• 亚历山德拉的作品某些方面毕加索等著名艺术家的作品相似

    Alexandra's work was similar in some ways to the paintings by famous artists like Picasso.


  • 表示-抽象-控制(Presentation -Abstraction - Control,PAC)——模式很多方面mvc相似,也功能分离类似角色

    Presentation-Abstraction-Control (PAC) — This pattern is similar in many ways to MVC in that it separates the functionality into similar roles.


  • CarnegieMellon大学软件工程学院所提出方法很多方面集成能力成熟度模型(Capability Maturity Model Integration,CMMI)相似

    In many ways, the approach outlined in this book is similar to the Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) as put forth by the Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon University.


  • MediaMVP某些方面TiVo非常相似纯粹应用目的执行特定功能

    The MediaMVP is similar in some ways to the TiVo: it's intended to be a pure appliance, performing only specified functions.


  • nPartitions这些分区某些方面SUNDSD相似

    nPartitions: These are hard partitions, similar in some respects to SUN DSDs.


  • 虽然许多方面人类鼠类相似他们很多方面相差甚远。 显而易见,不知有多少种癌症治疗方式对鼠类有效人类无效。

    Although people are similar to mice in many ways, they differ in other ways, notably in how many cancer treatments are effective in mice but do not work in people.


  • 这种技术2001年引入的,许多方面IBM逻辑分区相似并不提供真正虚拟化功能

    In many ways, this technology is similar to IBM's logical partitioning, which was introduced in 2001, with no real virtualization capabilities.


  • 软件工具许多方面木制工艺工具或者任何其它工具工具都十分相似

    Software tools are in many ways similar to woodworking tools or tools for any other craft.


  • 方面美国非洲相似几乎没有公立诊所会把重点放到妇女儿童身上许多贫困女人怀孕时才会看医生

    In that respect, the United States is like Africa: scarce public clinics focus on women and children, and many poor women see a doctor only when pregnant.


  • 意味着这个测试常规功能测试非常相似但是测试用例某个方面极端

    That implies the test controller is fairly similar to that used for regular functional testing, but the test case is exaggerating a certain aspect.


  • 这项研究第一揭示许多其他物种之间肤色方面惊人相似之处。

    The study is the first to reveal such striking similarities between humans and many other species.


  • 它们MIME类型文件名扩展文件的正式注册相似不过中心控制方面有所不如

    They are like formal registries for MIME types, filename extensions, and such, but with less central control.


  • 双方国际关系理念上有着许多相同或相似看法,应对人类社会面临共同挑战方面有着广泛的共同利益国际事务中进行着有效协调配合。

    We also have wide-ranging common interests in tackling the common challenges facing human society and have conducted effective coordination and cooperation on international affairs.


  • 进程某些方面前面讨论actor模型类似通道数据很多相似之处

    Processes are similar in some ways to the actor model already discussed and channels share many similarities with dataflow streams.


  • 许多方面注解/特性UML的stereotypetagged value相比,不过是“五十步笑百步”而已,遇到相似问题

    In many ways, annotations/attributes are comparable to UML stereotypes and tagged values, and you will experience similar problems.


  • 列表9 中的代码以下方面与列表6十分相似服务器获取模式场所信息,创建一个NumberConverter范例,然后执行任务

    The code in Listing 9 is pretty much like Listing 6 in that it derives pattern and locale information from the server side, sets up an instance of NumberConverter, and then performs the task.


  • 许多方面REST样式Web服务SQL空间(tuple spaces)、简单消息列队技术相似

    In many ways, REST-style Web services might be likened to technologies such as SQL, tuple Spaces, simple message queues, and so forth.


  • 承认大多数工具箱方面知识很有限—我的理解,anyguiAPI很大程度上Tkinter相似

    I confess that my knowledge of most of the backend toolkits is weak — but from what I can see, the anygui API is largely similar to Tkinter.


  • pdshshell许多方面pssh相似但是可以管理系统映像

    The PDSH shell is similar in many ways to PSSH but can also manage system images.


  • 价格更低,性能相似大部分消费者忽视Android3 系统应用程序方面缺点,而选择XOOM。

    With a lower price and a similar feature set to the iPad 2, a large segment of consumers might be willing to overlook some of the shorcomings on Android 3’s current tablet app gap.


  • 许多方面Solaris容器AIXWPAR相似因为允许一个HP - UX拷贝驻留几个应用程序

    In many ways, this is similar to a Solaris container or AIX WPAR in that it lets you have several applications residing in one copy of HP-UX.


  • 英美法系极为相似传闻证据规则,并且许多方面体现出更为严厉要求。

    In the Common Law System countries, there is the Hearsay Rule, which is very similar to the Principle of Directness and Verbalism.


  • 我国的宅基地制度保障农民住宅、稳定农村社会方面家宅法有着诸多相似之处,但制度设计上过于粗疏。

    The homestead system, which has practiced for over a century in America and Switzerland, did have historical significance in safeguarding the peasants' land and their housing rights.


  • 现有不同评价体系设计原理、指标构成、数据处理权重分配方面具有差异性,评价结果具有相似

    The exiting systems have the similar results but differ on the principles, index, data processed and weight distribution.


  • 他的小说反映社会现实人物塑造等方面屠格涅夫有许多相似之处。

    Yu Dafu's novel is similar to Turgenev's in the ways of reflecting the social realities and creating the characters.


  • 只有原交际者意图读者需求认知环境相关方面原文相似,才是成功的译文。

    A successful translation should be the intentions of reporter and the needs of reader resemble the original in relevant respects in cognitive environment.


  • 进化模型认为回应了或者说挑选这个事实很多方面耶和华以色列邻国神灵相似

    The evolutionary model is, I think, responding to, and picking up on, the fact that in many respects, Yahweh resembles the gods of Israel's neighbors.


  • 免疫缺陷病毒SIV艾滋病病原体许多方面HIV人类艾滋病相似研究人类艾滋病的极模型

    The simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) is the pathogens of simian AIDS, similar with HIV and human AIDS, is a good model of human AIDS.


  • 免疫缺陷病毒SIV艾滋病病原体许多方面HIV人类艾滋病相似研究人类艾滋病的极模型

    The simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) is the pathogens of simian AIDS, similar with HIV and human AIDS, is a good model of human AIDS.


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