• 拉第一次遇到纳迪亚是在公交车上

    Myra met Nadia for the first time on the bus.


  • 在公交车上捡到我的钱包之后,她把我驾照的照片发到一个线论坛,想看看有没有人认识我。

    Right after Erin took possession of my wallet on the bus, she posted a picture of my driver's license to an online forum, trying to see if anyone knew me.


  • 公交车老人让座已经成为讨论热门话题

    Offering one's seat to elderly people on buses has become a hot topic of discussion.


  • 公交车一个隔壁学校亚裔女生了车。

    I was on the bus. An Asian girl from the high school across the street got on.


  • 公交车禁不住想着这个忙碌早晨

    On the bus, I could hardly think about the busy morning of myself. I kept running at all times.


  • 起小牛肉唯一办法就是拿一块,公交车盘着

    The only way I can afford to eat veal is when Ismuggle it home on the bus sitting in my lap.


  • 她因为拒绝公交车让座一位白人女子警方逮捕。

    Rosa was a hard-working, dignified black woman who refused to lend seat to a white woman on the bus and was arrested by the police.


  • 公交车发现有的司机开车粗心大意进站了;

    On the bus, I found that some drivers drive careless: car didn't stop, the door opened the first;


  • 天都坐车校区办事公交车都会旁边的爱尔兰人聊天

    These two days I had to shuttle to the main campus to deal with some affairs. On the bus I usually had a chat with some locals sitting next to me.


  • 求职者穿鞋子来了。解释公交车,有人偷了一个鞋子。

    An applicant came in wearing only one shoe. She explained that the other shoe was stolen off her foot in the bus.


  • 尊老爱幼中国优良传统公交车老人孕妇让座个人素质体现

    The respect for elders and care for the young is China's fine tradition. Offering one's seat to somebody on the bus for old person and the pregnant woman is a person quality manifestation.


  • 无论公交车还是步行使用谷歌移动使你离开电脑时候也能连结高效

    Whether riding the bus or walking to class, use Google Moce to stay productive while away from your computer.


  • 公交车后门看见黄色单人座椅三把座椅专门老弱病残所设的。

    On the bus, an open the back door can see the three yellow single seat, the chair is specially for sick.


  • 这位男士公交车大声打电话,而旁边的可能工作一天之后只想得到一份安静

    As this man is smiling and having a good time screaming on his cell phone in bus, those around him maybe just want silence after a long hard day of work and just want some peace and quiet.


  • 公交车上地铁里商场超市里甚至大海边,“总是一眼看到的“风景”。

    See, in the bus, at the subway, in shopping malls and supermarkets, even on famous mountains and by the seapeople will always be the first scene in your eyes.


  • 拒绝公交车一名白人男子让座而引发当代民权运动罗莎。帕克斯安然去世,享年92岁。

    Rosa Parks whose refusal to give up her bus seat to a white man sparked the modern Civil Rights movement dies of natural causes. She was 92.


  • 公交车上拒绝让座那天,你,姐妹罗莎改变了我人生轨道世界其它无数生活

    That day that you refused to give up your seat on the bus, you, Sister Rosa, changed the trajectory of my life and the lives of so many other people in the world.


  • 本书可以随时读者一起——呆他的口袋里比如公交车上火车或理发时。

    But I, a book, can go anywhere-in my reader's pocket, when he gets on a bus, takes a train, waits in line for a haircut.


  • 公交车他人得到赞誉参与植树造林你会收获快乐生活中的善举都带来宏大的作用

    On the bus to others let sit you will get the praise, participate in afforestation you get happiness... Life in small kindness can bring huge role!


  • 文明生活之中随处可见公共场所我们懂得不能大声喧哗公交车我们懂得了老幼病残孕让座

    Civilization lives everywhere: in public places, we know that can not make much noise: in buses, we know your seat for the young and old, sick pregnant;


  • 公交车知道自己除了读书不能其他事所以一特定场合容易信任我的“读书计划

    I knew that I couldn't do anything but reading in the bus, so in this particular case it was easy for me to trust the plan to read.


  • 公交车知道自己除了读书不能其他事所以一特定场合容易信任我的“读书计划

    I knew that I couldn't do anything but reading in the bus, so in this particular case it was easy for me to trust the plan to read.


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