• 地址产生器主要完成地址计算处理器指令场抽取功能。

    The address generator mainly implements the address calculation and instruction-field extraction of the coprocessor.


  • 与跳转相关指令目标地址计算一起执行内存参考指令的地址计算

    Address calculations for memory referencing instructions are also performed here along with target address calculations for jump related instructions.


  • 两种模式下有效地址计算使用所有64相关寄存器(GPRLRCTR)生成64结果

    In both modes, effective address computations use all 64 bits of the relevant registers (GPRs, LRs, CTRs, etc.) and produce a 64-bit result.


  • 通过访问行为分析,提出一种栈高速缓存方案——快速地址计算自适应栈高速缓存组织方案。

    Adaptive stack cache with fast address generation policy is proposed by investigating stack access behavior of programs.


  • 正如NAT路由器计算IP地址口号存储地址转换表中

    As you can see, the NAT router stores the IP address and port number of each computer in the address translation table.


  • 为了使他们计算跟踪个人记录他们需要这个名字地址

    In order for their computers to trace a person's records, they need both the name and address of the individual.


  • 可以创建一个IP地址访问列表告诉路由器网路哪些计算需要NAT

    You can create an access list of IP addresses that tells the router which computers on the network require NAT.


  • 所要做的就是输入地址!最后,中央计算机系统会录入从传感器和摄像机接收到的所有信息,并计算出何时加速、停车、和转弯。

    All you have to do is to type in the address! Finally, a central computer system takes in all the information that it receives from the sensors and cameras and works out when to speed up, stop and turn.


  • 寄存器加上个常量为了计算用于加载存储地址

    The constant gets added to the register to compute the address to use for loading or storing.


  • 希望数字电话下载会场地址计算会议日期到达最佳列车路线

    You would like your digital phone to download the event's address and compute the best train route to arrive at that date and time.


  • 稍微简单的模式相对址模式,根据当前程序计数器计算地址

    A similar mode is relative addressing mode, which calculates the address based on the current program counter.


  • 每个节点计算网络需要两个地址用于计算地址另一个用于基管理控制器BMC),BMC用来进行硬件监视电源控制

    Each node requires two addresses on the compute network: one for the compute address and another for the Baseboard Management Controller (BMC), which is used for hardware monitoring and power control.


  • 由于nat路由器现在已经拥有了计算保存地址转换表中的地址源端口号将会有效期内继续使用同一个端口号进行转换。

    Since the NAT router now has the computer's source address and source port saved to the address translation table, it will continue to use that same port number for the duration of the connection.


  • 操作系统维持着一个虚拟地址到物理地址转换以便计算硬件可以正确响应地址请求。

    The operating system maintains a table of virtual address-to-physical address translations so that the computer hardware can respond properly to address requests.


  • 根据IP地址口号来区分会话,IP地址指定参与会话计算,端口号则表示计算程序

    A session is identified by IP addresses, which specify the computers that participate in it, and port Numbers, which identify the programs on those computers.


  • 目的地址——接收数据包计算IP地址

    Destination address-the IP address of the receiving computer.


  • 此外世行记录IP地址计算网络地址以及诸如浏览器类型操作系统信息。

    In addition, the World Bank also records your IP address, which is the Internet address of your computer, and information such as your browser type and operating system.


  • 因为的网卡MAC地址不变常常认为是”的,物理的,计算地址

    Because your NIC's MAC address is permanent, it's often referred to as the "real," or physical, address of a computer.


  • com这个网站可以允许输入多达十个出行任务他们相关地址,网页会计算出最优的路线和驾驶方向。

    Route4me.com lets you type in up to ten errands and their associated addresses.


  • 可以看到一个记录计算IP地址主机名其他别名的条目。

    You should see an entry for this computer that includes the IP address, hostname, and any aliases.


  • 这些计算就会被分配内部全局地址意味着他们不再需要地址转换

    These computers have inside global addresses which means that they do not require translation.


  • 大多数存根 (网络)中的计算内部本地地址相互通信

    Most computers on the stub domain communicate with each other using the inside local addresses.


  • 计算连接IP地址因此这种转换重要

    Your computer connects to IP addresses, so this translation is important.


  • 存根 (网络) 中被分配内部本地地址计算要和外部网络通信时,数据包就会像通常一样被路由默认网关,此时网管充当NAT路由器功能。

    When a computer on the stub domain that has an inside local address wants to communicate outside the network, the packet goes to one of the NAT routers by way of normal routing to the default-gateway.


  • 域名系统(DNS)服务器IP地址解释其他计算网站域名地址

    A domain name System (DNS) server interprets IP addresses into domain names and locations of other computers or Web sites.


  • 对于网络中的计算这个地址必须唯一的,否则可能导致严重的网络问题。

    This must be unique for each machine on the network or severe network problems can result.


  • 非常详细级别模型可以包括基础设施物理细节包括网络地址计算类型规格等等

    At a very detailed level, the model might include physical details of the infrastructure, including network addresses, machine types, specs, and so forth.


  • 现在地址转换就拥有计算不可路由IP地址一个唯一 IP地址匹配映射

    The translation table now has a mapping of the computer's non-routable IP address matched with one of the unique IP addresses.


  • 如果运行过程轻松愉快准确无误,那么上图显示段式虚拟地址管理启用过程对于计算几乎所有进程完全一致

    When computing was happy and safe and cuddly, the starting virtual addresses for the segments shown above were exactly the same for nearly every process in a machine.


  • 计算引用一点作为返回地址,会堆栈框架跟踪

    The computer refers to this point as the return address and keeps track of it in the stack frame.


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