• 可以十六进制搜索限制特定序列中,在检索地址引用一点很方便。

    You can restrict the hex search to a specified alignment, which is useful when you're searching for a reference to an address.


  • 如果每个地址引用存储字节,那么一个16位物理地址允许处理器64KB内存

    If each address references a byte of storage, a 16-bit physical address would allow a processor to address 64kb of memory.


  • 运行使用64位指针(本机地址引用),因此64位运行时中的相同对象会占用更多空间

    A 64-bit runtime USES 64-bit Pointers (native address references), so the same Java object on 64-bit takes up more space than an object containing the same data on 32-bit.


  • RecipeJAUS平台提供资源一个内部地址引用(JAUSEncoding)。

    It also provides an internal address reference (JAUSEncoding) within the RecipeJAUS platform for that resource.


  • 主要运用EXCEL相对地址引用变量求解以及反复操作等工具求解化工计算中的问题

    The citation of relative address, single goal seeking and repeating operating are used to calculate: the questions in chemical engineering technoolgy.


  • 程序执行StorageAccessBranch指令或者存取下一条顺序指令使用处理器计算出的有效地址引用存储设备。

    A program references storage using the effective address computed by the processor when it executes a storage Access or Branch instruction or when it fetches the next sequential instruction.


  • 如果其中个人使电子邮件地址变得可用可以她自己的FOAF文件引用或许还可以象上面描述的那样对它进行加密

    If one of those people wishes to make her E-mail address available, she can reference it in her own FOAF files, and perhaps encrypt it as described above.


  • 直到第一执行解析引用意味着没有地址可供从中加载静态字段

    Until the first execution, the reference is unresolved, which means there's no address to load that static field from.


  • 一些服务器默认配置这个内容头部引用一个IP地址,或者可能提供也可能不提供完全限定域名(FQDN)。

    In a default configuration, in some Web servers, this content header will reference an IP address and may or may not provide the fully qualified domain name (FQDN).


  • 代码(1)使用瞬态上下文中提取地址创建了端点引用

    Code snippet (1) creates an endpoint reference using the address extracted from the transient context.


  • 有时没有引用内存收集,这样引发问题例如如果整数域中包含已分配内存地址

    This sometimes leads to problems where memory that isn't referenced is collected if, for example, an integer field contained a value that was the address of allocated memory.


  • CORBA对象一个客户程序获取了对象引用用作句柄进行方法调用,就好像对象位于客户程序地址空间中一样。

    The client of a CORBA object acquires its object reference and USES it as a handle to make method calls, as if the object were located in the client's address space.


  • 如果对当前不在物理内存加载虚拟地址进行引用(一个页面错误),则会出现DSI错误。

    A DSI occurs whenever a reference is made to a virtual address that is not currently loaded in physical memory (this is a page fault).


  • RMO 寄存器设计用于每个分区,并且可以帮助每个分区引用地址以及内存有效唯一的地址

    The RMO register is designed for each partition and is intended to facilitate each partition to reference address zero and yet a valid and unique address in the memory.


  • 如果关闭属性使用引用关联导入中的静态地址;如果没有提供地址的导入,则会导致异常

    If this property is turned off, then the static address from the import associated with the reference is used; if there is no import that supplies an address, an exception results.


  • EFAULT函数参数之一引用无效地址

    EFAULT — One of the function arguments refers to an invalid address.


  • 计算机引用一点作为返回地址,会堆栈框架跟踪

    The computer refers to this point as the return address and keeps track of it in the stack frame.


  • 由于这个模式使用操作地址显式地址自身引用必须作为请求参数提供

    Since a single operation is used for this pattern, a reference to the address or the explicit address itself must be provided as a parameter on the request.


  • 主机IP地址引用IP地址多个网络适配器关联。

    A host name is a reference to an IP address, and an IP address is associated with one or more network adapters.


  • 如果需要引用敲门者的IP地址(例如为了允许计算机连接的计算机),可以使用% IP %。

    If you need to refer to the knocker's IP address (for example, to allow a connection from his or her machine to yours), you can use % IP %.


  • 程序(包括DB2)引用内存地址虚拟地址

    Programs (including DB2) reference memory addresses as virtual addresses.


  • 能够建立引用一个协调器(多个协调器),整个网络内都能理解端点地址

    The ability to establish and reference a coordinator (or coordinators), that is, an endpoint address understood though out the network.


  • 其他人描述中引用他们的 mbox_sha1sum 特性不是他们的电子邮件地址对于您来说或许礼貌的。

    In your descriptions of other people, it is probably courteous for you to reference their mbox_sha1sum property instead of their e-mail address.


  • 我们可以直接引用数据对象属性中的属性,例如第一地址中的zip代码

    We can also directly reference properties within child data object properties, such as the ZIP code from the first address.


  • 实现某些种类文本(比如文档内部文档之间的引用中的超链接,或用于地址弹出指示)有关交互式行为

    Implement interactive behavior associated with certain kinds of text-for example, hyperlinks for intra - or inter-document references or pop-up directions for addresses.


  • RMSource必须具有唯一标识RMdestination端点的端点引用;以此唯一端点为目标地址消息间的关联必须有意义。

    The RM Source MUST have an endpoint reference that uniquely identifies the RM Destination endpoint; correlations across messages addressed to the unique endpoint MUST be meaningful.


  • 虽然32位地址可以引用4gb数据,但程序不能独自使用整个4gb地址空间

    Although a 32-bit address can reference 4gb of data, a program is not given the entire 4gb address space for its own use.


  • 引用这个HTTPR绑定服务端口地址定位一个HTTPRuri

    Will reference this HTTPR binding, and the service port address location will be an HTTPR uri. For example?


  • 代码(2)根据端点引用中的地址获取BigEcho服务代理

    Code snippet (2) gets a proxy for the BigEcho service at the address in the endpoint reference.


  • 这些后缀称为资源地址服务地址名”的实体引用

    These are references to a entity called a "resource group address name" or "service address name."


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