• 是因为房地产市场几个方面缺乏效率,使得可能过热

    That is because property markets are inefficient in several ways which make it more likely that they will overshoot.


  • 调查结果清楚地显示很多员工商业知识计算机技能方面准备充足但是缺乏客户得体沟通人际交往能力。

    The result of the survey clearly indicates that many employees were well prepared in business knowledge and computer skills, but lacked interpersonal skills to interact gracefully with customers.


  • 同样国家和国际层面明确通信基础安全评价方面普遍缺乏

    Likewise, clear communication of the basis for safety assessment in this area is generally lacking at national and international levels.


  • 这个方面缺乏进展也让“巴塞尔3资本流动性规则的问题变得更糟。

    This lack of progress compounds the fault-lines over the proposed “Basel 3rules on capital and liquidity.


  • 高智商缺乏社交能力表明是自闭症,但是曾经许多方面一个正常男孩比如喜欢超人漫画参加曲棍球运动

    The combination of high intelligence and social dysfunction suggested autism; but he had been a normal boy in many respects, enjoying Superman comics and going to hockey games.


  • 对于某些特定常用数据日历通讯簿等,标准方面已经达成一致协议,但是缺乏方便方式传送这些数据。

    There's already solid agreement on standards for certain common data items like calendars and contact lists, but an unfortunate lack of convenient ways to transmit such data.


  • 国际粮食政策研究所迪诺特·约翰以前失败教训必须选择目标集中主要的营养素缺乏上面,集中可以最好方面主要针对婴儿

    John Hoddinott of IFPRI says the lesson of previous failures is that you have to select your targets: focus on the main deficiencies and on those for whom you can do most good, especially infants.


  • 一定程度上反映出大部分架构师分析技巧方面缺乏经验相应的能力

    To some degree, this reflects the lack of sophistication in the discipline and the lack of facility that most architects have with analytical techniques.


  • 方面尽管缺乏职业培训”,这位王后婚姻年中还是把焦点集中持续解决国家普遍关注的问题上。

    For her part, and despite a lack of "job training," the new queen continued tackling the national concerns she had focused on during her first six years of marriage.


  • 参与度综合性可预见性方面此类集体行动总是不如正式全球协定,并可能因为缺乏合法性而举步维艰

    Such collective action is invariably less inclusive, less comprehensive and less predictable than formal global accords. It can suffer from a lack of legitimacy.


  • 懂得公司接受风险方面应该如何去做导致对一个组织来说缺乏指导性不确定性可能会导致拙劣的或者低效决策程序

    Not knowing what a firm is willing to do in terms of risk acceptance will lead to uncertainty and a lack of guidance for the organization, possibly resulting in poor or inefficient decision-making.


  • 总之有时和解之意的语调起来总是缺乏坚定,但是赢得成功比如俄罗斯进一步制裁伊朗方面重新建立关系

    At times, in short, his conciliatory tone has been read as weakness. But he has notched up successes, too, such as resetting relations with Russia partly to tighten sanctions on Iran.


  • 说:“性格方面,如果孩子绝大多数孩子感到兴奋情境缺乏愉悦快乐的话,他们之后多半会流露大量恐惧悲伤情绪。”

    "In terms of temperament, a lack of exuberance and joy in situations where most kids get very excited about and then a lot of feelings of fearfulness and sadness stand out," he says.


  • 如果缺乏一致性那么SOA项目交付方面发生错误风险会更大

    Where there is a lack of consistency, there is greater risk for error in delivering an SOA project.


  • 美国官员们一直私下表示南部非洲国家解决津巴布韦危机方面缺乏努力感到失望

    U.S. officials had been privately expressing disappointment with the seeming lack of commitment by southern African countries on the Zimbabwe crisis.


  • 一个方面快餐店妨碍健康饮食主要表现缺乏知识、能让满意营养内容。

    One obstacle to healthy eating at fast food restaurants is the lack of knowledge of the nutritional content of your favorite items.


  • 因此我们就可以期望56颗恒星1617伴有行星并且根据目前低质量行星方面数据缺乏,实际数量可能更多

    So we might expect 16 or 17 of the nearest 56 stars to be accompanied by planets and, given the current lack of data on very low-mass planets, it could easily be more.


  • 共和党参议员麦凯恩竞选方面时间已经不够金钱也短缺,最后几天可能也缺乏支持

    Republican John McCain meanwhile is running short of time, money and possibly support in the final days of the campaign.


  • 但是开发者安全性方面缺乏经验,只会提供服务最小

    But developers typically provide a minimal set of services, given their limited security expertise.


  • 已经分析了三个其它导致缺乏质量努力点后你确定测试方面整个生产力增加估计25%。

    Let's say you have analyzed three other contributors to the poor quality pain point and determined your overall increase in productivity is estimated at 25 percent for the testing discipline.


  • 这种趋势供电设施方面有广泛前景,公共事业公司缺乏远见阻碍私营部门创新者

    This vision is big in the electrical utility world, but private sector innovators are being hampered by the lack of vision seen in public utility companies.


  • 然而父母缺乏方面了解很难建立一个评分系统,筛选这个评分系统可以混淆,误导

    Often, however, parents lack an understanding of the current rating system, which can be confusing and misleading.


  • 病症有的较明显有的不那么明显,所有患者表现出缺乏社交接触交流方面的能力。

    The symptoms may be more or less pronounced, but all patients display weaknesses in social contacts and communication.


  • 国际原子能机构总干事星期四伊朗叙利亚它们活动方面缺乏透明度表示失望。

    The head of the International Atomic Energy Agency expressed frustration Thursday that neither Iran nor Syria been completely transparent about their alleged nuclear activities.


  • 斐济巴布亚新几内亚瓦努阿图缺乏甲状腺为地方流行病尽管斐济和巴布亚新几内亚最近通过食盐碘化行动疾病控制方面取得很大进展。

    In Fiji, Papua New Guinea and Vanuatu, iodine deficiency and related goitre are endemic although, in Fiji and Papua New Guinea, great progress was made recently through salt iodization.


  • 预防丛林型(森林型)黄热病传播方面,以林区野外蚊虫为目标蚊虫控制规划缺乏操作性

    Mosquito control programmes targeting wild mosquitoes in forested areas are not practical for preventing jungle (or sylvatic) yellow fever transmission.


  • 预防丛林型(森林型)黄热病传播方面,以林区野外蚊虫为目标蚊虫控制规划缺乏操作性

    Mosquito control programmes targeting wild mosquitoes in forested areas are not practical for preventing jungle (or sylvatic) yellow fever transmission.


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