• 目前北美地区发现的最为古老的有恐龙祖尼角龙。

    The oldest known horned dinosaur in North America is called Zuniceratops.


  • 我们困难最危险任务建设铁路北美地区

    We took the most difficult and dangerous tasks in constructing the transcontinental railroads in North America.


  • 支持经济扩张新兴国家加速需求北美地区

    That would be supported by economic expansion in emerging countries, and an acceleration in demand in North America.


  • 那段时间杰弗逊搜集拿破仑军事行动的时时情报以及北美地区企图

    Throughout this time, Jefferson had up-to-date intelligence on Napoleon's military activities and intentions in North America.


  • 北美地区人们喜欢爵士摇滚古典乐民间乐乡村乐和其他不同种类音乐

    In North America, people listen to jazz, rock, classical, folk, country, and many other kinds of music.


  • 北美地区每个周末都会举办马拉松半程马拉松、10公里跑步以及趣味跑步活动。

    Every weekend here in North America there is marathons, half-marathons, 10 kilometer runs, as well as fun runs.


  • 菲亚特500微型轿车克莱斯勒菲亚特结盟后,希望北美地区投产第一批汽车之一

    The tiny Fiat 500 is one of the first cars Chrysler hopes to build in North America through its new alliance with Fiat.


  • 到了19世纪末期北美地区万圣节已经变成一个家庭节日。充满派对时令食物奇装异服的元素。

    By the late 1800s in North America, Halloween had developed into a family festival full of parties, seasonal foods (pumpkins, maize and apples) and costumes.


  • 密尔沃基鹿队(Bucks)北美地区能看到很多白尾鹿,威斯康星州田野森林里尤其的多。

    TheMilwaukeeBucks. White-tailed deer are found in many parts of North America, but they are particularly numerous in Wisconsin's landscape of fields and forests.


  • 到了19世纪末期北美地区万圣节已经变成一个家庭节日。充满派对时令食物奇装异服的元素。

    By the late 1800s in North America Halloween had developed into a family festival full of parties seasonal foods (pumpkins maize and apples) and costumes.


  • 日产汽车首席运营志贺俊之今天日本横滨公司总部记者表示,公司还没有决定是否暂停北美地区的生产。

    A decision on whether to halt output in North America hasn't been made yet, Toshiyuki Shiga, Nissan's chief operating officer, told reporters today in Yokohama, Japan, where the company is based.


  • 北美地区,专科医生拥有基本专业证书儿科内科外科麻醉科等就可以去获得另的危重病护理医学资格证书。

    In North America, added qualifications in critical care medicine are obtained after board certification in a primary specialty such as pediatrics, internal medicine, surgery, or anesthesiology.


  • 证据开示制度源自英国经由英国殖民地北美地区传统沿袭使得证据开示制度后来成立的美国许多扎下来。

    Discovery system stemmed from England, then its tradition was followed by the colonists in northern America, which made discovery system rooted in many states of U.


  • 世卫组织世界正处H1N1病毒全球流行边缘北美地区病素已经盛行并且开始日本英国西班牙感染很多人。

    The WHO has said the world is on the brink of pandemic from the H1N1 virus, which has been most prevalent in North America and begun to infect large numbers in Japan, Britain and Spain.


  • 纽约(美国有线电视新闻网)- - -IBM北美地区下岗雇员机会选择:要么加入不断增长失业大军中;要么到公司海外工作

    NEW YORK (CNN) — IBM employees being laid off in North America now have an alternative to joining the growing ranks of the unemployed - work for the company abroad.


  • 北美地区额外危重病护理医学资格其有了基本专科证书- - -儿科内科外科麻醉科等专科资格证书- - -获得的。

    In North America, added qualifications in critical care medicine are obtained after board certification in a primary specialty such as pediatrics, internal medicine, surgery, or anesthesiology.


  • 1998年有超过5725万观众收看当年颁奖典礼,截至颁奖礼前《泰坦尼克号》(Titanic)已经北美地区席卷6亿美元的票房[40]。

    More than 57.25 million viewers tuned to the telecast in 1998, the year of Titanic, which generated close to US$600 million at the North American box office pre-Oscars.[40]


  • 按照Jana Eggers(SpreadshirtCEO)的说法,北美地区,体恤销量超过1000件的合作店铺数目去年就增长30%。

    According to Spreadshirt CEO Jana Eggers, her site saw a 30 percent increase last year in the number of North American shop partners that sold more than 1, 000 shirts annually.


  • 另外HTC这款机型采用了3.5mm耳机插孔设计。不过由于7.2Mbps3G信号只能850MHz频段工作因此北美地区可能无法正常使用3G功能。

    HTC has lived up to its promise of including a 3.5mm headphone jack, but the 7.2Mbps 3G access currently omits the 850MHz band and so won't work properly in North America.


  • 北美西部广大地区日益温暖冬季导致树皮甲虫大规模爆发

    Across vast areas of western North America, increasingly mild winters are causing massive outbreaks of bark beetle.


  • 古老北美西南部萨维德地区,人们的生活方式十三世纪发生了变化许多搬进了被称为普韦布洛斯的大型公共住宅

    In the Mesa Verde area of the ancient North American Southwest, living patterns changed in the thirteenth century, with large numbers of people moving into large communal dwellings called pueblos.


  • 由于他们栖息地包含北美的绝大部分,黑熊新泽西州这个地区经常看到。

    With a habitat that includes much of North America, black bears are seen fairly often in this region of New Jersey.


  • 各家企业争夺衰退欧洲市场销量固定北美市场,这两个地区跑道安装总量每年能达到800

    They are fighting over markets that are declining in Europe and static in North America, regions where installations of new tracks together amount to about 800 a year.


  • 阿拉斯加以及北美的五大湖地区冬天室外活动包括冰上钓鱼打猎越野滑雪以及雪地摩托。

    In Alaska and the great lakes region of north America winter activities include ice fishing, hunting, cross-country skiing and snowmobiling.


  • 有可能出现间接影响北美欧洲其他地区失业率上升的时候,寄非洲国家汇款下滑

    One of the more likely indirect effects is the decline in remittances to African countries as unemployment rises in North America, Europe and other places.


  • 亚太地区全球乘客中所比重刚刚超过25%,高于北美

    The Asia-Pacific region accounts for just over 25 per cent of global passenger traffic, slightly ahead of North America.


  • 到目前为止只有BIS 3.2功能正式北美欧洲亚洲等其他地区发布

    So far only BIS 3.2 features have officially been released in North America and other parts of Europe, Asia.


  • 2009年个人电脑销售增长速度继续放慢脚步,特别是一些趋于饱和的市场——例如北美地区那儿的人们几乎人均电脑

    Growth in the sales of personal computers will continue to slow in 2009, especially in more saturated markets such as North America, where there is already almost one PC for every person.


  • 这种蚊子热带亚热带地区传播导致淋巴丝虫病的线虫,并且北美传播西尼罗河病毒圣路易斯型脑炎

    This species transmits roundworms that cause lymphatic filariasis in tropical and subtropical regions, as well as West Nile virus and St Louis encephalitis in North America.


  • 这种蚊子热带亚热带地区传播导致淋巴丝虫病的线虫,并且北美传播西尼罗河病毒圣路易斯型脑炎

    This species transmits roundworms that cause lymphatic filariasis in tropical and subtropical regions, as well as West Nile virus and St Louis encephalitis in North America.


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