• 但是法律实践中这样或者那样缺陷不足需要进一步完善

    But also has like this or such flaw and the insufficiency in the legal practice, needs to further consummate.


  • 这种法律解释体制法律解释的本质内涵不符在法律实践中证明不合理的。

    This kind of legal interpretation system does not agree with its essential intension, and has also been proved unreasonable.


  • 制度法律条文规定内容来说还是比较笼统的,可操作性不强,导致各地司法实践具体操作没有统一性使处理该类案件处于无序状态。

    The legal provisions of the system are uncomplicated, leading to various parts of the judicial practice in the specific operation are not unity, so that make these cases in disorder.


  • 清代条例清代法律实践广泛应用直接导致了清代进步

    The comprehensive application of Tiaoli in the legal practice in the QingDynasty led directly to the progress of the legal science.


  • 司法实践,针对法律模糊区域确定原告是否具有资格利益衡量方法导入有利于法院的个案判断

    In legal practices, introduction of benefit evaluation policy is beneficial to individual case's judge when plaintiff's qualification is ascertained in vague legal areas.


  • 我国不仅法律理念尚未能认识特殊性,司法实践中对其加以特殊保护

    The particularity of freedom of symbolic speech is not understood from the legal idea in our country, also isn't given special protection in judicial practice.


  • 相关法律法规不健全的情况下,专利侵权诉讼实践一系列问题

    Because the related laws and regulations are incomplete, a series of problems exist in tort action on patent in practice.


  • 欧洲法院司法实践中通过一系列判例形成一般法律原则欧洲联盟重要组成部分

    The general legal principles, formed in EU practice by a variety of legal cases, is an important part of EU law.


  • 司法实践中反对法律虚无主义观点,反对法律万能主义的观点,依法办事政策指导有机的结合起来。

    In judicial practice, we should object to not only the nihilism of law but also the multiple-use of law, and should integrate the guide of the policy into the action according to the law.


  • 国际惯例,指的各国长期交往实践逐步形成具有法律拘束力的默示行为规则

    International practices are the legally binding implicit rules which form in the long-term contacting practice between various countries.


  • 面对日益严重电费拖欠电力企业依法回收电费的实践,遇到法律适用的困境。

    Faced with the increasingly serious default of electricity charges, power enterprises are in a dilemma as to apply law in collecting electricity charges according to law.


  • 但是政法类大学生思想教育实践中我们很长一段时间注重优秀学生”(学校人)培养忽视“优秀法律人”(社会人)的教育,他们进行思想教育的实效性不明显

    However, during the mental education, we just focus on the training of "good student" , but neglect the education of "good lawyer" , thus the efficient of mental education is not obvious.


  • 我国目前司法实践对于胎儿遭受损害进行赔偿法律规范甚明确

    In judicial practice at present in China, there aren't any clear and definite leg al provisions in undertaking to indemnify the human foetus whose interests were jeopardized.


  • 我国现行法律一直明确确立这一制度只是司法实践中公平原则受理和判处了几例派生诉讼案件

    The current legal system has not been clearly established in China but only sentenced a few derivative lawsuits according to the principle of fairness in judicial practice.


  • 如果赠与合同法律依据、人为地视为实践合同,造成我国合同法》第189条司法实践中无法适用后果。

    If the donative contract doesn′t depend on the law condition, and look it as practical contract factitious, then it will influence "contract law" of the No. 189 in China.


  • 刑事司法实践中司法习惯一种普遍的司法现象法律理解操作上的习惯成为司法职业者实际遵循的规则。

    In the criminal justice system, it is a common phenomenon that people follow judicial customs while they construe and invoke laws.


  • 迄今为止,国内语言学界,将关联理论认知语境运用法律实践领域如司法口语的实践中研究基本上空白。

    So far, in the linguistic field in China, the application of cognitive context to forensic practice has rarely been explored.


  • 司法实践中根据具体案情募捐行为进行分析定性,以为募捐纠纷解决提供法律依据。

    The paper concludes that particular case concerning such donation solicitation ought to be studied so as to be delimited in the lawsuit.


  • 司法实践中常常法律规定欠缺不能真正保护股东权益维护公司正常运行

    In the judicatory the fulfillment also usually because of law provision of lack, can't be real protection shareholder of rights and maintenance company normal of circulate.


  • 近年来,司法实践中如何正确处理房屋拆迁所涉及各种法律关系,如何妥善的对拆迁人进行合理的拆迁安置补偿,都是非常急需解决的问题。

    In recent years, it has been urgent how to handle the various legal relations concerned in the house remove and the compensation and resettlement for the house remove.


  • 我国法律优先原则得到运用体现监督机制诸多缺失与不足,亟待进一步改进完善,以充分发挥原则我国行政法治实践应有作用。

    In our country, The principle of law priority has already been used and reflected, but its supervision mechanism has a great deal of disappearances and deficiencies. So, we demand urgently...


  • 司法实践由于缺少统一标准尺度,法官只能凭借自身对法律理解和对案情的分析加以认定。

    Due to being short of coincident standard, judge makes decision by his understanding and analysing the case during judicial practice.


  • 现行刑法虽然惩治合同诈骗犯罪提供了法律依据但是司法实践中如何正确区分合同诈骗罪合同纠纷民事欺诈行为,探讨价值的问题。

    Present Criminal Law also provides law gist for punishing this crime. But it is worth discussing so as to correctly distinguish civil cheat in the crime of contract take-in and contract dissension.


  • 现行刑法虽然惩治合同诈骗犯罪提供了法律依据但是司法实践中如何正确区分合同诈骗罪合同纠纷民事欺诈行为,探讨价值的问题。

    Present Criminal Law also provides law gist for punishing this crime. But it is worth discussing so as to correctly distinguish civil cheat in the crime of contract take-in and contract dissension.


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