• 塞浦路斯银行周五继续关闭这个地中海岛国设法找到避免金融崩盘方法

    Banks in Cyprus will now remain close through Friday as the Mediterranean island nation tries to find a way to avoid a financial meltdown.


  • 银行金融危机领域世界领先专家菲利普•迪威格表示,对银行存款征税帮助支付塞浦路斯银行救助计划的想法“荒唐透顶”。

    The plan to impose a tax on bank deposits to help pay for the bailout of Cypriot banks was "absurd, " says Philip Dybvig, one of the world's leading economic experts on banks and financial crisis.


  • 基瑟列夫塞浦路斯征收银行存款征收的税费提出了批评

    Kiselev heaped criticism on the forced levy to be imposed on bank deposits in Cyprus.


  • 塞浦路斯有着资产超过GDP庞大规模的银行部门,目前存在希腊的大量风险敞口。

    Cyprus's outsize banking sector, with assets of more than seven times GDP, is heavily exposed to Greece.


  • 号称银行天堂爱尔兰塞浦路斯反对可以忽略不计,欧元区的病号,一个差不多了。

    The objections of banking havens such as Ireland and Cyprus may not count for much; one is a ward of the euro zone, and the other may soon become one.


  • 预算赤字难以招架,特大银行亟待拯救,房地产市场崩盘增长前景黯淡,就是塞浦路斯国内现状。

    There is a stubborn budget deficit and a clutch of outsize banks. There is a property bust and a moribund growth outlook.


  • 由于正在使用中的钞票有相当数量已被“毁容”,塞浦路斯中央银行近日呼吁那些涂鸦爱好者们立即停止该国流通货币上胡写画的行为。

    The Cypriot central bank, alarmed at the number of defaced banknotes in circulation, appealed to doodlers Wednesday to resist the temptation to scrawl on the country's currency.


  • 同时塞浦路斯银行面临着来自国内批评,指责他们人民的油。

    Meanwhile, Cypriot banks face criticism at home for milking their customers.


  • 第一想法银行存款税务不是如此高涨,塞浦路开始资金存入银行

    The first idea, a tax on bank deposits did not go overwhelm, Cypriots started pulling their money into Banks.


  • 经济学家爱德华·亚德尼表示塞浦路斯的情况再次提醒我们欧洲债务危机并未解决不过说道,向银行储户征税计划可能性不大

    Economist Edward Yardeni says Cyprus' vows are the latest reminder that the European debt crisis has not been solved, but he says the idea of taxing bank deposits is not likely to spread.


  • 西班牙塞浦路斯分别是欧元区最大经济体之一和最小的经济体之一,这两个国家星期一都在陷入财务困难的本国银行寻求欧元区援助

    Spain and Cyprus -- one of the euro currency bloc's biggest economies and one of its smallest -- both sought eurozone bailouts Monday for their financially troubled banks.


  • 塞浦路斯银行关闭几天以后今天塞浦路斯人民正焦急地等待议会方案投票结果,新方案避免这个岛国银行倒闭

    After several days of bank closure, Cypriots are anxiously waiting for parliamentary vote today on the new plan that would keep the island's two biggest Banks from collapsing.


  • 这些银行关门如今塞浦路斯央行银行当地时间周四中午重新开门

    They've been closed for almost two weeks, but now the central bank of Cyprus says the country's banks will reopen on Thursday at noon local time.


  • 总体而言塞浦路斯欧洲银行体系带来很多伤害

    It will do a lot of damage to the banking system both in Cyprus and Europe in general.


  • 塞浦路斯表示银行周四重新开门营业,当初关门为了预防挤兑现象,当时塞浦路斯欧元区债权人协商援助计划

    Cyprus has confirmed that its Banks will reopen on Thursday. They were closed to prevent a flood of withdrawals while Cyprus negotiated a bailout with its eurozone creditors.


  • 首先说银行一些欧元区成员国特别是塞浦路斯希腊意大利三国银行不良贷款率已经达到令人担忧水平,让人不禁质疑欧洲银行业的抗风险能力。

    In the banking sector, non-performing loans are reaching worrying levels in some member states, especially in Cyprus, Greece, and Italy, casting doubts over the resilience of Europe's banking sector.


  • 央行行长Panicos Demetriades称该法案为了避免银行倒闭尤其是该国第二银行塞浦路斯大众银行

    The central bank governor Panicos Demetriades said the legislation was needed to avoid the collapse of Banks, particularly that of the country's second largest bank, the Cyprus Popular bank.


  • 央行行长Panicos Demetriades称该法案为了避免银行倒闭尤其是该国第二银行塞浦路斯大众银行

    The central bank governor Panicos Demetriades said the legislation was needed to avoid the collapse of Banks, particularly that of the country's second largest bank, the Cyprus Popular bank.


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