• 坐在房间消磨时间上网

    I'll just be sitting in my room passing the time and looking on the Internet.


  • 记得坐在房间16岁左右思考摄影似乎很有趣也许做到一点。

    I remember sitting in my room around the age of 16 and thinking that photography seemed like fun, maybe I could do that.


  • 其中有曾拿着啤酒精神现象学》坐在房间,一次朗读一句然后停下来,“什么含义?”

    One sat in my room with a beer and “The Phenomenology of Spirit,” reading out a sentence at a time and stopping to ask, “All right, what did that mean?


  • 那里开始想可以怀疑感官怀疑坐在这个房间吗?

    From there he wonders, I can doubt my senses, but can I doubt that I am sitting in this room?


  • 坐在母亲房间门槛上,姨妈皱巴巴的《罗摩衍那》,封面有着大理石花纹。

    I sat down on the sill of my mother's door to read the dog-eared Ramayana, with a marbled paper cover, which belonged to her old aunt.


  • 走进们共用的房间时,发现克劳迪奥正坐在我的床边。

    When I walked into the room we shared, I found Claudio sitting at my bedside.


  • 个晚上第二个孩子饭菜放在饭桌上掉了,可坐在房间里,于是发信息给,说:“饭菜已经煮好了,马上给下来!”

    The night before, as his food sat cooling on the dining room table and he sat in his bedroom, I had texted my middle son: "Dinner ready now!"


  • 然而料定出去的话会不安全于是坐在母亲房间门槛母亲姑妈本有大理石纹面包书皮书页已折角的《罗摩衍那》。

    However, not deeming it safe to venture out again, I sat down on the sill of my mother's door to read the dog-eared Ramayana, with a marbled paper cover, which belonged to her old aunt.


  • 父亲这个房间坐在躺椅里——一直在这里

    MY DAD WAS IN THE ROOM, sitting in his reclinerhe had been there the entire time!


  • 这个场景甚至想起博士资格考试,时候四个不同学者一起坐在一个房间

    The setting even reminded me of my comprehensive exams, during which I'd sat in a small room with four distinguished scholars.


  • 祖父坐在沙发上,电视板球比赛观察评论员说一句话时候嘴形,但是他不能听见我的祖母在一个房间里面他。

    My grandfather would sit on the couch and watch a cricket match on TV, catch every word from the commentator's mouth, but wouldn't "hear" my grandmother when she called from the other room.


  • 祖父坐在沙发上,电视板球比赛观察评论员说一句话时候嘴形,但是他不能听见我的祖母在一个房间里面他。

    My grandfather would sit on the couch and watch a cricket match on TV, catch every word from the commentator's mouth, but wouldn't “hear” my grandmother when she called from the other room.


  • 一个十月份晚上小李坐在房间说:“不是事情至少工作了。”

    "This isn't what I want to be doing, but at least I have a job," said Mr. Li, sitting in his room one October evening.


  • 梦见自己坐在间灯光昏暗房间的圆桌旁,一个坐在对面

    I dreamt I was sitting at round table in a dimly lit room. There was a man sitting across the table from me.


  • 坐在向南露台上黑暗房间为你唱歌

    You will sit alone in the balcony of the south, and I shall sing from the darkened room.


  • 只能由她亲人房间回答问题

    Instead, it was the other relatives who had crowded the room who supplied answers to my questions.


  • 最后带到一个房间接受二次检查那里,坐在一张金属椅上坐在我旁边的纹身男人手铐。

    In the end I was dispatched for a secondary inspection in a room where I sat on a metal bench next to a tattooed man in handcuffs.


  • 每天放学回到家,常见的就是爸爸坐在沙发上“吞云吐雾”了,整个房间搞得乌烟瘴气。

    School every day at home, I most common: father sat on the sofa "content", whole room is badly messed up.


  • 回到房间坐在书桌变化万千千奇百怪的夜空

    I returned to my room, sit at the desk, looked at the ever-changing, strange night sky.


  • 鸦片已经成了朋友带走悲痛,”Aziza坐在只有一个房间屋子角落里,她的孩子就在一旁

    "Opium has been a good friend to me; it has taken away my sorrows," Aziza said, seated in the corner of her one-room house, with her children looking on.


  • 活动变化记录仪坐在间无窗的小房间内的一台电脑,进行工作记忆试验

    Wearing the actigraph, I sat before a computer in a small windowless room and took working-memory tests.


  • 每次经过凯特房间都会看到坐在椅子上忧伤盯着膝盖克里斯照片

    Often, as I went past her room, I would observe Kate sitting in her chair, scrapbooks on her lap, gazing sadly at pictures of Chris.


  • 就是这个月份天晚上路德维格·霍勒斯·霍利坐在剑桥大学房间埋头攻读数学著作,具体读的是本什么书,不大清楚了。

    It was in this month something over twenty years ago that I, Ludwing Horace Holly , sat one night in my rooms at Cambridge, grinding away at some mathematical work, I forget what.


  • 隔壁房间坐在弗内斯夫人身旁。“讲讲辛普森夫人的事。”

    I went into the next room and sat down near Lady Furness. 'Tell me about Mrs Simpson,' I said.


  • 走出黑暗坐在轿车许多充满明亮的房间

    Out of a dark and soft-seated limousine I am ushered into a bright room filled with many people.


  • 书籍已经死亡,坐在图书满架的房间里写着又一本书的时候,不断地听到这样的说法。

    The book is dead, I keep hearing as I sit writing another book in a room lined with them.


  • 几天晚上极力摆脱了电视诱惑,坐在自己房间,两书上

    Resisting the hypnotizing effect of television, I sat in my room for a few evenings with my eyes glued to a book.


  • 几天晚上极力摆脱了电视诱惑,坐在自己房间,两书上

    Resisting the hypnotizing effect of television, I sat in my room for a few evenings with my eyes glued to a book.


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