• 埃莫森也许我们防守更加出色。

    With Emerson, however, we have more protection for the defence.


  • 埃莫森全能中场,可以扮演中场任何角色

    Emerson is a complete midfielder, able to interpret perfectly all of the midfield roles.


  • 皇家马德里中场埃莫森很有可能夏天回到尤文图斯

    Real Madrid midfielder Emerson is set to return to Juventus in the summer.


  • 米兰-埃莫森2007年八月下旬皇马来到米兰。

    MILAN - Emerson arrived at Milan, coming from Real Madrid, in the second half of August 2007.


  • 埃莫森胫骨的老伤存在问题,大概不能尽快好转。

    Emerson still has problems to his tibia and probably won't make it.


  • 取代埃莫森球员我认为只有一个——巴萨戴维斯

    When it comes to replacing Emerson then there is just one player - Edgar Davids of Barcelona. He would be ideal.


  • 如果皮尔洛不能还有其他人来应对,比方说埃莫森布罗基

    If Pirlo cannot play, I still have other solutions like Emerson and Brocchi.


  • 米兰中场埃莫森肯定的说:在周之内到达最佳,他帮助米兰。

    Milan midfielder Emerson is sure: within two weeks he will be at best, so he can help Ac Milan.


  • 健康人生第一财富。 ---拉尔夫瓦尔多。埃莫森美国思想家

    The first wealth is health . ---Ralph Waldo Emerson , American thinker.


  • 每年夏天整个埃莫森家族都要聚庄园湖边野餐,多数时间帕蒂都不喜欢这些假日野餐。

    Every summer, the entire Emerson clan gathered by the lake at the estate for holiday picnics that Patty mostly failed to enjoy.


  • 诗歌散文作品怀特曼·埃莫森梭罗艘船海上有时一个比喻灵魂

    In the poetry of Whitman and the prose writings of Emerson and Thoreau, a ship at sea is sometimes a metaphor for the soul.


  • 去年发生使一些球员离开成为唯一符合逻辑的,”埃莫森意大利天空

    "After what happened last year some players had to leave as that was only logical, " said Emerson to Sky Italia.


  • 天生就是那么的伟大;他的出现绝不会想到其他人。”拉尔夫·沃尔多·埃莫森

    "He is great who is what he is from nature, and who never reminds us of others." -ralph Waldo Emerson.


  • 失去了埃莫森维埃拉后尽快夺回联赛冠军,必须得引进个起相同作用替代者

    After losing Emerson and Vieira they will definitely need a replacement of similar stature if they want to lift the Scudetto again any time soon.


  • 某些制造商例如GE埃莫森NCR宣称他们一些生产外包拿美国不足以弥补此缺口

    Certain manufacturers such as GE, Emerson and NCR have said they will bring some outsourced production back to America, but that will do little to close the gap.


  • 我们知道埃莫森价值即使只是打的赌还是知道这次一定。 我看好帕托。

    Then we all know the value of Emerson, even though my bet, and I know that it will be a winning one, is for Pato.


  • 早在几天媒体就有爆料埃莫森米兰联系在了一起,现在安切洛蒂表示米兰官方兴趣

    Reports linking Emerson with Milan surfaced a few days ago, and Ancelotti has now made the Rossoneri's interest official.


  • 内德·维德一起训练,他和埃莫森一起晚餐,他位家庭主妇一起都灵最好街区

    He's training with Nedved, eating dinner with Emerson and lives with a housekeeper in Turins nicest block.


  • 后来做了议会女众议员成了尊敬的乔伊斯·埃莫森阁下。 女议员喜欢户外空间穷人家孩子还有艺术

    She later became a state assemblywoman, the Honorable Joyce Emerson, known for her advocacy of open space, poor children, and the Arts.


  • 埃莫森现在的情况也好,明天的比赛可以打了,还有卡福也是,但是塞尔吉尼奥还不能参加比赛。

    Even Emerson is fine and tomorrow he will be available, just like Cafu, whereas Serginho will not be available.


  • 曼奇尼的引进有以下事实作为铺设:他经纪人帕托埃莫森的经纪人同一个人,所以军团占优。

    The way for Mancini could be paved by the fact that the player has the same agent as Pato and Emerson and is therefore in good terms with the Rossoneri.


  • 由于伤病的问题度过了一个非常令人失望的赛季巴西球员埃莫森现在已经准备好迅速回到米兰正常轨道中。

    After a decidedly negative season, in which he's had innumerable physical problems, Brazilian international Emerson feels ready to get his Milan adventure back on track.


  • 使得跨进了由弗雷德·佩里-巴奇罗德·拉沃尔、罗伊·埃莫森以及阿加西组成独揽大满贯赛冠军的行列。

    He also moved into a select group made up only of Fred Perry, Don Budge, Rod Laver, Roy Emerson and Andre Agassi as men who have won all four of the grand slam events.


  • 埃莫森知道可以得更好,我感觉很好,我感觉有点跟不上节奏但是高兴能够出场几乎整场比赛

    I know I can do better, my feelings are good, I feel I am missing a bit of rhythm, but I'm happy to have been able to stay on the pitch almost the whole game.


  • 商人诡计就是件东西盛产之地带到价格高的地方- - -拉尔夫·瓦尔多·埃莫森美国论文作家哲学家

    The craft of the merchant is bringing a thing where it abounds to where it is costly — Ralph Waldo Emerson, American essayist, philosopher.


  • 埃莫森得到球队教练还有俱乐部认可,埃莫森一句话就是这里作为还有一名职业球员重生合适的地方

    Convinced by the group, the coach, and the club. The first words of Emerson are those of someone who is in the right place to regenerate himself as a person as well as a professional.


  • 最后埃莫森确认接受了降薪他说:“认为做出正确选择因为必须开心才是,今天我就非常高兴来到米兰。”

    " Finally Emerson confirmed that he reduced his salary and concluded by saying: "I think I did the right choice because you must be happy and today I'm happy to have arrived at Milan.


  • 对于这场失利我们谈论太多,即使这场比赛有些东西使我们处于了相当不利的局面,就埃莫森在比赛结束前半个多钟头就被罚出场一样。

    We must not make a drama of this defeat even though during this game there were some things that penalised us like Emerson's expulsion more than half an hour from the end.


  • 对于这场失利我们谈论太多,即使这场比赛有些东西使我们处于了相当不利的局面,就埃莫森在比赛结束前半个多钟头就被罚出场一样。

    We must not make a drama of this defeat even though during this game there were some things that penalised us like Emerson's expulsion more than half an hour from the end.


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