• 因此番茄生产改变磷肥基肥施用传统施肥方法

    So we should change the traditional applying fertilizer method that phosphate fertilizer was only used as basal manure in tomato production.


  • 一般不要液体作为基肥除非以前类似的成功经验

    Generally do not use liquid fertilizer as a starter treatment unless you have had success with this method in the past.


  • 植后头一二于每年深秋一次基肥以利生长开花

    Behind the frost plants 12 years to be possible to open furrow fertilization base fertilizer in every year late autumn, in order to help grows and blossoms.


  • 研制播种同时肥料分成种肥、基肥新型播种机。

    The study developed a new type of sowing machine that is capable of dividing the fertilizer into seed fertilizer and base fertilizer and laying them into a deeper depth while sowing.


  • 研究西瓜专用控释肥料作基肥施用对西瓜生长产量品质影响

    In this article, the effect of applying special control releasing fertilizer on the growth, yield and quality of watermelon are studied.


  • 探索适合水稻直播栽培施肥方法开展不同基肥用量的小区试验

    To explore suitable fertilization method of rice direct seeding on dry land, plot experiment of different base-manure amounts was designed and carried out.


  • 处理水平施肥,采用对辣椒施基肥多次追肥相结合的施肥方案。

    Every treatment is fertilized in the equal nitrogen level, namely we fertilize base fertilizer and then fertilize biogas slurry many times.


  • 钾肥一次性做基肥施入,提籽粒高淀粉含量蛋白溶蛋白含量降低

    The use potassium as base stage fertilizing can increase the starch content but glutenin and zein contents decline.


  • 模型进行解析,找出了影响五区小麦产量较大因子基肥不同叶龄追施氮肥密度。

    The main factors influencing the wheat yield in downland were initial nitrogenous dressing, the amount of nitrogenous fertilizer applied for different leaf age and close fertilization.


  • 本文田间试验条件下探讨了氮肥品种、用量不同基肥种类包心菜硝酸盐累积品质影响

    In this study, the influences of different nitrogen fertilizer variety, nitrogen level and basal manure on nitrate accumulation and quality of cabbage were investigated in field experiments.


  • 试验得出如下结论磷肥基肥追肥配合施用且比例6:4,能显著提高番茄产量改善品质

    The tests drew many conclusions: When proportion of phosphate fertilizer as basal manure and top dressing was 6:4, the yield of tomato increased remarkably and the quality improved.


  • 拔节期氮积累基肥施氮量呈显著相关,拔节-开花期与总施氮量及追肥氮量呈极显著正相关。

    There was a significant positive correlation between the accumulated nitrogen amount at elongation stage and applied N before sowing.


  • 采用二因素饱和D最优设计方法,酒丢槽制作活性有机肥(以下简称活性有机肥)水稻进行了不同基肥追肥施用量试验。

    The optimal two-factor saturated D design was conducted to investigate effects of the active organic fertilizer made of grain stillage and other additives on rice yield.


  • 运用因素饱和设计灰色局势评价方法通过盆栽试验,研究了适合科尔沁沙地土壤的冷地草坪基肥营养元素的配比方案

    The optimum combination program of N, P, and K in the basic fertilizer on the cold type turf was studied by using three factors saturated optimum design and gray game decision method.


  • 静态法对冬小麦不同基肥施用方式(表施、深施)不同施用量下的土壤NO排放通量进行了研究,结果表明:肥料在土壤中的位置对NO排放通量影响非常显著。

    Effect of different basal-dressing application methods and different amounts of fertilizer on NO emission from the soil grown with winter wheat was studied with the technique of static chamber.


  • 静态法对冬小麦不同基肥施用方式(表施、深施)不同施用量下的土壤NO排放通量进行了研究,结果表明:肥料在土壤中的位置对NO排放通量影响非常显著。

    Effect of different basal-dressing application methods and different amounts of fertilizer on NO emission from the soil grown with winter wheat was studied with the technique of static chamber.


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