• 想想这些地方平时主要进行怎样活动- - -阅读准备食物洗刷洗衣服做家务休息

    Think about the activities that take place in each space - reading, food prep, grooming, laundry, homework, resting.


  • 因为地方平时与其说镇上商业中心,不如说会所宽阔孤寂绿草地。

    For it was usually more like the broad and lonesome green before a village meetinghouse, than the centre of a town 's business.


  • 恰巧到了这些审判官平时商议下判决书地方

    He was in the very place where the judges deliberated and condemned.


  • 约瑟夫离开这间屋子时,便坐在平时地方,我便把一杯咖啡放在面前。

    When Joseph quitted the room he took his seat in the place he generally chose, and I put a basin of coffee before him.


  • 让他们跟着到达有收集器地方时,扔掉它们平时日程表上

    When you get to your inbox, drop it in and process it according to your normal schedule.


  • 赛特却不在平时等待地方

    Cosette was not at the spot where she ordinarily waited for him.


  • 通过平时赠送礼品工作中的协助CEO或许可以同一地方银行官员建立深厚的关系,这种关系给了机会那位官员索要虚假的银行对账单证函。

    Through regular gifts and business assistance the CEO might build strong guanxi with a local bank manager that would give him the opportunity to ask for fake statements and confirmations.


  • 可以小事着手,比如说你可以试试那些平时穿颜色款式衣服或者一些你平时去的地方参观。最后,你就可以说出一些使人瞠目结舌的话“你认真的?”

    You can start small, perhaps by wearing a color or style of clothing that you don't normally wear, or visiting a place you normally wouldn't visit.


  • 10名报纸基本上人们平时听说过的,把它们地方,它们看起来有一吨那么重

    The top 10 is basically all the newspapers you've heard of, and they weigh a ton when they're stacked in one place.


  • 它自己真正的地盘一般入口处吃饭地方,还有个给它喝水小碗平时它就在那张桌子下面的旧地躺着。

    His usual spot was by his food and water bowls at the third-floor entrance, where he was often curled up asleep on an old blanket under the desk.


  • 半山腰上可不是突然意识到出发平时多练习慢跑引体向上其他什么的地方时机也不对。

    The middle of a route is not the time or place to suddenly realize that it might have been a good idea to do some jogging, pull-ups, or other conditioning before setting out.


  • 可能平时使用命令行时发现一些需要应用pv地方但是更常用地方自动化脚本

    You may find some applications of pv in your daily command-line use, but you are likely to find oodles of uses for it in your automation scripts.


  • 艺术经纬很多画小区局部,那您平时地方一下子有一种感觉还是经常路过那儿,对那儿慢慢形成有一种习惯

    Editor: you drew part of block in your painting. You had a feeling about a place quickly or formed a custom slowly often pass by there?


  • 以往一样吹干头发马上就注意到了与以往不一样的地方的头发平时光泽得多嘛!

    I blow-dried it as normal and immediately noticed a difference. My hair definitely looked shinier than normal.


  • 史蒂夫所以就是亚洲人平时呆的地方

    Steve Choe:So this is where the Asians hang out?


  • 江浙一带,饭桌上通常扣肉有些地方,大年三十晚上人们瓜子平时不能晚上炒瓜子的。

    But the area of jiangsu, dining table usually there will be KouRou, some places, 30 night, people will Fried melon seeds, while in peacetime is not night Fried melon seeds.


  • 这种情况下应该鼓励先让小朋友接触一下,你平时多带多的地方看见认识的人多鼓励说话

    In this case you should I encourage him, let him and have contact with many children, you usually take him to many people in many places, see people you know many encouraged him to speak.


  • 最后店面西校区出校门口米左右地方店面一个公交车站前面是个大马路,平时无论白天晚上都有客流量。

    Finally, I choose to shop out of school population in the West Campus, where about ten meters, only to suffer stores have a bus stop in front of a big road, usually have traffic day and night.


  • 完全被现实了房租了,而且平时的日子也太拮据了,既不能老爸老妈伸手要,又没有找到可以收留自己的地方

    Mengling and I were forced to get mad , time to pay the rent , further more , we were in a jam usually , we couldn't ask parents for money and we couldn't find the place to live .


  • 大理石底座上圆形建筑平时祭祀用品就存放在这个地方

    The Hall of Heavenly Lord is a single-gabled circular building, built on a single level of marble stone base, where the altars were housed when not in use.


  • 我们一起吃午餐不是在我们平时就餐的地方

    We went to lunch but not where we'd normally go. Instead she took me to a quiet bistro with a private table.


  • 简单了,自然就是我们生活地方呀!多放些思思去观察自己周围的事物,发现许多平时不留意的东西是那么的有趣

    Very simple, nature is where we live! If you examine closely what's around you, you will find many unexpected interesting things!


  • 亲自下厨盘子放在平时地方TA能看到(别忘了盛之前盘子回去哦)。

    Make dinner and leave the plate in place of your normal serving ware. Make sure to switch it back before putting food on it.


  • 相关资源积累达到一定应该进行皖西地方文献信息资源数据库建设

    When the relative information accumulated to a certain degree, the databases of the local information resources of West Anhui should be constructed.


  • 看见尼古拉时候,她呆在路的地方,她看见他已不是她从前认识平时有点人的他了。

    She was two paces away when she saw him. She saw him, too, not as she knew him, and as she was always a little afraid of him.


  • 来到摄政王街角立刻意识到发生了什么事,在“马克斯斯潘瑟商场”外面那儿正是你平时公共汽车地方

    As you turn the corner of Regent Street, you realise immediately that something is up. A crowd has gathered outside Marks and Spencer, right where you normally wait for the bus.


  • 来到摄政王街角立刻意识到发生了什么事,在“马克斯斯潘瑟商场”外面那儿正是你平时公共汽车地方

    As you turn the corner of Regent Street, you realise immediately that something is up. A crowd has gathered outside Marks and Spencer, right where you normally wait for the bus.


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