• 即使是那些地球上升可以更高水平如果他们时间但是确实是罕见的。

    Even those ascending from Earth can go to higher levels if that is where they are at the time, but this is rare indeed.


  • 足够时,这种炽热岩石球体强行通过地幔上升地球表面地形上形成一个宽阔的隆起

    When a reservoir is sufficiently large, a sphere of this hot rock forces its way up through the upper mantle to Earth's surface, creating a broad bulge in the topography.


  • 地球气温上升几乎世界所有冰冻地区都融化,”

    "The earth's temperature increases, melting virtually all ice regions of the world," he said.


  • NASA于本周二首次公布全球此项研究受气候变化影响过去25年里地球最大湖泊的温度已经上升

    The Earth's largest lakes have warmed up over the past 25 years in response to climate change, NASA said Tuesday, announcing the first such global study of its kind.


  • 大气中的二氧化碳正是吸收热量导致地球气温上升的罪魁。

    Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere helps to trap heat, which causes earth's temperatures to rise.


  • 现在情况尤为重要,特别是当地球压力焦虑水平不断上升时候高质量休息对于消除疲劳混乱非常重要的。

    Now more than ever, as stress and anxiety levels rise on our planet, moments of quality rest throughout our day are essential for the prevention of exhaustion, fatigue and confusion.


  • 现在大多数科学家预计2100年地球气候升温3摄氏度虽然期间会经历4.5至5摄氏度上升

    The planet will be hotter by 3c by 2100, most scientists now expect, though rises of 4.5c to 5c could be experienced.


  • 气流向下落地球表面,向流动,相互碰撞,如此一来就形成上升气流

    These downdrafts hit the surface of the planet, flow outward, and collide with each other, forming updrafts.


  • 云朵暴风雨温暖潮湿空气上升离开地球表面然后遇冷凝结而成的。

    Clouds and storms are driven by warm, moist air that rises up off Earth's surface, then cools and condenses.


  • 自然认为这个相对较新的概念有助于人类地球地位上升

    Nature sees the relatively new concept as presenting an opportunity to improve the role of human beings on Earth.


  • 气流下落地球表面,向流动,相互碰撞,如此一来就形成上升气流

    This creates downward air currents. These downdrafts hit the surface of the planet, flow outward, and collide with each other, forming updrafts.


  • 人类需求不断上升地球上水还是保持不变。

    The demand for water keeps increasing. Yet the amount of water on Earth stays the same.


  • 温室气体大气中的增加,会使能量较不容易离开地球,因而导致地表对流层的温度上升

    Adding to those greenhouse gases in the atmosphere makes it harder still for the energy to get out. As a result, the surface and the lower atmosphere warm up.


  • 大多数科学家相信温室气体效应使地球温度上升情况恶化。

    Most scientists believe that a rise in the Earth's temperatures is worsened by the effect of greenhouse gases.


  • 近几年来,更多冰层随着地球温度上升融化,北极已经逐渐薄。

    In recent years, it has gradually become thinner because more of it has been melting as the Earth's temperature rises.


  • 地球表面温度1880年以来一直处于上升中,仅仅20世纪40至60年代(1940 - 1960)保持稳定。

    Except for a leveling off between the 1940s and 1970s, Earth's surface temperatures have increased since 1880.


  • 每日科学(54日,2010)—树木其他植物都有助地球保持凉快空气上升二氧化碳浓度降低这个全球空气调节器的作用。

    ScienceDaily (May 4, 2010) -trees and other plants help keep the planet cool, but rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are turning down this global air conditioner.


  • 每日科学(54日,2010)—树木其他植物都有助地球保持凉快空气上升二氧化碳浓度降低这个全球空气调节器的作用。

    ScienceDaily (May 4, 2010) - Trees and other plants help keep the planet cool, but rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are turning down this global air conditioner.


  • 20世纪70年代起,NASA的一项统计数据显示地球温度十年上升0.36华氏摄氏度

    Since the 1970s, NASA says statistics show the Earth to be warming 0.36 degrees Fahrenheit a decade.


  • 有些声称地球很快就要经历另一次巨大地极变化,因此或许大陆沉没新的大陆会起。

    Some claim that the Earth will soon experience another dramatic polar shift, and that, as a result, entire continents might sink while new ones emerge from the sea.


  • 随后,一部分红热蒸汽灰尘上升几千英里后进入太空绝大部分物质在几个小时内回到地球上,天堂变为地狱

    Then, a column of red-hot steam and dust soared thousands of miles into space and most of it fell back toward Earth within a few hours, turning the heavens into hell.


  • 北极地区气候整体解冻变暖以及海平面逐渐上升,使得这些岛屿比起地球其他任何地球消逝更快

    The overall thawing of Arctic climates, as well as increasing sea level rise, have these islands retreating more rapidly than elsewhere in the world.


  • 但是这项新的研究使用统计模型模拟地球气候传统模型很大不同提供了解释目前温度上升停滞现象的另外途径

    But the new study, which USES statistical models that are very different from the models traditionally used to simulate the Earth's climate, offers an alternative way of explaining the apparent halt.


  • 由于种种原因古新-始新世极热时期地球大气中上升

    During the PETM, for reasons that are still unknown, the amount of carbon in Earth's atmosphere rose rapidly.


  • 由于种种原因古新-始新世极热时期地球大气中上升

    During the PETM, for reasons that are still unknown, the amount of carbon in Earth's atmosphere rose rapidly.


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