• 迈克·,到了年底人们开始考虑避税的问题了。

    'It's getting to the end of the year and people are starting to think about tax deductions,' Mr. McGeachy said.


  • 努尔基奇赛期曾进行了左膝手术错过了33场比赛

    Nurkic had offseason surgery on the same knee and missed the first 33 games.


  • 尤文和贝尔格莱德红星关于前锋尼古拉·日基奇转会的谈判日渐尾声

    Juventus are in advanced talks for Red Star Belgrade striker Nikola Zigic.


  • 根据加拿大的官方记录贾斯丁·比伯来到安大略省基奇锦绣花园商场本上已经插翅难飞

    According to Canada's Record, when Bieber arrived at the Fairview Park Mall in Kitchener, Ontario, the day after Christmas, he couldn't fly under the radar while trying to shop.


  • 同一篇文章里,卡隆·基奇进行注射填料治疗,然后发现“皮肤有一移动蛋糕状硬块。”

    In the same article, Karon Kitchener explained that an injectable water-based filler treatment she had to enhance her cheeks had left her with "a moving layer of custard under the skin."


  • 阿什利·科尔杰拉德·内切腾出的空间内如无人之境,因为马里奥·曼季茹基奇的活动区域过于狭窄了。

    Ashley Cole was free to move into space vacated by Gerrard as Mario Mandzukic played too narrow.


  • 基奇18岁,应该下个加盟曼联曼联经过再三考虑之后告知游击队他们不想完成这笔交易了。

    Ljajic, 18, was due to arrive at old Trafford next month, but United have had second thoughts about signing the player and told Partizan that they no longer wish to pursue the deal.


  • 证实曼城阿森纳有意罗致后,经纪人伊尔凡·雷泽基奇再次透露了德泽科对前去酋长球场踢球的向往。

    And, after confirming that City and Arsenal are interested, agent Irfan Redzepagic has revealed that Dzeko would be open to a move to Emirates Stadium.


  • 巴什基奇克组为偏碱性成岩环境,压实胶结作用中等偏弱,溶蚀作用改善孔隙结构,成岩阶段成岩A期。

    Dissolution of feldspar and lithic fragment make the pores linking. Diagenesis has reached the late diagenesis the stage A.


  • 基奇机械装置古老齿轮计算设备用来计算天文上各种位置一装置已经困惑科学家们长达世纪

    The Antikythera mechanism is an ancient geared computing device that was used to calculate astronomical positions and that mystified scientists for over a century.


  • 找到奥尔基奇烧焦小屋残骸后,利克塔披上巫师斗篷,为遇难伊渥克人进行临终祈祷,把烧焦的灵魂灰烬献给神灵。

    Finding the charred remains of Keoulkeech's hut, Leektar adopted the mantle of shaman to say the last rites of the Ewoks who perished, and to consecrate the ashes of the charred soul trees.


  • 安东尼·戴维斯、考辛斯尼古拉·约基奇以及克里·斯塔普斯·波尔津吉斯组成大个子队;托马斯、戈登·海沃德、约翰·沃尔以及德文·布克代表后卫们参赛。

    Anthony Davis, Cousins, Nikola Jokic and Kristaps Porzingis will represent the bigs while Thomas, Gordon Hayward, John Wall and Devin Booker will hold it down for the guards.


  • 出生一个浪漫主义时代,演奏者李斯特、莱斯他们学生主导

    She had been born in an age of Romantic playing dominated by Liszt, Leschetizky, and their pupils.


  • 的推测说,萨科先生对于外祖父祖国一种天然的同情的外祖父来自塞萨洛尼犹太人

    A more fanciful theory is that Mr. Sarkozy has a natural sympathy for the country that was home to his maternal grandfather, a Jew from Thessaloniki.


  • 里斯降落洛斯并娶了代达米亚为妻。

    Achilles landed in Scyros and married Deidamia.


  • 大多数属于班图语系卢伯刚果语

    The majority of the population speaks bantu languages, including tshiluba and kikongao.


