• 斯里可以任何一个国家可以选择英语法语德语

    Siri can be enabled in any country, and you can choose to speak to it in English, French, or German.


  • 消防队员们辩护任何国家,扑灭这样一场大火需要长的时间

    He defended his crews, saying it takes a long time to put out a high-rise fire in any country.


  • 任何一个国家无疑有着复杂理由如果富人的话就更加复杂了。

    Inevitably, the reasons to live in any country are more complicatedeven more complicated if you're wealthy.


  • 任何国家女生阅读能力都男生强,而且女生读书倾向于乐趣所致

    Girls did better on reading tests in every single country, and girls were more likely than boys in every country to say that they read for pleasure.


  • 奥巴马继续维护阿富汗伊拉克战略选择申明并不希望美军在任何一个国家常驻。

    Obama defended his strategies in both Afghanistan and Iraq but made clear he did not wish to maintain a permanent presence in either country.


  • 发行了多达四种不同语言专辑但是任何一个国家巨星。她可称得上是哥伦比亚最大的合法出口品

    She's released albums in over four different languages, but is a superstar in any country. She could yet prove to be Columbia's greatest legal export.


  • 当然任何一个国家有些时候人们确实会赋予某些社会群体优先待遇,以便实现资源的最佳配置

    Of course, in any country, there are times when we do accord preferential treatments to certain groups of society in order to achieve the optimum allocation of resources.


  • 法官已经决定另外签署的逮捕令发给巴希尔本人任何一个国家都适用,法院注册主任SilvanaArbia 称。

    And the judges have ruled that additional arrest warrants may be issued for Al-Bashir and served on any state as required, said court registrar Silvana Arbia.


  • 任何一国家无所寄托年轻男性必然带来麻烦亚洲国家婚姻子女得到社会认可的必要条件,单身男性几乎不法分子

    In any country rootless young males spell trouble; in Asian societies, where marriage and children are the recognised routes into society, single men are almost like outlaws.


  • 任何关于国家作用讨论中一个主题很快就会盖过其他种种主题的风头,这便是医疗保健

    IN ANY discussion about the role of the state, one subject soon dwarfs all others: health care.


  • 全球化正处于水深火热之中:自由贸易美国在任何其他发达国家流行并且移民组成的国家建立一个阻止他们进入的壁垒。

    Globalisation is under fire: free trade is less popular in the United States than in any other developed country, and a nation built on immigrants is building a fence to keep them out.


  • 打算建立自己的房子——虽然这个想法兴趣,但我喜欢扎根任何地方,我根本没有打算永远只呆一个国家

    Not going to build my own tiny house - Although I am intrigued by the idea, I don't like being rooted to any one spot, and ultimately I don't plan on staying in one country forever.


  • 然而任何一个渴望学术自由国家人们希望事件只发生俄罗斯而已,因为创造大家普遍都认同的对历史的陈述非常困难的。

    Yet in any country which aspires to a measure of academic freedom, and it is to be hoped that such is the case in Russia today, it's very difficult to produce an agreed account of the national past.


  • 直到今天亚努科维奇无悔意,他诉苦说:“舞弊之说没有依据,乌克兰发生的事在任何一个文明国家都不会发生。”

    Even today Mr Yanukovich is unrepentant: "The rigging has not been proved." What happened in Ukraine would not have happened in any civilised country.


  • 实际上几百年以来毛里塔尼亚东部阿拉伯国家称为“辛格提之地”,尽管一称号并没有出现任何一个权威性阿拉伯中世纪地理著作当中。

    In fact, for many centuries, all of Mauritania was known in the Arab East as bilad shinqit, "the land of Chinguetti, " although the term did not appear in any of the great medieval Arab geographies.


  • 任何时候一个国家可以可见整个动态面板隐藏

    At any time, one state can be made visible or the entire dynamic panel can be made hidden.


  • 无论是个人、群体乃至一个国家任何领域获得成功,均机遇与挑战的共同作用

    They altogether play great roles in achieving success in any field, whether to an individual, a community or even to a country.


  • 大多数非西方国家认为西方白人国家伊拉克索马里不是白人国家塞尔维亚实行即刻惩罚,这任何标准上都是一个危险标志

    Most living outside see that the West will deliver swift retribution to nonwhite Iraqis or Somalis but not to white Serbians, a dangerous signal by any standard.


  • 基本上浮动汇率制度下供求规律决定国家货币价值任何一天

    Basically under floating regime, the law of supply and demand dictate the value of a country's currency on any given day.


  • 基本上浮动汇率制度下供求规律决定国家货币价值任何一天

    Basically under floating regime, the law of supply and demand dictate the value of a country's currency on any given day.


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