing and requiring extensive configuration.


  • 尽管模仿很多种鸟的鸣叫声惟妙惟肖,但人类还是能够依其声音上的线索很快识别它们

    Although mockingbirdssuperbly mimic the songs and calls of many birds, they can nonethelessbe quickly identified as mockingbirds by certain aural clues.


  • 声音如此独特以至于大脑人就能够将识别人们也仍旧能够听见这种噪声。这边产生焦虑感。

    The dental drill noise is so distinctive the brain still recognises it and people still hear it, such is the anxiety.


  • 其他生物鉴定技术有指纹识别声音鉴别、脸谱识别虹膜识别甚至耳垂识别

    Other biometric identifiers include your fingerprint, voice, iris, face, even the shape of your earlobe.


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