• 上一次冰河时代发生均衡上升这个国家领土每年增长7平方公里

    Owing to the isostatic uplift that has been taking place since the last ice age, the surface area of the country is growing by about 7 sq. kilometres a year.


  • 亚当斯:“我们知道如果妈妈告诉你的那样饮食均衡,你就能熊果酸。”

    "We know if you eat a balanced diet like mom told us to eat you get this material," Adams said.


  • 这位发言人,“适量食用巧克力可能作为享受,成为均衡饮食有趣组成部分。”

    "Chocolate in moderation can be a fun part of a balanced diet, as a treat, " the spokesperson said.


  • 有趣有关唱歌事情我们通过非常复杂过程,使得我们我们肺里气压保持大体均衡,”利伯曼

    "One of the interesting things about speech - and singing - is we go through a very complicated process so that we have an even air pressure in our lungs," Lieberman says.


  • 贾斯汀会用编辑软件改变音频速率均衡率,以期听到EVP就是超自然电子异响。有些人这种声音来自墓地声音

    Justin said he USES editing programs to change the speed and equalization of the recordings to listen for EVP, or electronic voice phenomenon, which some say are voices from beyond the grave.


  • 就算动物不是实验对象,它们也会吃到营养均衡食物,跟要实验的动物没什么区别。

    Even without the treats they receive during the experiments, he said the animals receive a nutritionally balanced diet.


  • 我们可以确定韩国牛排均衡口感风味如此之佳,投票舞弊完全多此一举嘛!

    But we're pretty sure the balance of sweet and savory in Korean short ribs means there's no underhand vote-rigging required.


  • 艾维,涉及性的层面,这种均衡似乎尚未带来无穷无尽的背叛。艾维去年毕业但是上周依然出没于大学周边酒吧

    But it's not as if the imbalance leads to ceaseless bed-hopping, said Austin Ivey, who graduated from North Carolina last year but was hanging out in a bar near campus last week.


  • 基于购买力平价理论也就是汇率应该使不同国家篮子商品价格达到均衡

    It is based on the theory of purchasing-power parity (PPP), which says that exchange rates should equalise the price of a basket of goods in each country.


  • 由于没有条件获得正常或者均衡饮食低收入家庭孩子容易罹营养不良

    And children of lower-income households are at even higher risk of undernourishment, since they may not have access to regular or well-balanced meals.


  • 由于全球主义并不意味着就是普遍现象并且这种全球一体化动态变化,所以全球一体化并不意味着公平并不意味着均衡 ——就不足为奇了

    Since globalism does not imply universality and given that globalization refers to dynamic changes, it is not surprising that globalization implies neither equitynor homogenization.


  • 亚当斯博士:“人们知道健康均衡饮食习惯一边摄入这种元素,而这时垃圾食品不到的。”

    Dr Adams said: 'We know that if you eat a balanced diet like mom told us to eat you get this material. People who eat junk food don't get this.'


  • 布什:“收入均衡现象的确存在问题我们是否应该制定某些政策,增加某些的财富,削减另一些人的收入。”

    "Income inequality is real," Mr Bush said. "the question is whether we respond to [it] with policies that help lift people up, or tear others down."


  • 比如如果央行确立如图中点A ''所对应债券最低价格PMin这个最低价格高于市场均衡价格P0造成债券供应过剩B** — B*),这些过剩的债券供应央行收购

    If the central bank wants to establish, say, PMin as implied by point A'', which exceeds P0, it creates a supply surplus of bonds (namely B** — B*), which has to be taken up by the central bank.


  • 对此,可能教练那里听到许多,要想一个均衡的(或者更快的)自由泳分段,你还需要练习

    You might hear this a lot from your coach, but to have an even (or faster) free split takes practice.


  • 均衡经济表现市场情绪剧烈波动。高盛威尔逊一点短期债券市场最为明显

    The uneven economic performance is translating into frequent sharp reversals of sentiment in markets. Goldman's Mr. Wilson says it is most evident in the short-term bond markets.


  • 先生描绘UFO覆盖均衡花纹下部有鲜明的紫色灯光出现

    Mr Yu described the UFO as being covered in uneven patterns and shapes as well as having glowing purple light coming out of its underside.


  • 亚当斯博士:“人们知道健康均衡饮食习惯一边摄入这种元素,而这时垃圾食品不到的。”

    Dr Adams said: 'We know that if you eat a balanced diet like mom told us to eat you get this material. People who eat junk food don't get this.


  • 做为看过整个职业生涯比赛的公牛可以均衡的双能

    After watching throughout his career as a Bulls fan, I can call him an average combo guard.


  • 温天力如果哪家公司的市场份额结构均衡的话,那么非中国电信属了。

    'If you look at which company will have a more balanced market share, it's going to be China Telecom,' Mr. Wen says.


  • 分析家们日本拥有宠物人数突飞猛进加之更好健康保健饮食更为均衡使得日本老龄数目上涨

    Analysts say that a boom in pet ownership in Japan, coupled with better health care and a more balanced diet, has led to a surge in elderly pets in Japan.


  • 李光耀美国保持突出大国地位、完全摆脱近期经济困局符合世界利益因为那样它就可以帮助维持整个世界势力均衡

    Lee said it was in the world's interests for the U. S. to remain a pre-eminent power and fully recover from its recent economic troubles, so that it can help preserve the balance of power world-wide.


  • 淡化紧密有线神经系统促进均衡睡眠周期,严博士,去。

    Toning down a tightly wired nervous system will encourage a balanced sleep-wake cycle, says Dr.


  • 至于本钱主义,号令市场国度之间建立一种新的均衡”,他还补充:“那种觉得市场永久对设法是跋扈獗的。”

    As for capitalism, he called for a new balance between the market and the state and added, the idea that markets are always right was a mad idea.


  • 首先以为我们有那么镇日,游戏调剂一个绝对均衡地方:90%

    First, I don't really think we'll ever get game balance to a state where 90% of you would say "Yes, it's perfect! ""


  • 如果人们坚持这样,“相信,我支持它,”他们持续生产……麦当劳食物可以成为均衡饮食一个部分

    "And if people continue to say," I believe in this, I support this, "then they're gonna keep making it.".. McDonald's says its food can be part of a balanced diet.


  • 专家们推广均衡饮食可能更好的办法

    Experts say promoting a balanced diet including calcium would be a better strategy.


  • 专家们推广均衡饮食可能更好的办法

    Experts say promoting a balanced diet including calcium would be a better strategy.


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