• 作者指出尤其是北京大城市空气粒子污染物气溶胶溶度不断上升大量化石燃料燃烧造成的。

    The authors say that increased levels of aerosolsparticles of pollution in the air above Chinaare caused by increasing fossil fuel consumption, particularly in big cities like Beijing.


  • 燃烧粒子空气中四溅,却没有伴随冲击波引起晃眼闪光

    It hurls flaming aluminum particles into the air, causing a bright flash without an accompanying shockwave.


  • 我们燃烧汽油煤炭时,一些化学物质释放空气

    When we burn gasoline and coal in cars and factories, certain chemicals are released into the air.


  • 空气容易点燃材料(富氧空气中)不仅变得容易点燃而且燃烧更加剧烈

    Materials easily ignited in air not only become more susceptible to ignition, but also burn with added violence in the presence of oxygen.


  • 建立了燃料液滴高温高压空气中燃烧过程计算模型数值方法

    The droplet combustion model and numerical method have been established and droplet combustion process has been calculated by using it.


  • 最终空气阻力会使它们高度降低、出轨道重返地表的过程,被浓密低层大气燃烧殆尽。

    Eventually atmospheric drag removes them from orbit by lowering their altitudes until they burn up on reentry into the dense lower atmosphere.


  • 实验主要通过调整一次空气系数引射器喷口大小达到稳定燃烧运行工况。

    In experiment, steady operating point of combustion can be obtained mainly by setting primary air factor and the size of spout.


  • 物质氧气空气中燃烧,物质或者全部氧气或者某些成分氧化其余成分则影响。

    When a substance burns in Oxygen or air, either it is oxidized, or some of its constituents are oxidized, the others not being affected.


  • 可以空气补偿的过程能量进行恢复退回用于燃烧空气的再加热工厂办公室的加热。

    Energy can be recovered and returned as process make-up air, used to preheat combustion air, or used for plant or office heating.


  • 利用分析仪热解过程进行实验研究使热解后煤固定模拟空气状态下充分燃烧

    The coal pyrolysis process is studied with the Thermogravimetric Analyzer, and Fixed Carbon in coal is burned in the simulated air state.


  • 研究结果表明柴油机燃烧过程碳粒最早出现燃烧内有空气油区;

    The results of the investigation show that soot appears firstly in the rich fuel area where is permeated by air within combustion chamber.


  • 调试成功程序甲烷空气大加速度扩散燃烧过程进行数值模拟

    On the basis of the successfully debugged program a numerical simulation of the diffusion combustion process was performed of methane and air in the high acceleration field.


  • 研究波长分析方法用于丁烷-空气混合气体燃烧火焰温度测量

    In this study, a multi wavelength analysis method was applied to the temperature measurements of a butane air mixed gas flame.


  • 然而燃烧天然燃料并非能源利用最佳途径因为燃烧过程许多能量释放空气中,造成了能量浪费。

    However, burning natural fuels is not the best way to use them, as much of the energy is wasted: it disappears into the air.


  • 说明状,断口呈银灰色空气易被氧化燃烧

    Description: Ingots, silver gray in new section. It is readily oxidized in the air. It is flammable matter.


  • 传统燃煤电厂,煤炭放置一个有空气火炉里燃烧随后二氧化碳被释放大气

    In traditional coal-fired power stations, the coal is burned in air in a big furnace and the carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere.


  • 空气必要的,燃烧过程更多空气带来更好的燃烧,从而改善系统性能

    As air is needed in the combustion process, having more air results in better combustion, and hence improved performance.


  • 发动机最大功率工况下,燃烧过程可燃混合气会将燃烧所有空气消耗完。

    For maximum engine power, a rich fuel mixture is mandatory in order for the combustion process to consume all the oxygen in the air entering the combustion chamber.


  • 最终空气阻力会使它们高度降低、出轨道重返地表的过程浓密低层大气燃烧殆尽。

    Evually atmospheric drag removes them from orbit by lowering their altitudes until they burn up on reentry into the dense lower atmosphere.


  • 暴露空气世纪点燃煤炭他点燃时便结合所以说氮电流刺激之下,可以燃烧

    As a lump of coal which has been in contact with oxygen for centuries without burning will combine with it when once ignited, so nitrogen, excited by electricity, will burn.


  • 实际焙烧过程为了减少高温烟气电极氧化建议燃烧空气过剩系数控制1以下;

    In the real bake-out process, it suggests that the air excess coefficient of burning should be controlled within 1 in order to avoid electrode being oxidized by high temperature fume;


  • 燃料入口附近气流隔离器燃烧形成一个或者多个小的容积此处燃料可以引入燃烧仅仅一部分空气混合燃烧

    A gas flow separator near the fuel inlet forms one or more smaller volumes within the combustion chamber where the fuel can mix and burn with only a portion of the air introduced into the chamber.


  • 燃料入口附近气流隔离器燃烧形成一个或者多个小的容积此处燃料可以引入燃烧仅仅一部分空气混合燃烧

    A gas flow separator near the fuel inlet forms one or more smaller volumes within the combustion chamber where the fuel can mix and burn with only a portion of the air introduced into the chamber.


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