• 他们小女儿到了垃圾边,发现不熟悉文件

    Their young daughter had gone to the trash can and found a pile of unfamiliar papers.


  • 我们却好像一堆肮脏城市垃圾,被胡乱丢草地上。如同海滩纸袋沙丁鱼罐头盒样败坏风景

    Littered on the grass, we seemed dingy, urban riff-raff. We defiled the scene, like sardine-tins and paper bags on the seashore.


  • 尔森和她的丈夫现在认为戒指可能被扫到了一堆厨房垃圾里,并(和这些垃圾一起)落在花园里,直到花园里意外穿过戒指发芽的胡萝卜绿叶让它被发现。

    Pahlsson and her husband now think the ring probably got swept into a pile of kitchen rubbish and was spread over the garden, where it remained until the carrot's leafy top accidentally sprouted through it.


  • 完美的方案可能一堆垃圾食品同时减肥保持健康。这不是件美事吗?

    The perfect scenario would be if it was possible to lose weight and be healthy while eating loads of junk food. Wouldn't that be sweet.


  • 完美的方案可能一堆垃圾食品同时减肥保持健康。

    The perfect scenario would be if it was possible to lose weight and be healthy while eating loads of junk food.


  • 依照目前的判定标准来说即使是垃圾能够运行Vista

    Based on the objective criteria that exist today for capable even a piece of junk would qualify.


  • 数据数字世界我们自然环境之间相似之处劣质的数据就像是一堆垃圾遍布于环境中的污染物

    There's a fitting analogy between the digital world of data and the physical environment we live in. Bad data is like trash: pollutants that infest the environment.


  • 如果噪音强度可以电子回路变成垃圾

    If the magnitude of this noise is large enough it can turn an electronic circuit to junk.


  • 今天他们嘲笑其它国家瓦良格担忧,“乌克兰不想要的垃圾”,附近建筑工地工作的工人说到

    Today they scoff at the thought that other countries should be worried. "That thing was a piece of trash that even Ukraine didn't want, " says a worker at a nearby construction site.


  • 沿着铁路继续走,铁路两侧着大垃圾高大菠菜一堆生长着。

    Further along the railway line, which is flanked by large piles of rubbish, large spinach plants were growing in sacks.


  • 正是大杂烩代码(得到一堆相互缠绕程序)产生方式——尽管更快产出,但你最后真的不会想要维护那些垃圾

    That's exactly how spaghetti code (where you have tangles of point programs) gets createdwhile it's quicker to produce, you really don't want to end up maintaining all that crud.


  • 接触到本书时,想象如果能转变态度哪,又垃圾”转为“如果认真,我从书中获得什么呢”。

    When you're approaching a book, imagine if you changed your perspective from, "Oh no, here's some junk I have to read," to "What could I gain from reading this, if I was really creative about it."


  • 旦把足够多任意因素放入后,那么得到就无非一堆有趣垃圾数据。

    Throw enough random factors like those into the mix, and the results you get may be nothing more than interesting junk.


  • 怀疑论者评论家任何法律吸引力电影只不过垃圾

    Skeptics and critics will say that any law of attraction movie is nothing but a bunch of rubbish.


  • 大厅里呈之字形前进避开垃圾三脚架几个纸盒子,就好像什么清楚地看见

    He zigzagged down the hall, sidestepping a garbage can, a tripod, a stack of paper and several boxes as if he could see everything clearly.


  • 很很可能也是出于经济原因,为什么无论如何我们真的负担不起,去买垃圾食品呢?

    Why buy a bunch of crap that's not good for you when we really can't afford it anyways?


  • 纳德学院上课路上,很难注意街道两旁一堆齐肩高的垃圾

    Walking to class at Barnard college it was hard not to notice the shoulder-high piles of garbage bags stacked along the city streets.


  • 钻进它炮塔玩弄会儿T72真是垃圾

    I got to play around in the turret for a while, and T72's are a piece of shit.


  • 至少不会库里那样的童子鸡,知道在下赛季之前不会遇到姚明了,就垃圾话。

    At least he wasn't a baby chicken like Eddie Curry by saying a lot of garbage after he knows he won't see Yao until next season.


  • 电脑垃圾总是问题,给添麻烦

    My computer is a piece of garbage. It's always having problem and causing me trouble.


  • 脑海里可怕想法醒来的时候发现你垃圾中间

    Dreadful thoughts flash through your mind, when you wake up in the middle of a garbage pile.


  • 很快邮件成为无人回复信息垃圾

    Soon, your email is a mess of unanswered and un-replied to messages.


  • 此话最为重要总会遇到敌人流氓无赖、小人,此等衣冠禽兽之徒可恶之极看穿了,无非垃圾

    This is most important, the life of people always meet some enemy, such as rogue, rogue, small, such a beast in human dress and very hateful, but see through, also was nothing but a pile of garbage.


  • 终于到达山顶。但是看到了垃圾

    When we reached the peak, we all surprised, since we saw many garbage.


  • 如果可能的话应该垃圾上构造,希望周围环绕着一堆塑料瓶盖

    It should be built out of garbage if possible, and I would like a field of plastic bottle caps to surround it.


  • 如果可能的话应该垃圾上构造,希望周围环绕着一堆塑料瓶盖

    It should be built out of garbage if possible, and I would like a field of plastic bottle caps to surround it.


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