• 李谷地区公园顺着延伸26英里(42千米),印度码头穿过奥林匹克公园,直到哈福德

    Lee Valley Regional Park stretches 26 miles (42 km) along the River Lee, from East India Docks, past the Olympic Park and up to Ware in Hertfordshire.


  • 有些石油位于禁止钻探地区之下国家公园其他公共土地

    Some oil lies under regions where drilling is forbidden, such as national parks or other public lands.


  • 一个之字形金属屋顶纳入奥本海默公园设计中,现在成为整个地区统一的设计元素

    A zigzag metal roof, also incorporated into the Oppenheimer Park design, now acts as a unifying design element throughout the district.


  • 中国大陆地区建立一家上海迪士尼主题公园于2016年616日开园。

    Shanghai Disney theme park, first built on the Chinese mainland, opened its doors on June 16, 2016.


  • 黄石国家公园计划一项有价值实验有助于生物学家决定是否重新引入美国其他地区

    The Yellowstone wolf project has been a valuable experiment to help biologists decide whether to reintroduce wolves to other parts of the country as well.


  • 计划利用联邦刺激资金拆除空缺地区他们变成绿色空间建立公园甚至农场

    He plans to use federal stimulus funds to demolish areas with high vacancy rates and turn them into green space for parks or even farms.


  • 这个地区许多公园海滩高尔夫球场一个备受尊重的社区剧场

    The area has many parks, beaches, golf courses, and a well respected community playhouse.


  • 一万以前国家冰川公园低于海平面地区英里冰层覆盖

    Ten thousand years ago, the area of Glacier National Park was covered by ice up to one mile below sea level.


  • 这里学校总体水平不错(尤其是里奇地区),拥有大量公园室外操场。

    Overall the schools here are strong, especially in the Richland School District, and parks and playgrounds are plentiful.


  • 纽约试图皇后区停车场曼哈顿高线公园那些高架桥下进行类似尝试,然而城市人口密集地区的快餐快餐店作用不大。

    New York is trying something similar in a Queens parking lot and under the High Line, an elevated park in Manhattan, but it won't do much good for trucks or lunchers in the city's more crowded areas.


  • 洛杉矶游乐场海滩实施的现有禁令扩展公园之后加州立法者已经禁止所有州立公园和部分海滩地区吸烟

    State legislators there have prohibited smoking in all state parks and on parts of beaches, two years after Los Angeles extended its existing ban on playgrounds and beaches to parks.


  • 本书涉及到的地区不仅仅城郊地带,还有通勤购物,移动家庭公园操纵沿海定居点

    The book takes in not just semi - detached suburbia but commuter towns, shopping villages, mobile-home parks and jerry-rigged coastal settlements.


  • 座落肯伍德海德公园社区内。 南肯伍德是位于芝加哥市以南英里,一个多民族多文化交融地区

    It is located in the community of Hyde Park--- South Kenwood, a culturaly rich and ethnically diverse neighborhood, seven miles south of downtown Chicago.


  • 乐园搜索帮助找到所在地区的狗友好公园训练地(美国)。

    Dog park Finder helps you locate dog-friendly parks and training locations in your area (USA locations only).


  • 这些人烟稠密村庄里的村民普遍的抱怨这些村庄对地区公园保护区网络形成了包围之势。

    It's a common complaint in the overcrowded villages that ring the region's networks of parks and reserves.


  • 因为地区偏僻以至于没有一所学校公园所以Mike可以住在这里

    The area is too desolate to have any schools or parks, so he is allowed to live there.


  • 至少11000年前土著美国人首次开始地区捕鱼狩猎时,黄石公园人类历史就开始了。

    The human history of the park begins at least 11,000 years ago when aboriginal Americans first began to hunt and fish in the region.


  • Mugaruka强化公园管理的努力数万刚果人面前显得苍白,他们逃离冲突地区这些村子里定居下来。

    Mugaruka's efforts to enforce park regulations do not sit well with the tens of thousands of Congolese who have fled areas of conflict and taken up residence in the villages.


  • Oppenheimer公园东面Joubert为界约翰内斯堡中心商业地区步行街之一,被用来开辟了一个沿街市场

    Oppenheimer Park is bounded to the east by Joubert Street, one of several pedestrianized streets functioning as a linear market in central Johannesburg’s Retail Improvement District (RID).


  • 芝加哥南部15英里(约24.14公里)韦斯·切斯特安静郊区城内周边地区一个小企业公园许多高尔夫球场。

    Westchester, 15 miles west of Chicago, is a quiet suburb that has a small corporate park and a number of golf courses in or around the town.


  • 澳大利亚兰杰(Ranger铀矿26年开发史大部分时期内,一直受到来自生态学家抗议他们反对一个世界遗产公园周边地区开发铀矿用于核燃料生产。

    FOR much of its 26-year life the Ranger uranium mine in north Australia has seen protests from ecologists who oppose digging for nuclear fuel on the edge of a world heritage park.


  • 这座拥有横跨面积为3 472平方公里湖泊峡谷河流山脉公园主要坐落怀俄明州(Wyoming)蒙大拿州(Montana)和爱达荷州(Idaho)部分地区

    Located mostly in Wyoming and partly in Montana and Idaho, the park's lakes, canyons, rivers and mountains span 3, 472 square miles.


  • 加拿大容易进入、处于北极高纬度地区公园之一Sirmilik各种海洋生物禽类野生动物的所在地。

    One of Canada’s most accessible high Arctic parks, Sirmilik is home to a variety of marine and avian wildlife.


  • 世界著名景区公路-卡博特之路(CabotTrail)沿着公园两侧沿海边界部分地区穿越高原

    The Cabot Trail, a world-famous scenic highway, runs along parts of the coastal borders on both sides of the park and crosses the highlands.


  • 公园南部地区主要门户卡拉法特公路冰川东边有80公里路程。

    The main gateway town to the park's southern sector, El Calafate is 80km east of the glacier by road.


  • 雨量丰富月份公园地区居民饲养山羊可以自由自在地野生植物干旱季节到来时,把它们赶到一起。

    Raised by residents of the park, goats graze freely on wild vegetation during the lush months of rain, then are rounded up when the dry season arrives.


  • 火山喷发出来的熔岩岩石占了黄石公园的大部分地区

    Lava flows and rocks from volcanic eruptions cover most of the land area of Yellowstone.


  • 火山喷发出来的熔岩岩石占了黄石公园的大部分地区

    Lava flows and rocks from volcanic eruptions cover most of the land area of Yellowstone.


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