• 10月20日,我校向新萨摩萨的村民赠送了10盏植物灯。到目前为止,它们已经取得了巨大的成功!发明这盏灯的德克萨斯大学教授埃尔默·拉米雷斯认为,植物灯可以帮助改善许多人的生活,特别是小型雨林社区的人们,那里42%的人不能使用电。

    The university gave ten Plant Lamps to the villagers of Nuevo Saposoa on October 20. So far, they have been a huge success! Elmer Ramirez, the UT professor who invented the lamp, believes the Plant Lamp could help improve the lives of many people, especially small rainforest communities, 42% of whom have no electricity.


  • 埃尔默萨拉·考金斯一直都农场农场的生活并不容易

    Elmer and Sarah Coggins have lived on a farm all their lives, and it hasn't been easy.


  • 埃尔默兄弟超市里工作自己则可以面包店

    Elmer could get a job working in his brother's supermarket, and she could open a bakery.


  • 快递公司把快递员推向采取集体行动边缘,”尔默

    "The delivery companies are pushing drivers to the point of taking collective action," Mr. Elmer said.


  • 尔默接着说道:“相信女人撒谎通常口头上的,简单而老式语言谎言。”

    Elmore continues, "I also believe when women lie it tends to be verbal, plain old-fashioned lies with words."


  • 埃尔得克萨斯州一位石油百万富翁儿子当然是出生于富贵之家。

    The son of a Texas oil millionaire, young Elmer was certainly born with a silver spoon in his mouth.


  • 我的同事·埃尔·德维特专门写了一篇文章,讲述乔布斯为何选择伊萨克森自己撰写传记。

    Check out colleague Phil Elmer-DeWitt's story on why Jobs selected Isaacson for the job.


  • 制作蛋糕馅饼味道很棒如果埃尔默萨拉城里他们将会结交朋友经常外出

    She makes wonderful cakes and pies. If Elmer and Sarah moved to the city, they would make new friends and go out more often.


  • 遵守苏州珀金埃尔默医学检验所有限公司管理有关规定,保持检测区环境整洁卫生

    Comply with Suzhou PerkinElmer Medical Laboratory company regulations, ensure the clean the hygiene of the environment .


  • 萨拉·考金斯觉得如果他们搬到城里好点埃尔默兄弟超市里工作自己则可以面包店

    Sarah Coggins thinks it would be better if they moved to the city. Elmer could get a job working in his brother's supermarket, and she could open a bakery.


  • 埃尔默此前管理这家瑞士银行开曼群岛支行,主要负责那些净值客户直至2002年解雇。

    Elmer ran the Swiss bank's Cayman Islands branch - with responsibility for high net worth clients - until he was fired in 2002.


  • 我们非常自豪交付三个世代娱乐技术进步任天堂游戏机一致表示,”埃尔默宾主任,IBM定制芯片业务

    "We're very proud to have delivered to Nintendo consistent technology advancements for three generations of entertainment consoles," said Elmer Corbin, director, IBM's custom chip business.


  • 还有个折磨帕蒂法子:他们家里宠物狗尔默藏起来,告诉帕蒂她去练习篮球的时候埃尔默已经安乐死了。

    Other amusing methods of tormenting Patty were to hide the family dog, Elmo, and pretend that Elmo had been euthanized while Patty was at late basketball practice.


  • 职务暂时·西奥·埃尔默地接替后者意大利联合信贷银行总裁,他离开该行加盟瑞银的时间不到

    He will be temporarily replaced by Sergio Ermotti, who has been with the bank for less than a year after joining from Italy's UniCredit, where he was deputy chief executive.


  • 被告埃尔自订立遗嘱时起,一直作为家庭中的富朗西斯·帕尔默一家生活一起直到去世,时年埃尔默16

    At the date of the will, and subsequently to the death of the testator, Elmer lived with him as a member of his family, and at his death was 16 years old.


  • 格拉迪斯双亲奥蒂斯·埃尔梦露德拉•梦露•格拉杰垂暮之年都精神病院度过,她的兄弟马里恩确诊患上偏执型精神分裂症

    Both of Gladys's parents, Otis Elmer Monroe and Della Monroe Grainger, lived out their twilight years in mental institutions, while Gladys's brother, Marion, was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia.


  • 但如果被告埃尔·尔默比祖父朗西斯·帕尔默得长,而在未成年死去且未结婚不存在其它争议的话,则遗产尔默夫人所有。

    Palmer in case Elmer should survive him and die under age, unmarried, and without any issue. The testator, at the date of his will, owned a farm, and considerable personal property.


  • 担心家里胶水我们就会碰壁,因为埃尔默胶水中国的,不过凯文毫无怨言,在镇上四处跑着寻找直到发现了加拿大

    I worry that maybe we have hit a wall when we run out of glue and discover Elmer's is made in China, but Kevin runs around town without complaint until he locates a glue stick from Canada.


  • 于是,名为 埃尔·麦考伦 (Elmer McCollum)的科学家便维生素 叫做vitaminsA水溶性维生素 叫做vitaminsB

    A scientist named Elmer McCollum called the fat soluble vitamins A, and the water soluble vitamins B.


  • 此时弗里特,马克·富尔默忙着筹资帮助项目启动。

    Meanwhile, back in Everett, Marc Fulmer is busy raising money to help get the project off the ground.


  • 最近,西安大略省大学乔治·赖斯乔治·伯斯发表了一项研究质疑理论

    Subsequent research published by George Rice and George Ebers of the Universty of Western Ontario has cast doubt on Hamer's theory.


  • 最近,西安大略省大学乔治·赖斯乔治·伯斯发表了一项研究,质疑哈理论

    More recently research published by George Rice and George Ebers of the Universty of Western Ontario has cast doubt on Hamer's theory.


  • 福特1950年开发生产线,期待为客户提供寇利更高档特别但是林肯那么奢华车型

    When Ford developed the Edsel car line in the 1950s, it was intended to offer customers something a bit nicer and more distinctive than Mercury cars but not quite as luxurious as a Lincoln.


  • 加州弗雷斯诺赛德·森特罗这类城市失业率甚至高于底特律

    In such Californian cities as Fresno, Merced and El Centro, jobless rates are higher than in Detroit.


  • 另外一个稍远邻居,64岁,以前全职建设工人,现在看门人

    My next neighbor beyond the Maggards is Elmer McKoon, 64, who used to work full time in construction, and more recently as a janitor.


  • 另外一个稍远邻居,64岁,以前全职建设工人,现在看门人

    My next neighbor beyond the Maggards is Elmer McKoon, 64, who used to work full time in construction, and more recently as a janitor.


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