• 报道,这个名字记者采访一个舞厅观看其他情侣跳舞的人时得到的。

    It was reportedly given this name when a reporter was interviewing a person at the dance hall who was watching other couples dance.


  • 节日期间,为了庆祝他们的传统,巴西人在舞厅和俱乐部、街道和海滩或巴西的任何地方唱歌和跳舞。

    During the festival, to celebrate their traditions, Brazilians sing and dance in dance halls and clubs, on the streets and beaches or anywhere else in Brazil.


  • 他们舞厅说笑跳舞

    They're in the ballroom, talking and laughing and dancing.


  • 认为舞厅跳舞判断什么问题吗?

    Do you think there are any problems in the judgment of ballroom dancing?


  • 一件西服怎么舞厅所有面前不晕倒呢?

    How is a new suit going to prevent me from passing out in front of a ballroom full of people?


  • 有的乐队舞厅剧院旅馆数月甚至数月的逗留。

    Some settled into ballrooms or theaters or hotels for weeks or months at a time.


  • 舞厅KTV大胆的运用其他活跃气氛颜色室内陈设设计选用

    The design which in the ballroom, in the KTV bold utilization other active atmosphere color room arranges with selects.


  • 如果上帝有意安排我们舞厅跳舞应该女人膝盖另外一侧弯曲

    If God had intended us to do Ballroom dancing, he would have made women's knees bend the other way.


  • 舞厅举行一次非正式新闻发布会上家庭发言人说:夫妻没有蜜月旅行计划

    In an impromptu news conference outside the ballroom, a family spokesman said the couple had no plans for a honeymoon cruise.


  • 一周紧张工作学习之余,舞厅柔和灯光下,听听轻音乐,感觉真好

    After a week's tense work and study, it feels good to sit in the ball room, listening to light music in the soft lamplight.


  • 知道DJ意指“唱片骑士”,也就是舞厅电台播放唱片CD什么VJ呢?

    I know DJ stands for "disc jockey," the person who plays records or CDs in a dance hall or on the radio. But what is a VJ?


  • 自负寻找一个变成寻找特定的那个人,这注定徒劳妥协而结束无论是互联网还是舞厅里找。

    The conceit can turn the search for someone into a search for that someone, which is fated to end in futility or compromise, whether conducted on the Internet or in a ballroom.


  • 今年1月1日起,JasonBrueschke舞厅俱乐部餐馆、酒店、赌场咖啡厅所有室内场所实行禁烟。

    Cigarettes were prohibited in all indoor locations such as dance clubs, restaurants, sporting goods, casinos and cafes from Jan 1, 2008.


  • 晚上公主影子一个宽大舞厅跳舞

    In the evening, the princess and the shadow danced together in the large ball-room.


  • 纳希很多年但是很久以前也许伊斯坦布尔一个舞厅乐队里吹过高音萨克斯管

    Nashi played fish for many years, but long ago, he might have played treble saxophone in a ballroom band in Istanbul.


  • 斯奈德故事情节一路追随着斯金纳爵士乐时代后裔珀尔(Pearl)冒险经历展开。珀尔是好莱坞地下酒吧舞厅的常客,梦想有一天成为明星

    Snyder's storyline will follow the adventures of Skinner's Jazz Age descendent Pearl, a frequenter of Hollywood's speakeasies and dance halls who dreams of becoming a star.


  • 通过抽奖方式决定台大屏幕LCD电视30GiPod花落谁家之后,观众还要求继续观看其他视频所以接下来整个晚上舞厅屏幕上一直上映着视频短片,会场中迷漫敏捷思想

    After the raffle of a large LCD TV and 30GB video iPod, the crowd wanted to see more videos, so the evening continued with Agile ideas and comedy on the big screens in the ballroom.


  • 家具店门口停下来,地方曾经一个舞厅少女时代的她还那里跳过

    She had me pull up in front of a furniture warehouse that had once been a ballroom where she had gone dancing as a girl.


  • 迪拜美拉宾馆豪华舞厅来自30多个国家的近80家艺术馆展览了他们的作品。

    In the lush ballrooms of Dubai’s Madinat Jumeirah hotel, around 80 galleries from more than 30 countries exhibited their wares.


  • 纳希打了很多年的鱼,但是很久以前也许伊斯坦布尔一个舞厅乐队里吹过高音萨克斯管,但不能确定,因为很难听得他到底了些什么。

    He had worked as a fisherman for many years, but once long ago he may, or may not, have played the tenor sax in a dance band in Istanbul. It was hard to know exactly what he was trying to tell me.


  • 我们按照预定安排舞厅发表胜利演说前不久,切维.蔡斯来看望希拉里

    Not long before we were scheduled to go down to the ballroom to give a victory speech, Hillary and I had a visitor—Chevy Chase.


  • 布里埃舞厅后面还有一家画室马克·斯威夫特的画室。

    Back of the Bal Bullier was another studio I got into the habit of frequenting - the studio of Mark Swift.


  • 看当年她电梯操作员座大厦,她她的新婚丈夫当年生活小区让我一家家具商店前面停车,那儿以前是个舞厅,她还是个小姑娘时常去那儿跳舞。

    She showed me the building where she had once worked as an elevator operator. We drove through the neighborhood where she and her husband had lived when they were newlyweds.


  • 看当年她电梯操作员座大厦,她她的新婚丈夫当年生活小区让我一家家具商店前面停车,那儿以前是个舞厅,她还是个小姑娘时常去那儿跳舞。

    She showed me the building where she had once worked as an elevator operator. We drove through the neighborhood where she and her husband had lived when they were newlyweds.


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