• 这里不仅的是地理距离历史文化差异语言障碍

    I am not referring only to geographical distance, historical and cultural differences or even the language barrier.


  • 使全球范围内通信没有地理距离限制

    It enables worldwide communication with no limitation by geographical distance.


  • 品种间遗传差异地理距离之间直接相关关系

    There was no direct relationship between genetic differences from breeds and geographical distances.


  • 这种方式拉近地理距离,让传送买卖指令时间缩短了数毫秒

    Reducing geographical distance in this way cuts milliseconds off the time it takes for buy or sell messages to be sent into or back from an exchange.


  • 同时种群之间遗传分化地理距离呈一定的相关性

    The results indicated that there was a positive relationship between genetic differentiation and geographic distance.


  • 中心引力范围可用心理距离地理距离结合来度量。

    To describe the attractive range of short distance tour center the indexes that integrating psychological distance and geographical distance are used.


  • 地理种群遗传距离地理距离具有显著相关性

    The genetic distance was not significantly correlated with the geographical distance between populations.


  • 显然菲舍尔能够拍照交通方式——大概使用照片时间标识拍摄者两张照片里的地理距离

    Apparently, Fischer was able to guess that the picture taker's mode of transportationpresumably using the time stamps and distance traveled between a user's pictures.


  • 方法结合地理距离遗传距离关系分别建立基于三种经典遗传距离的群体遗传空间结构异质性的变异函数模型

    Methods Spatial semivariogram models were set up based on genetic distance by analyzing the relationship between geographic distance and genetic distance.


  • 结果表明我国地区高新技术产业园区集聚存在较强空间相关性,空间相关程度随着地理距离增加而逐渐减弱

    The results show that the high-tech industrial park agglomerations in the different areas of China are highly correlated in space and the correlation degree weakens as the distance increases.


  • 应用引力模型,以2005-2006年中国主要30木质家具出口国为研究对象,分析经济规模地理距离中国木质家具出口影响

    Gravity model is used to analyze the data of 30 main import countries of wood furniture from China from 2005 to 2006, and the effect of economic scale and distance on Chinese wood export is analyzed.


  • 地理坐标可以用来表示任何地方位置但是适合定义具有可度量长度直线计算距离

    While geographic coordinates can be used to represent point locations anywhere, they are not suitable for defining lines of appreciable length or computing distances.


  • 即使是现在,大众丰田距离并不遥远虽然今年与丰田的销量比较上,根据地理位置衡量销售业绩的模式对大众较为有利。

    Even now, it is not far behind, although this year it has been helped by its geographic sales pattern compared with Toyota's.


  • 距离国家地理第一次推出封面不足,1960年4月又推出喷气式蝶形潜水器封面照。

    Less than a year after the first photograph appears on National Geographic, a jet-propelled diving saucer appears on the April 1960 cover.


  • 通常最佳实践选择距离自己数据中心地理位置最近一个IBMCloud数据中心,以便最小物理距离建立VPN连接

    Usually, the best practice is to pick an IBM Cloud data center that is closest geographically to one of your own data centers and establish the VPN connection over the minimum physical distance.


  • 美国国家地理调查局的调查,这次地震震央距离智利首都200英里(325公里)圣地亚哥,地震源深度22英里(35公里)的地下,发生时间是格林威治东部时间上午1点34分。

    The quake hit 200 miles (325 kilometers) southwest of the capital, Santiago, at a depth of 22 miles (35 kilometers) at 3:34 a.m. (0634 GMT; 1:34 a.m. Est), the U.S. Geological Survey reported.


  • 最近法案使这些胃肠曾经正在担任武装部队支付距离学习,一个明显例子地理受益在线教育

    A recent GI bill enabled those who had previously or are currently serving in the armed forces to pay for distance learning, a clear example of the geographic benefit to an online education.


  • 国家地理频道的《战机风云,且看缩短我们距离东西,又是如何将我们拆散。

    During War Plane Week on the National Geographic Channel, observe how something that can bring us closer together can also tear us apart.


  • 独一无二的地理位置,使所有入住青岛海尔洲际酒店宾客都机会青岛海港游艇俱乐部距离接触。

    With the hotels unique positioning, all our guest will have direct access to the Marina as well as the International yacht club.


  • 秦岭山脉北麓眉县至长安线的中华距离较近,应为一个地理居群

    The rice grasshoppers in the north of Qinling mountains are similar, and should be a geographical race or population.


  • 地理种群间遗传距离为0~0.016,表现为种下的遗传变异RAPD分析得出的结果一致。

    Genetic distance among different populations are 0~0.016, which is belong to infraspecies genetic variation, this result is consistent with RAPD analysis.


  • 其实年前其中15个陶俑就被运到华盛顿特区国家地理博物馆进行展览,当时很多游客今天一样近距离观赏过兵马俑。

    In fact, four years ago, 15 of them were shipped to Washington D. C. and put on exhibit at the National Geographic Museum, where visitors could come and see them face to face just like I did today.


  • 其中,时间维度方面生命时间哲学、时间经济学、时间地理城市时问距离理论研究城市休闲时间有关重要理论。

    The lifetime philosophy, the time economic, the time geography and the city time-space rationale are the main theories of the time dimension aspects.


  • 根据空间自相关性,可以普通克里距离加权平均法生成插值。 所产生多幅地图较合理显示小麦白粉病地理空间分布格局

    Based on these results, interpolated graphs could be created with Ordinary Kriging and IDW methods to show the overall pattern of geographic distribution of wheat powdery in China.


  • 结果表明:汉中安康线沿秦岭山脉南麓汉江两岸的中华距离较近,应为一个地理居群;

    The rice grasshoppers in the south of Qinling mountains are similar, and should be a geographical race or popullation.


  • 地处古城沱江风光带上虹桥风雨500距离交通便利地理位置优越

    Located in the scenery of the ancient city of Tuojiang belt, wind and rain away from the Hongqiao only 500 m from the floor, convenient transportation and favorable geographical position.


  • 重点找出信息空间人类行为之间的关系,重新定义地理学中关于距离尺度区域基本概念

    Another researching focus is on how information and space relate to the human-been behavior, and redefining some basic conception about the distance, scale and region in geography.


  • 重点找出信息空间人类行为之间的关系,重新定义地理学中关于距离尺度区域基本概念

    Another researching focus is on how information and space relate to the human-been behavior, and redefining some basic conception about the distance, scale and region in geography.


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