• 针刺网膜一种新型塑料纤维,具有广阔发展前景。

    Needle hole network film (NHNF) is a new plastics fibre and it will be widely developed.


  • 他们塑料纤维中添加了一种称为“磷酸三苯酯组件保持正负电极分离

    They added a component called "triphenyl phosphate" to the plastic fibers of the part that keeps negative and positive electrodes separate.


  • 选用塑料纤维具有不同极限应变弹性模量纤维可以为碳纤维芳纶纤维玻璃纤维

    The plastic fiber selected has different ultimate tensile strain and elastic modulus, and the fiber can be carbon fiber, aramid fiber, glass fiber and the like.


  • 混杂纤维塑料它包含种或者两种以上塑料纤维,并用基底材料这些塑料纤维粘结成一整体。

    A mixed fiber reinforced plastic bar comprises at least two plastic fiber bundles, wherein the plastic fiber bundles are agglutinated as a whole by using base materials.


  • 新研发出纤维关键所在一种应用普通麦克风塑料

    A big key to the fiber is a plastic commonly used in microphones.


  • 早期信用卡胶质塑料制成,后来金属纤维,再后来是,现在大多数是塑料制成的。

    Early credit CARDS were made of celluloid plastic, then metal and fiber, then paper, and are now mostly plastic.


  • 纤维提取出来后,研究人员会对其施加一个强大的电场保证纤维冷却后,塑料分子按照同一方向排列。

    So when the fibre is drawn the researchers apply a powerful electric field to ensure that the molecules in the plastic all line up in the same direction as the fibre cools.


  • 玻璃纤维强化塑料制成的油画,6(20),宽4.6米(15尺),达1.5

    The paintings, now made of glass fibre and reinforced plastic, are six meters (20 feet) high and 4.6 meters (15 feet) wide, and weigh up to 1.5 tons.


  • 据悉,这种汽车塑料骨架不完全水果制造的,而是用“水果纤维”来加固,此举已经得到相关部门的证实,未来2年内正式投入使用

    The plastics, which are strengthened by the fruit fibres, are already being tested by manufacturers who believe they could be used in cars within two years.


  • 整个机身都整块金属质感极强纤维塑料构成,从整体上来看应用了完全相同的整体上色所以刮或者划这部手机时候,你发现任何的空隙或者断层。

    It's all made from one piece of the metallic-feeling plastic, and it's the same color the whole way through, so if you scratch the phone, you won't get a streak of white.


  • 飞机工程师多年探索使用轻质强化纤维塑料代替金属部件

    Aircraft engineers have for years sought to replace metal components with lightweight plastics reinforced with carbon fibres.


  • 复合材料比如以光纤玻璃纤维合成塑料树脂已经车辆飞行器等产品制造广泛代替金属

    Composites such as fibreglass and carbon fibre bonded in a plastic resin are already widely used to replace metal in making, for instance, cars and aircraft.


  • 现在零件都是电脑设计纤维玻璃塑料制成但是画图同样需要年轻的设计师

    Now, parts get designed on computers and built from fiberglass and plastic, but the draw is still the same for younger designers.


  • 公司希望787客机成为第一个采用为了轻型节能的碳素纤维强化塑料CFRP组成材料取代铝制成的机身

    The company hopes its 787 airliner will be the first with a pressurised fuselage made from lightweight, fuel-saving carbon-fibre reinforced plastic (CFRP) composite materials, rather than aluminium.


  • DEET还可以作为一种溶剂使用能够溶解某些塑料弹性纤维皮革,还能够消除指甲油

    DEET works well as a solvent and can dissolve certain plastics, spandex, leather, and works as a nail polish remover.


  • 酚醛树脂通过酚醛甲醛起反应合成,通常用于加压木质纤维来制造中密度纤维(MDF)米卡家具塑料贴面。

    Bakelite resin which is produced by reacting phenol with formaldehyde is used to bind wood fibres in pressed wood such as medium-density fibreboard (MDF) and formica.


  • 这个设计玻璃前厅里增设了多功能家具,这些家具用玻璃纤维增强塑料织物做成。

    At the middle of their design solution are multifunctional pieces of furniture made of glass-fibre reinforced plastic and fabric.


  • 他用塑料勺子将格里·莫林纤维橄榄色粪便样品中,然后在管上标明时间日期地点格里·莫林的名字

    He crouched over Gremlin's dollop of fibrous olive dung, using a small plastic scoop to transfer a bit into a specimen tube, which he labeled with time, date, location, and Gremlin's name.


  • 这张创造性的玻璃纤维加强了塑料制成的,可以适应不同大小床垫

    Innovative bed made of fiberglass reinforced plastic tubes can fold and adjust to different mattress sizes.


  • 工作就是使纤维增强塑料品平时缓慢生产速度提高工业速度。

    It's his job to accelerate CFRP production from the slow trot of the usual manufacturing process to industrial speed.


  • 这些模具加快大城车辆车体生产进程,安德烈亚斯·莱因哈特解释说负责监督项目纤维增强塑料生产

    These molds will set the pace for the MCV body manufacturing process, explains Andreas Reinhardt, who oversees the production of the CFRP components for the project.


  • 能够代替石油制造塑料最好选择聚丙醇(聚乳酸纤维)。

    ONE of the most promising alternatives to plastics made from oil is polylactic acid (PLA).


  • 为了改善以前的状况,人们改造了许多船只,并用带有舷外发动机的纤维强化塑料FRP船只取代了许多木筏乡村小船

    In an effort to improve on the past, boats have been upgraded and many wooden catamarans or country boats have been replaced with fiber-reinforced-plastic (FRP) craft with outboard motors.


  • 就EN -V来说,理念应用到了纤维部件制造的车身还有聚碳酸酯塑料构成车门上

    In the case of the EN-Vs, that philosophy translates into bodies that are made from carbon-fibre composites and doors that are composed of polycarbonate plastics.


  • 椅子回收PET材料抑或是可回收的可口可乐塑料恰好是111个)或者是由天然色素玻璃纤维制成的。

    The chairs are made of Recycled Polyethylene Terephthalate (rPET), or recycled plastic Coke bottles (111 to be exact!) and a mix of pigment and glass fiber.


  • 毕竟纤维增强塑料50

    CFRP, after all, is 50 times as expensive as steel.


  • 纤维增强塑料暗黑色材料化学结构砖石相似

    CFRP is a dull black material which has a chemical structure similar to that of diamonds.


  • 生产线所有纸制品塑料覆盖,防止任何纤维离开纸页进入空气当中。

    All paper products on the assembly line are covered in plastic to make certain that even the small fibers that might break away from the pages can't escape into the air.


  • 纤维增强塑料的运用将近50年了它被用于航天航空工业汽车竞赛最近又用作风轮转动叶片

    CFRP materials have been available for nearly 50 years and are used in the aviation and aerospace industries, in car racing and, most recently, in rotor blades for wind turbines.


  • 宝马外面专家们怀疑纤维增强塑料汽车大量生产能否在任何时候得到充足供应。

    Outside of BMW, experts doubt mass production of CFRP auto bodies will be affordable any time soon.


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