• 五年级时,朋友公车后面占座

    In fifth grade, your idea of a friend was the person who saved a seat on the back of the bus for you.


  • 它们展示墙上甚至公车

    They occupy a conspicuous place in newspapers and magazines. They are displayed or painted on walls and even on buses.


  • 公车到达学校得握紧拳头人群中挤下公车

    I was so angry that when the bus arrived at my school, I clenched my fists and elbowed my way through the crowd and got off.


  • 几天公车遇见了曾经心动男孩完全没有认出

    Few days ago, the bus had echocardiography had met the boy, he came to fully Meiweirenchu.


  • 父亲一名公交车司机已经在公车工作超过年了

    My father is a bus driver. He has been working on it for more than ten years.


  • 年级时,朋友午餐遗忘公车时与分享午餐

    In third grade, your idea of a good friend was the person who Shared their lunch with you when you forgot yours on the bus.


  • 人们公车火车上品读的是关于一个女孩吸血鬼爱情故事。

    The books now being devoured on buses and trains concern a romance between a young woman and a vampire.


  • 小孩打电话跟'为什么公车啊? ',真是太尴尬了。

    It was pretty embarrassing to have my kid call me and say, 'what do you mean you're on the bus?'


  • 公车没有书可看没有歌可的时候,我会自己想象力一起游戏

    Whenever I'm on the bus with nothing in my hands or in my ear, I like to visualize and play around with my imagination.


  • 无论公车编码还是马桶上测试程序网页设计的有利武器

    Whether you want to brush up on the bus, or need to code on-the-go, these will be a useful weapon in your web design Arsenal.


  • 比如说billy那个公车孩子几天曾经互相对骂并且推搡下。

    For example, Billy and the boy who punched him at the bus stop had exchanged words and shoves a few days earlier.


  • 今年22王思颖是对外经济贸易大学名名毕业生,她就曾经公车被人搭讪

    Wang Siying, 22, a graduate student at the University of International Business and Economics, was once accosted on the bus.


  • 公车到达学校得紧握拳头人群中下车。然后,令我惊慌的发现书包的钱包被偷走了。

    I was so angry that when the bus arrived at my school, I clenched my fists and elbowed my way through the crowd and got off.


  • 些小城市小镇没有地铁,没有公车,也没有的士的。

    There are no subways, no buses and no taxies in small cities and small towns.


  • 传统卫星用来通信导航或者搜索,体积可以学校公车一样重量100到500千克之间

    Conventional satellites used for communications, navigation or research can be as large as a school bus and weigh between 100 and 500 kilograms.


  • 如果公车火车,那正式开始一天工作以前,好好利用段时间学习收邮件休闲书吧。

    If you can take the bus or train, you can use this time to study, work on email, or read for pleasure before your workday gets started.


  • 收集上来食用油通过提炼最终变成生物柴油运营该市12条线路的快速公车提供燃料

    The collected cooking oil is refined and recycled for use as biodiesel fuel (BDF) in the very same buses, which run on 12 routes through the city.


  • 对于托尔伯特而言,一般时间电梯都是不起作用的,公车升降机坏了或是司机根本不知道如何应对残疾人

    According to Talbot, the elevators didn't work half the time, bus lifts were broken and drivers were not educated in dealing with the disabled.


  • 2008年成为麦凯恩竞选伙伴起林女士便孜孜不倦进行宣传造势活动最近一次宣传活动是阵亡将士纪念日这一天华盛顿特区发起的名为“同一个国家”的公车巡游活动

    Since being chosen as Mr McCain's running-mate in 2008, Mrs Palin has courted publicity tirelessly, most recently with theOne Nationbus tour she launched in Washington, DC, on Memorial Day.


  • 一些上班族利用午休时间观看视频,还有些人把免费网络资源下载手机里,这样可以公车时间地点方便时观看

    Others download free online resources to their cell phones to watch while taking buses or just watching whenever and wherever possible.


  • 如果有志成为博客作者或者任何形式作家,那么你可以一个笔记本电脑放电音乐火车或者公车开始写作之旅。

    If you're aspiring to become a blogger or writer of any kind, you can grab a laptop, put on some music and start writing while sitting on the train or bus.


  • 一个雾蒙蒙十月上午,结束多化疗,傍晚时母亲开车纽约长老教会医院,一边和所有搭乘公车乘客一样交通报道

    On a hazy October morning, after months of chemotherapy, my mother and I drove down to New York-Presbyterian Hospital in the near-dark, listening to traffic reports like all the other commuters.


  • 毕竟那个更好呢公车上载50名乘客还是公路开50辆轿车

    After all, which is better: 50 passengers on a bus, or 50 cars on the road?


  • 司机大叫起来也失去了控制几乎撞上公车,还上了便道还差几厘米就撞上商店橱窗时终于了下来。

    The driver screamed, lost control of the car, nearly hit a bus, went up on the footpath, and stopped centimetres from a shop window.


  • 接着是又一程蜗牛一般、鸣着喇叭公车小时一个小时的浪费掉了,此期间,除了脑袋里细数失败,我无事可

    There began an interminable series of slow, traffic-snarled bus trips, a waste of hours and hours, during which there was nothing to do but run each successive failure through my head.


  • 我们甚至以往安全——美国公路公车安全的方式

    We're also safer than ever - buses are the safest way to travel on American roads.


  • 周日早上排队影印档案人大多安地斯印第安的面孔,多数都是忍耐了长达数日公车之旅至此

    On a weekday morning, the queue to photocopy documents is made up mainly of people of Andean Indian appearance. Most have endured bus journeys lasting several days.


  • 周日早上排队影印档案人大多安地斯印第安的面孔,多数都是忍耐了长达数日公车之旅至此

    On a weekday morning, the queue to photocopy documents is made up mainly of people of Andean Indian appearance. Most have endured bus journeys lasting several days.


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