• 引进一类严格单调函数,不对此函数对数,提出一种新的指标

    A new growth index is put forward with the introduction to a strictly monotone increasing function other than the logarithm to this function.


  • 中心设计系数径向固结系数变异系数函数而是失效概率函数

    The central design coefficient is decreasing function of coefficient of variation of horizontal coefficient of consolidation, and increasing function of probability of failure.


  • 中心设计系数竖向固结系数变异系数函数,而是失效概率函数

    It is found that the central design coefficient is a decreasing function of the variation coefficient of vertical consolidation coefficient and is an increasing function of probability of failure.


  • 具有强衰减,衰减系数频率孔隙度渗透系数存在敏感函数关系

    There is a heavy attenuation property and there exist sensitive relationships of increase function between attenuation constant and frequency, porosity, osmotic coefficient;


  • 研究结果表明效应单调函数关系,作为绉效应的数量评定指标

    The studies performed show it is a monotone increasing function of crepe effect and its value can be used as a quantitative index for crepe effect evaluation.


  • 根据普朗克定律推导出仪器输出电压扩展辐射亮度单调函数常数乘积

    Based on the Planck principle, it is deduced that the BIIR output voltage is the product of a constant and a monotonic increasing function of radiation luminance from the extended sources.


  • 算例分析表明价格初始库存递减函数,是潜在购买率销售时间段函数

    Simulation shows that the optimal price is a decreasing function of initial inventory and an increasing function of sale period and potential buying probability;


  • 研究结果表明,在样本分布量化级数不变时,泛化均方差和学习均方差调整函数

    Research results indicate that generalization ability and learning accuracy are the non decreasing function of weight adjusting ratio.


  • 本文研究平面函数结构得到了平面上的单跳双增函数图象的明确简洁、清楚的结构。

    The struction of single jump twin increase function of plane is researched, simple, clear and definite struetion of single jump twin increase function graph of plane is obtained.


  • 相位统计方法利用MPSK信号符号初相位偶统计为M单调增函数特性,并进行M进制识别复合假设检验

    In the SPM method the composite hypothesis test is performed by means of the monotonic characteristic of the even order statistical phase moments of MPSK signals.


  • 分析表明,承压含水层中地下水水头波幅是上、下弱透水贮水率越流系数函数,是淤泥层相对透水系数的函数

    The amplitude of the head fluctuation decreases with the storativity and leakage of both semi-permeable layers and increases with the leakance of the silt-layer.


  • 对于共振频率阻尼单调函数,以及油膜阻尼关于轴端振幅存在特性进行了理论分析,并得出若干重要结论。

    Theoretical analyses are made to such important characteristics as that the resonance frequency is a monotonous increasing function of oil film damping and that there is an optimum value of oi...


  • 对于共振频率阻尼单调函数,以及油膜阻尼关于轴端振幅存在特性进行了理论分析得出若干重要结论。

    Theoretical analyses are made to such important characteristics as that the resonance frequency is a monotonous increasing function of oil film damping and that there is an optimum value...


  • 对于共振频率阻尼单调函数,以及油膜阻尼关于轴端振幅存在最优值特性进行理论分析得出若干重要结论。

    Theoretical analyses are made to such important characteristics as that the resonance frequency is a monotonous increasing function of oil film damping and that t...


  • 有关其他函数信息,请参阅系列 第 1部分其中包括normalize-unicode用于控制URI编码转义函数

    See Part 1 of this series for information about other new functions, including normalize-unicode and functions that give you explicit control over how to perform URI encoding and escaping.


  • XPath 2.0新函数string -to -codepointscodepoints - to -string提供操纵字符串字符方法

    The new string-to-codepoints and codepoints-to-string functions of XPath 2.0 give you a means to manipulate the characters that make up a string.


  • XPath 2.0新函数string -to -codepointscodepoints - to -string提供操纵字符串字符方法

    The new string-to-codepoints and codepoints-to-string functions of XPath 2.0 give you a means to manipulate the characters that make up a string.


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