• 通过正确设备调整正确频率如何防止小偷干扰设备阻止警报信号到达基站呢?

    With the right device tuned to the right frequency, what's to stop a thief from jamming your setup and blocking that alert signal from ever reaching the base station?


  • 如果他们系统布防发现什么问题基站发送无线警报信号然后基站发出警报。

    If they detect something wrong while the system is armed, they'll transmit a wireless alert signal to a base station that will then raise the alarm.


  • 一些运营商采用三角定位技术技术通过比较不同基站接收手机信号来确定手机所处位置

    Some operators opted for triangulation technology, which determines the location of the handset by comparing the signals received by different base-stations.


  • 一些运营商采用三角定位技术技术通过比较不同基站接收手机信号来确定手机所处的位置

    Some operators opted for triangulation technology, which determines the location of the handset by comparing the signals received by different basestations.


  • 对于手机信号发射塔- - -称为基站- - -的坐落位置居民区环境影响关注提出

    Other concerns have been raised about how cell phones affect the ambient environment in neighborhoods where antenna towersalso known as base stationsare located.


  • 至今仍不清楚最高基站信号是否可以到达珠穆朗玛8848顶峰

    It's unclear whether the signal from the highest base station will reach Mount Everest's 8,848m summit.


  • 至今仍不清楚最高基站信号是否可以到达珠穆朗玛8848顶峰

    It's unclear whether the signal from the highest base station will reach Mount Everest's 8, 848m summit.


  • 想想蜂窝网络想象基站点缀这整个国家太空辐射信号

    Think of a cellular network, and I'll bet you picture cellphone towers dotting the country, beaming signals into space.


  • 没有基站情况下,手机自主选择一个空闲上行信道发射明码信号

    In the absence of the base station, the phone will be free to choose one of the upstream channel signal launch codes.


  • 本文提出了一种基于改进神经网络(MNN)的自适应闭环功率控制算法方法平滑移动信道衰落影响,使基站接收到的小区中所有用户的信号功率相等。

    In this paper, a Modified Neural Network (MNN) based power controller is proposed to smoothen out the fast fading and keep the received signal power from each user constant at the base station.


  • 一个GWEN基站螺旋式传输多达300英里信号强度随着距离增加而急剧下降

    A GWEN station transmits circularly up to 300 miles, the signal dropping off sharply with distance.


  • 基站仍然可以使用下行信道手机保持连接甚至发送呼入信号

    Base station can still use the downlink channel to stay connected with mobile phones, or even to send incoming signal.


  • 一个基站设法用户那里接收信号不过信号不是通过有线传播

    A base station manages to receive the signals from the caller, but rather than travel direct line.


  • CD ma系统中,所有上行用户信号信道估计信息可以基站上获得。

    In a CDMA system, channel estimates of all received user signals were available at base stations.


  • 这种系统通过蜂窝信号发生器卫星与基站通讯,可以在一些潜在不易操作电力系统上广泛部署

    It communicates with the base station via quad-band cellular signals or via satellite, allowing it to be deployed within a wide range of potentially hostile water, oil, gas and electricity networks.


  • 所以如果确定到达基站信号是从哪里发出

    So if you are trying to locate the source of the signal that is reaching the base station.


  • 早期2g3 G信号覆盖基础中国电信决定投入专项资金,在南沙部署七个岛屿八个4g基站建设

    In early 2g, 3g signal based on full coverage, China Telecom decided to invest special funds, in the Nansha deployed seven islands eight 4g base station construction.


  • 然后阵列响应矢量作为加权系数保证基站接收最大信号能量

    Then the array response vector is used as weight to assure that base station can receive the maximal power for the desired signal.


  • 移动通信系统中,相对基站运动的移动发射信号受到普勒效应的影响。

    In a mobile communication system, signals which are transmitted from mobile stations moving relative to a base station are subject to a Doppler effect.


  • 发射模块计算机进行通信接收基站传送控制信号监测控制水下光电模块。

    The optical transmitter module communicates with the computer and receives the control signal from the workstation in the shore to control and monitor undersea photoelectricity module.


  • 传感器发出信号中继基站,起到放大和增强信号的作用。

    Relays data received from a transmitter to a base station, strengthening the signal.


  • 一个实施例中发射器(105,115)基站一起使用并且包括被构造提供同步信号的主模块

    In one embodiment, the transmitter (105, 115) is for use with a base station and includes a primary module configured to provide a primary synchronization signal.


  • 基站通常包括平方公里细胞面积信号传输移动电话电磁场

    A base station, which usually covers a cell area of several square kilometers, transmits signals to mobile phones with an electromagnetic field.


  • 无线测量集中在移动台基站之间主要测量信号电平信号质量定时提前量等等

    Wireless measurements occur between MS and BTS and the major measurement parameters include signal level, signal quality, time advance and so on.


  • 基站(10)通信控制(15)根据终端电台(30)收到设定要求设定信标信号发送周期

    A communication control part (15) of the base station (10) establishes, based on the request received from the terminal station (30), the transmission period of the beacon signal.


  • 系统多个基站构建相同寻呼信号控制基站同时发射相同的寻呼信号

    The system constructs an identical paging signal at the plurality of base stations, and controls the base stations to simultaneously transmit the identical paging signal.


  • 经过相位调制器之后,输出信号包络保持不变基站用来承载强度调制的上行信号

    The envelope of output optical signal after the phase modulator keeps stable and the optical signal can be used to carry uplink data back to the base-station.


  • 尤其是对于毫米波信号产生光电子器件选择链路结构基站的设计问题进行了较深入的讨论。

    Special attention was put on production of millimeter wave, choice of optoelectronic device, architecture of down and up fiber optic links, etc.


  • 公司产品广泛用于信号传输程控交换机基站系统

    The products are widely used of electric and data communication for such Program-controlled switches, Base Station System.


  • 公司产品广泛用于信号传输程控交换机基站系统

    The products are widely used of electric and data communication for such Program-controlled switches, Base Station System.


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