• 目的建立地蓝消炎片微生物限度检查方法

    Objective: To establish a method of microbial limit tests for Pudilan Xiaoyan Tablets.


  • 起居室朴素摆放柳条家具相间织物

    The living room is furnished simply with white wicker furniture and blue-and-white fabrics.


  • 保皇党报纸急切这些红白相间的国旗照片放在首页,那些认为我们的行为是歇斯底里滑稽的人看。

    Royalist newspapers eagerly put photographs of those same red, white and blue flags along Regent Street on the front page, playing to an audience that finds our reaction hysterical and comic.


  • 随着噗噗冒出柴油引擎发动起来司机一刻也耽误嘎吱嘎吱开起车,冲进了正午伦敦交通那刺耳喇叭鸣叫之中

    With a cough of blue smoke the diesel engine fired up and the driver wasted no time in crunching it into gear and thrusting it out amongst the blaring horns of midday London traffic.


  • 高高兴兴容忍韦兰家客厅里缎子栽绒,以及里面赝品镶木桌与时新的萨克森镀金玻璃框。

    She submitted cheerfully to the purple satin and yellow tuftings of the Welland drawing-room, to its sham Buhl tables and gilt vitrines full of modern Saxe.


  • 彩虹小心翼翼、小心翼翼一片最小的鳞片送给鱼。

    Carefully the Rainbow fish pulled out the smallest scale and gave it to the little fish.


  • 澳大利亚园丁鸟在小树枝草叶铺成林荫大道”整齐摆上鹦鹉的羽毛白色蜗牛还有黄色紫色花朵它的眼睛呈现惹人注目色。

    In Australia, in front of his stick-and-grass avenue, a male satin bowerbird, whose eyes are a striking blue, displays blue parrot feathers, white snail shells, and yellow and purple blossoms.


  • 开采计划使得人类外星土著“纳发生冲突皮肤“纳威人”身高7英尺,他们热爱和平,与大自然十分和谐相处。

    The humans clash with the natives - a peace-loving race of 7ft tall, blue-skinned creatures called the Na'vi, who exist in perfect harmony with nature.


  • 库马拉斯瓦米•纳格斯瓦瑞身着整洁的T恤,沮丧指着那堵高高的围墙,就是那墙村子、他在可马里海岸英亩分开来了。

    WEARING a crisp blue shirt, Kumaraswamy Nageswaran gestures dejectedly to a towering fence that keeps him from his village and his three acres of farmland on the Trincomalee coast.


  • 当然,毫不夸张说,观赏纹笛鲷鹦鹉、海等海底娱乐项目也是免费赠送

    Of course the aquatic entertainment - provided by the likes of blue-striped snapper, sting rays, parrot fish and moray eels - is also (quite literally) on the house.


  • 山谷横跨穿越了约为200英里(300公里阿勒格尼山脉

    The valley runs 200 miles (300 kilometers) across the Blue Ridge and Allegheny Mountains.


  • 威廉缓慢步行前往,很从容握着头上戴水手束带。

    Willem was able to walk there slowly, but with elegance, holding my hand, wearing his navy blue Nike headband.


  • 不仅意大利也不具体衣军团培训在百夫长的的比勒陀利亚

    Not in Italy nor, more specifically, at the Azzurri's training base in Centurion near Pretoria.


  • 久久凝望着闪动着的新的鳞片来游去。

    For a long time he watched the little blue fish swim back and forth with his new scale glittering in the water.


  • 乔斯·列格就那样和前面银色奔驰车保持一定的车距,这时候,奔驰车左侧车道相对安定奔走了一会儿。

    Jose le Grand waited until the silver Mercedes in front of him had momentarily settled into the left lane.


  • 一切都完完全全交给了阿根廷”,周四,4比1,在世界杯赛中轻取了韩国,一心只装着白军团,只求的战将能顺利出线,挺进第二老马如是说

    I'm giving my everything for the Argentine team, "he said after a 4-1 World Cup victory over South Korea on Thursday that all but assured the Albiceleste of advancing to the round of 16."


  • 边上的那个男人长着大卷曲八字胡,身体已然发福,罩着短袖t恤,下面是件裤子双手僵硬身前打量着尸首,无半点笑容

    But the portly, mustachioed man who stood looking at him, in a short-sleeved white shirt and blue trousers, hands clasped awkwardly in front of him, was not smiling.


  • 然而,雄性蜥蜴喉雄性蜥蜴正在奋力争夺、决一胜负的时候,雄性蜥蜴则会偷偷摸摸没有设防寻找雌蜥蜴。

    As the blues and oranges battle it out, the yellow throats sneak into unprotected territories to find females.


  • 第一次出现,是印度河谷居民发现植物叶子在干枯之后变成,且发酵之后的状物会牢固印在衣服上。

    It first appeared when residents of India's Indus Valley discovered that the leaves of indigo plants turned dark blue when dried and, as fermented pulp, clung attractively to garments.


  • 虽然轻而易举染着格里夫格里夫背后真相杨恩德里和伊西拉看起来也就是他们的那样,鸭子也差不多

    He had sniffed out the truth beneath the dyed blue hair of Griff and Young Griff easily enough, and Yandry and Ysilla seemed to be no more than they claimed to be, whilst Duck was somewhat less.


  • 绿色的三色会徽被称为”,基于体现这些含义的、笔画组成汉字“之”。

    The red, blue and green logo, entitled "Heaven, Earth and Human", is based on the Chinese character "Zhi", which comprises three strokes representing the title.


  • 绿色的三色会徽被称为”,基于体现这些含义的、笔画组成汉字“之”。

    The red, blue and green logo, entitled "Heaven, Earth and Human", is based on the Chinese character "Zhi", which comprises three strokes representing the title.


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