  • 美地家族故乡官僚盛行地方,如此举动真是不赖战术雅弗利达芬一个朋友签署壁画合同

    That has always been a good tactic in the home of the Medicis and bureaucrats like Machiavelli, a friend of Leonardo's who signed the contract commissioning the battle mural.


  • 即将建成的庞大电厂三个银色圆顶,给维塔·韦周围城镇带来巨大的恐惧和担忧。

    In the towns surrounding Civitavecchia, the impending arrival of a huge coal plant, with its three silvery domes, is being greeted with a hefty dose of dread.


  • 然而赛季开始之际,雷德·特纳普用了上赛季的首发搭档杰梅恩·迪福彼特·克劳,中介在第67分钟时候替补上声。

    But when push came to shove, Redknapp struck with Jermain Defoe and Peter Crouch, his first-choice partnership from last season, and only introduced Keane as a 67 th minute substitute.


  • 总部位于伦敦今日翻译公司的常务董事尤尔加•林斯·尼说:“本届世界杯比赛和进球渐渐淡忘后,人们记住可能只有‘呜呜祖拉’。”

    "Long after individual matches and goals are forgotten, this will be remembered as the Vuvuzela World Cup," said Jurga Zilinskiene, managing director of London-based firm Today Translations.


  • 因为海地地震灾后惨状报道,库克斯另外邮报摄影者·卡恩卡瑞欧迪一起获得突发新闻奖。

    Guzy Shared the award for breaking news photography with two other Post photographers, Nikki Kahn and Ricky Carioti, who were cited for their depiction of the devastation from the earthquake in Haiti.


  • 山达名人包括约翰·伏塔都露面了,客·克瑞亚公园举办了场音乐会

    Scientology celebrities, including John Travolta, showed up; Chick Corea played a concert in a public park.


  • 锋线短缺被归咎于球队卖出欧文福勒球员之后,未能成功留住克劳罗比·

    The forward shortage is explained by the club's failure to replace Peter Crouch and Robbie Keane, the two big sales in that department post-Owen and Fowler.


  • 最近次火山活动是发生2008年库拉·地处沿海岸北部画面中上侧。

    The most recent volcanic activity on Paramushir island occurred in 2008 at the Chikurachki cone located along the northern coastline of the island at image top center.


  • 例如米开朗向洛伦佐·梅第展示为了纪念赞助者某个已故的家庭成员而创作的一座雕塑时,梅第批评这座雕像一点已故的死者。

    For example, when Michelangelo showed Lorenzo Medici his statue commemorating one of his patron's family members, Medici complained that it didn't look at all like the deceased.


  • 比尔·佩里,约翰·多伊·坎特,鲍勃·赖克,黑兹尔·奥利里,劳拉·泰森亨利·西斯内罗斯要离开了

    Bill Perry, John Deutch, Mickey Kantor, Bob Reich, Hazel OLeary, Laura Tyson, and Henry Cisneros were all leaving.


  • 下士遗体后来被运回安葬康乃狄格州里·菲尔德。

    Corporal Keeler's remains were later returned for burial at Ridgefield, Connecticut.


  • 在那里怀尔德一家买下一小土地劳拉给这块地取了绰号叫“·”,然后这块土地上建造了一房子,就是以后木屋”系列故事里的那幢小木屋。

    There, the Wilder family bought a plot of land dubbed Rocky Ridge by Laura, and built the home in which the "Little House" stories would later be written.


  • 萨科先生甚至外国竞争者收购法国铝业公司-集团重新复活。

    Mr Sarkozy would even like to resurrect pechiney, a French aluminium firm taken over by a succession of foreign rivals, which cut managerial jobs in France and changed its name.


  • 萨科先生甚至外国竞争者收购法国铝业公司-集团重新复活。

    Mr Sarkozy would even like to resurrect pechiney, a French aluminium firm taken over by a succession of foreign rivals, which cut managerial jobs in France and changed its name.


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