• 通过VCL实验室中的性能我们已经了解了vcl计算一些主要功能,并且通过图表获悉了一些主要优点

    We have identified some major capabilities of VCL cloud computing with help of the VCL lab performance through diagrams to explain major benefits.


  • 除了实验室证据外,我们经验知道,我们经常会忘记自己着手学习东西很久之后,才会记住我们环境中感知的东西。

    Besides the laboratory evidence for this, we know from our experience that we often remember what we have perceived peripherally, long after we have forgotten what we set out to learn.


  • 实验室挑战性活动比如驾车模拟中,那些觉得生活自己掌控中的人产生的应激激素(比如皮质醇)更少。

    In laboratory simulations of challenging activities such as driving, those who felt in control of their lives pumped out lower levels of stress hormones such as cortisol.


  • 实验室测试中,同一个查询响应时间超过20大幅下降300毫秒

    In lab tests, the response time for the same query has been reduced from over 20 seconds down to 300 milliseconds.


  • 最近日本科学家突破性养大实验室孵化鳗鱼直到它们产孵。

    In a recent breakthrough, Japanese scientists raised eels hatched in the lab until they spawned.


  • 技术支持团队很难重现这个问题因为很难实验室复制客户环境

    This particular issue can be hard to recreate for the technical support team because it is difficult to replicate the customer environment in the labs.


  • 亚特兰大CDC实验室使用的测量方法并没有改变

    "There don't seem to have been any changes in assay methods used by the LABS at CDC Atlanta," Melzer notes.


  • 为了实验室配置ams执行以下步骤

    To configure AMS in my lab, I executed the following steps.


  • Cooke同事认为可能是因为以前实验室实验中小孩对所使用的目标食物或多或少本来就是喜欢的。

    Cooke and her colleagues think this may be because past lab studies have often targeted foods that children already rather liked.


  • 精确地那些细胞他们血液中抽离出来,实验室培养皿让其增值数十亿倍,大到足以可能制服一个肿瘤

    He literally pulled those cells out of their blood and grew billions more of them in laboratory dishes, enough to have a chance at overwhelming a tumor.


  • 实验室环境中必须判断我的工作负载是否适合共享内存

    In my lab environment, I had to determine if my workload would fit into my Shared memory pool.


  • 实验室研究人员可以光线传播通过空间时,对光波峰稍作调整来造成发送光线速度极限速度限制更快的印象

    In the lab, researchers can create the impression of sending light faster than the speed limit by tweaking the speed at which the wave crests of light propagate through space.


  • 为此实验室会将证物保管柜子中的样本做比较。

    For this purpose, the laboratory compares its evidence to samples maintained in archives.


  • 例如实验室中培育的人造软骨,其任何部位的强度都不逊于真正软骨。

    For instance, human cartilage grown in the lab is usually nowhere near as strong as the real thing.


  • 在实验室安迪同事们培养皿逐一探测了单个神经元活动

    Antic and colleagues probed the activity of neurons in lab dishes one at a time.


  • 巴黎郊外实验室地下室中,有一个铂合金作的圆筒这个圆筒就是作为世界上所有质量测量标准

    In a laboratory vault outside Paris is a small cylinder of platinum-iridium alloy that serves as the standard for all mass measurements worldwide.


  • 我们过去的“目前的”模型中,已经包含大量实验室工作簿中的注释正式的技术注释。

    In the past our "as is" model would have consisted of a large number of notes in lab books and informal technical notes.


  • 本文提供信息是从我们全球化认证实验室中的工作实践中得来的。

    The information presented was gained from our real working practices in the Globalization Certification Laboratory.


  • 如今气候实验室——茶室它们私人邮件中——他们谈论有关临界点失控的气候变暖

    The talk now in the climate labs — in the tea rooms and, yes, in their private emailsis of tipping points and runaway warming.


  • 最终这些技术也许会允许科学家实验室培养皿修正细胞遗传上的缺陷,并用矫正后的细胞来治疗病人

    Eventually, such techniques might allow scientists to correct genetic defects in the lab dish and then treat patients with their own repaired cells.


  • 实验室进行的实验中,马辉文的团队发现鸡粪中发现的一杆菌有效的清除石油的微生物

    In their laboratory experiment ma's team found that a Bacillus species found in chicken manure is the most effective oil-removing microbe.


  • 科学家强调说,他们的结论基于实验室老鼠进行试验得出的,锻炼能否减少患皮肤癌危险目前不得而知。

    The scientists stress that their conclusions are based on laboratory studies on mice, and it is not known if exercise lowers the risk of skin cancer in humans.


  • 其中建议针对国家实情加强实验室能力综合计划同时使用两种技术以按步骤的方式为基础

    They recommend the use of both technologies within the context of country specific, comprehensive plans for laboratory capacity strengthening and based on a step-wise approach ( New WHO policies).


  • 一项研究中,奥地利科学家们在实验室环境臭氧皮肤油脂混合

    In a different experiment, scientists in Austria mixed together ozone and skin oils in the laboratory.


  • 实验室动物实验研究中,这种化学物质和许多严重健康问题联系一起

    In laboratory tests, the chemical has been linked to a long list of serious health problems in animals.


  • 实验室研究中,一种新的药物疗法显示了一些希望目前进一步评估

    A new drug therapy has shown some promise in laboratory studies and is currently being evaluated.


  • 描述大量化学反应一般来说对于我们下面用来对比的化学反应,实验室测量这些反应的时间尺度。

    So it can describe an enormous amount of chemical activity. More commonly, for stuff that we're going to compare to, you might measure in the lab.


  • 然后再他们睡眠实验室按照喜欢的睡眠模式期间每天让他们功能核磁共振成像扫描仪中接受两次认知测试

    Then subjects spent two nights in a sleep lab, where they again followed their preferred sleep patterns and underwent cognitive testing twice daily while in a functional MRI scanner.


  • 然后再他们睡眠实验室按照喜欢的睡眠模式期间每天让他们功能核磁共振成像扫描仪中接受两次认知测试

    Then subjects spent two nights in a sleep lab, where they again followed their preferred sleep patterns and underwent cognitive testing twice daily while in a functional MRI scanner.


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