• 有时亨丽埃塔告诉埃米莉如此喜欢待在一起,让感到有些内疚

    At times, Henrietta would tell me she felt slightly guilty that Emily enjoyed staying with her so much.


  • 巴斯克武装分离主义集团埃塔”(ETA)组织领导人昨天发布视频声明时所选用的现场布景非常眼熟

    The mise-en-scène chosen by the leaders of ETA, the armed Basque separatist group, for their video declaration yesterday was very familiar.


  • 埃塔道士修道院维护得很好

    The monks of Ettal keep the Abbey in good repair.


  • 亨里埃塔不仅大加赞赏,而且索要式样

    Henrietta not only praises it, but asks for the pattern.


  • 埃塔认为,最近巴斯克地区召开国际会议一项具有重大意义倡议

    Eta considers that the international conference that has recently taken place in the Basque country is an initiative of enormous significance.


  • 艾玛·希特,自由职业者,医疗科学作家生活格鲁吉亚的玛丽埃塔

    Emma Hitt is a freelance medical and science writer living in Marietta, Georgia.


  • 关押700埃塔组织罪犯中,一些高级成员近来呼吁埃塔放弃武力行为

    Senior members among the more than 700 Eta prisoners held in jails have recently called for the group to abandon violence. Those controlling the group obviously disagree.


  • 玛丽埃塔法分三个小组他们公共电视节目的需求曲线小时T计量分别如下给出

    There are three groups in Marietta. Their demand curves for public television in hours of programming, t, are given respectively by.


  • 撰写本文的时候完全出售北加州美国南加州地区分别未知埃塔很多商店可用性

    At the time of this writing, it is completely sold out in Northern California and Southern California territories respectively with unknown ETA availability in many stores.


  • 葡萄酒主体现在就可能尝试提供关于芳葡萄酒的通用信息或者玛丽埃塔馨芳葡萄酒的特定信息。

    The wine agent may now attempt to provide information concerning zinfandel in general or Marietta Zinfandel in particular.


  • 埃莫海滩便是他们最理想的度假场所,片位于墨西哥海岸玛丽埃塔群岛沙滩称为世外桃源沙滩。

    And this dream comes true at Playa Del Amor, more commonly known as Hidden Beach, on one of the Marieta Islands off the coast of Mexico.


  • 亨丽埃塔提出了游客一个特殊烹饪经验在那里他们可以欣赏红木墙壁温暖阳光窗户投射

    Henrietta's presents visitors with a special culinary experience, where they can appreciate the deep mahogany walls and warm sunlight casting from the Windows.


  • 所有建议中,导致AACEAME公司达成共识埃塔初级作家专责小组成员评审输入影响

    All recommendations resulted from a consensus among the AACE, AME, and ETA primary writers and were influenced by input from the Task Force members and reviewers.


  • 份文档弗朗西斯科·德尔·焦孔多的遗嘱,这位商人请求小女儿玛丽埃塔照顾他“至爱的妻子丽莎

    One document is Francesco del Giocondo's will in which the merchant asks his younger daughter, Marietta, to take care of his "beloved wife," Lisa.


  • 但是伊鲁埃塔知道,罗森博格试图在客场取得入球而且可能是拉科将要面临的比赛艰难场次之一

    But the coach of Deportivo knows that Rosenborg will try to score a goal here, and this match will be one of the most difficult we will have.


  • 他们发现激情推动下那些有远见科学家仅带他们藻类他们研究身体离开了马丁·玛丽埃塔

    Driven by their passion for their discoveries, these visionary scientists spun off from Martin Marietta taking with them both their algae and their body of research.


  • 意大利西西群岛埃塔纳火山同样也有如此动态图片,图片中不仅有喷发时的火山灰柱,旁边的桔黄色亮线就是顺山口流下的岩浆。

    Equally dramatic shots of mount Etna in Sicily, Italy, shows the mountain erupting with plumes of smoke, while a line of bright orange lava can be seen snaking down the side.


  • 如果Batasuna自己过去决裂,谴责任何此种刺杀并且继续揭发其他攻击表明埃塔已经失去了人民的控制

    If Batasuna breaks with the past and condemns any such killing, and goes on to denounce other attacks, it will show that ETA has lost control of its own people.


  • 刚刚于7月26落网的,据称是“埃塔”的后勤主管助手。他们的落网过去2个月内便集拢了18名“埃塔成员

    The latest arrests on July 26th, of ETA's alleged head of logistics and two helpers, brought to at least 18 the number of ETA members rounded up in the past two months.


  • 有没有埃塔测试服务器回到网上知道我们开发团队现在方式之前,因此我们能够八月提供一个愉快的服务器大。

    There is no ETA on when the test server will be back online but you have to know that our dev team is now way bigger than before so we will be able to provide a more enjoyable server during August.


  • 许多其他人一样,阿尔托拉(后勤主管)所谓狗腿子法国拘留了,法国正是“埃塔领导阶层的基地他们越来越受到法国警方袭扰和折磨。

    Like many others, Juan Cruz Maiza and his alleged henchmen were detained in France, where eta's leadership is based but is increasingly harassed by French police.


  • 现年56岁谢丽·约翰逊(Sherry Johnson)第一次因为自动化而失去工作,佐治亚州玛丽埃塔当地报纸印厂,负责将纸张送入印刷机摆放页面

    The first job that Sherry Johnson, 56, lost to automation was at the local newspaper in Marietta, Georgia, where she fed paper into the printing machines and laid out pages.


  • 开始他们把瑞士埃曼塔尔奶酪粉碎融化,结果当然是:奶酪中的脂肪表面变成一张巨大的油膜。

    They began by shredding and melting Emmentaler into a soup, which, of course, caused all of the fat to escape to the surface and form a giant slick.


  • 埃伦·斯塔·尔德友谊欧洲回国与当教师的埃伦·斯塔尔再续前缘。

    Addams friendship with Ellen Starr: After returning from Europe, Jane resumed friendship with Ellen Starr, now a teacher.


  • 下面阿根廷巴塔哥尼亚尔加拉法提灯光岸边闪耀

    Below, the lights of el Calafate, Patagonia, Argentina, shine by the lake shore.


  • 下面阿根廷巴塔哥尼亚尔加拉法提灯光岸边闪耀

    Below, the lights of el Calafate, Patagonia, Argentina, shine by the lake shore.


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