• 缓解城市交通拥堵提高公交服务水平,建立合理的城市交通结构轨道交通线规划方法研究公交专用道线布局问题。

    The urban bus lane network planning was studied using urban rail transit network planning method to alleviate traffic jams, improve public traffic services, and design efficient traffic structures.


  • 介绍了捷克城市交通结构变化

    The structural change in Czech's urban transport is introduced.


  • 通过改善道路内在结构提高道路网的外延功能可以根本上来缓解城市交通供需矛盾

    Through improving road network inner structure, we can increase its outer function, and remit urban transportation conflict of supply and need.


  • 如何满足这种日益增长城市交通需求优化城市空间结构我国各城市关注问题

    How to satisfy the increasing demand of the existing passenger transportation and optimizing the city's space construction are the problems for paying attention to by the big city.


  • 利用两层递阶结构模糊逻辑城市交通干线进行实时协调控制

    The strategy uses two-layer hierarchical structure and fuzzy logic to solve the real time coordination control problem of urban traffic trunk.


  • 近年,超高车辆撞击桥梁上部结构事故频繁发生严重威胁桥梁结构安全城市交通运行

    Recently, accidents of collisions between over-high trucks and bridge superstructures happen frequently, which seriously threaten the safety of Bridges and city traffic system.


  • 城市空间结构交通需求关系研究对于合理调整城市空间和解决城市交通问题具有重要的意义。

    The study on the relationship between urban spatial structure and traffic needs has great significance for readjusting urban spatial structure and solving traffic problems.


  • 城市交通城市空间结构关系研究不仅仅局限一时而且时间推移角度对两者关系进行了动态研究。

    The study on the relationship of the urban traffic and urban spatial structure is not limited to a certain point in time, and is conducted from time lapse's angle.


  • 城市空间结构城市交通系统相互作用、相互影响。

    The urban spatial structure and the urban traffic system interact on each other.


  • 进而运用智能工程理论方法通过系统分析城市交通控制提出集成智能城市交通控制系统体系结构

    Then systematic study has been made according to theory and methodology of Intelligence Engineering and the architecture of Integrated Intelligent Urban Traffic Control System is presented.


  • 调控城市交通方式结构时间结构线路结构实施城市交通需求管理有效途径

    To regulate the structures of the modes, time and routes of city communications is an effective way to exercise the management of the demand for city communications.


  • 解决城市交通拥堵问题关键在于改变居民出行结构

    The key solution to urban traffic jams lies in changing the mode of travel for city inhabitants.


  • 城市轨道交通作为一种容量快速准时交通运输方式,不但缓解了城市交通压力促进整个大都市区结构形成。

    Because of its big capacity, speed, and punctuality, the railway not only relieves the stress of urban traffic, but also pushes the formation of the whole big metropolis structure.


  • 随着中国城市进程深化,涌现越来越多的大型城市城市规模扩大必然引起城市交通方式结构变化

    With the development of Chinese urbanization, it emerges more and more large-scale cities. The expansion of city scale would inevitably change the structure of urban transport mode.


  • 解决城市交通拥挤问题必须调控交通需求结构

    To solve the problem of city communications being crowded, the structure of communications demand must be regulated.


  • 摘要近年超高车辆撞击桥梁上部结构问题成为城市交通安全重要威胁

    Abstract: Recently the collisions between over-high trucks and bridge superstructures have become a serious threaten to the safety of city traffic.


  • 城市交通城市空间结构存在复杂相互影响、相互反馈关系因此不能撇开孤立另一优化

    There exists complicate and feedback relationships between urban traffic and urban space structure. So we cannot put one party aside but discuss the optimization of another party in isolation.


  • 通过分析城市空间结构生长演化机制研究城市空间结构城市交通互动关系。

    This paper explores the interaction between urban spatial structure and urban transportation by analyzing the evolution mechanism of urban spatial structure.


  • 所以结构结构设计需要考虑重要问题尤其是对于城市交通附近的建筑结构设计,需要控制结构微振高科技厂房等。

    Therefore, the anti-microvibration of structure design is a important issue to be considered, especially for building design near urban transport road, such as the high-tech plant.


  • 摘要近年超高车辆撞击桥梁上部结构问题成为城市交通安全重要威胁

    Recently the collisions between over-high trucks and bridge superstructures have become a serious threaten to the safety of city traffic.


  • 建立出行者基本属性交通方式选择关系模型研究影响引导城市交通方式结构有效措施

    To build the relational model between fundamental characteristics of travelers and trip mode choice, effective measures that impact and guide urban trip mode structure have been studied.


  • 遂宁分析遂宁市城市空间结构城市交通演变特征,分析二者演化过程中的互动关系提出遂宁市城市空间结构城市交通之间存在的问题。

    Taking Suining for example, the evolution characteristics and interaction between urban spatial structure and the urban traffic in Suining is analyzed, and the problems between them is proposed.


  • 十五以来北京市开始重视交通结构优化研究以求通过出行方式转移缓解城市交通拥堵状况。

    Beijing has started the research to optimize city traffic structure since the tenth five year plan, in order to solve traffic congestion by changing people's traffic modes.


  • 十五以来北京市开始重视交通结构优化研究以求通过出行方式转移缓解城市交通拥堵状况。

    Beijing has started the research to optimize city traffic structure since the tenth five year plan, in order to solve traffic congestion by changing people's traffic modes.


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