• 视频名男子走进所房子穿过不同房间贵重物品放入背包。

    In the video, a man entered a house, walking through the different rooms and putting valuables into a knapsack.


  • 重新进入大气层过程大部分航天器穿过地球大气层燃烧殆尽。

    During re-entry, most of the spacecraft will burn up while passing through the Earth's atmosphere.


  • "一项著名实验女人男人可以气味就将他们配偶穿过衣服别人穿过的相似衣服区分出来。

    In one well-known test, women and men were able to distinguish by smell alone clothing worn by their marriage partners from similar clothing worn by other people.


  • 需要一滴一滴地加——酒杯上架勺子,里面放一块方糖,每滴水都需要穿过这块滴入酒

    But ensure you add it a drop at a time through a sugar cube on a spoon placed over the glass of absinthe.


  • 我们商人乞丐蜿蜒前进穿过那些小店云集拥挤过道

    We snaked our way among the merchants and the beggars, wandered through narrow alleys cramped with rows of tiny, tightly packed stalls.


  • 女人们穿着溜冰人群“之”字穿过,最后出场的是德鲁·巴里摩尔电影《轮滑女郎》。

    Women on roller skates zigzagged through the crowds, apparently to promote Drew Barrymore’s roller-derby movie, “Whip It.”


  • 大象军团游历北非迦太基穿过蕴藏白银西班牙越过阿尔卑斯山传奇战役北方震威慑住了罗马

    In the legendary campaign in which he travelled, with his elephants, from Carthage in north Africa, through silver rich Spain and across the Alps, he threatened Rome from the north.


  • 蓝色鸟儿尖叫着冲出,沙丘盘旋只带斑点鸟儿互相啭鸣着,子丛生的灰色杂草穿过,草丛沙沙作响。

    A blue bird rose screaming from its nest and circled over the dunes, and three spotted birds rustled through the coarse grey grass and whistled to each other.


  • 低头爬山不畏险阻,一步一步脚踏实地才能勇攀高峰——训练很多时候跑步或者自行车训练,这途穿过各种高低不同山峰

    When you reach a hill put your head down and take it one step at a timeMost days of my training I was either running or biking and I would always come across hills of varying magnitudes.


  • 实验环境下,能够障碍物之间穿梭,沿着它们的边沿快速移动,还能从其间的孔洞中穿过

    In an experimental setting, a cavefish can dart among obstacles, moving quickly along their edges and ducking through openings between them.


  • 物理学描述理想状态下光线辐射穿过一个地区

    In physics, a light field describes the direction of all the idealised light rays passing through an area.


  • 这些针状上个月穿过太阳太阳活跃区域11092号形成一条条线不过聚集左下角太阳黑子的针状体特别明显

    Spicules line the above frame of solar active region 11092 that crossed the sun last month, but are particularly evident converging on the sunspot on the lower left.


  • 他们是活动的,他们呼吸,他们食堂面包圈夹着穿过走廊穿着记忆不相同衣服

    These people moved and breathed, they ate bagels in the dining hall, carried books through the hallways, wore clothes other than the ones I’d memorized.


  • 2009年上映恐怖搞笑电影“尸乐园”主角哥伦布不得不直面恐惧穿过充满嗜血僵尸的且小丑们进行狂欢的区域。

    In the 2009 horror comedy Zombieland, main character Columbus is forced to face his fear of clowns when crossing a blood-thirsty zombiefied carnival clown.


  • 比赛,参赛者木槌击球穿过小门

    In the game of croquet USES a wooden hammer to whack wooden balls through little hoops.


  • 芝加哥印度寺庙成百上千的穿过伊利诺伊州或者更远的地方,来到这里,倾听一名来自家乡演说者的言论,那些人具有相同印度血统公开表明具有许多种宗教信仰

    AT a Hindu temple in Chicago, hundreds of people of Indian descent, professing many faiths, turned up from across Illinois and farther afield to hear a speaker from back home.


  • 为了揭示谜底,卡迪加希望能够研究所有的海洋生物,不管是穿过太平洋岛屿咸水湖的水母还是洄游时云集加拿大的磷虾。

    To discover the answers, Katija hopes to study everything from jellyfish traversing a Pacific island's saltwater lake, to migrating krill swarming a Canadian inlet.


  • 初始化重复穿过驱动定义测试套件结构

    Services to initialize and to iterate through the test suite structure defined in the driver table


  • 孙直升机巨大漂浮岛屿岩石如一粒尘埃般移动。阳光穿过云层照耀峭壁上斑其他飞行动物峭壁盘旋。瀑布沿陡峭的悬崖暴跌数千英尺后溶入山底的虚无飘渺

    The Samson is tiny moving among the vast floating islands of rock. Bansheerays and other smaller flying species circle next to the cliffs in the sunlit shafting between the clouds.


  • 驾雪,车夫Sarah Hubbell-Engler驾驶着匹叫夫人赛迪的佩尔什马穿过雪地

    Driver/wrangler Sarah Hubbell-Engler drives Lady and Sadie, two Percherons through the snow during a sleigh ride.


  • 德国JudithArndt公认的排名领先的自行车手,除此之外,还因2004年雅典奥运会穿过终点线时竖起闻名这次比赛得到了一银牌

    Top-ranked German cyclist Judith Arndt is most famous for a photo of her flipping the bird at the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens as she crossed the finish line to earn a silver medal.


  • 马尔卡博士估算假如蚊子6%的机会穿过帘幕并且一个草屋设有四道帘幕那么一百万蚊子仅有只有机会能够传播疟疾

    Dr Marka calculates that if there is a 6% chance that a mosquito will penetrate a light curtain, and a hut contains four curtains, then only one in 100,000 mosquitoes will be able to spread malaria.


  • Katz博士同事们发现,β-氧化铝,虽然钠离子流很容易相邻氧化铝之间流动, 但是它们无法穿过.

    Dr Katz and his colleagues found that, although sodium ions flow readily in between adjacent aluminium-oxide layers of sodium beta-alumina, they cannot pass between them.


  • Raizen研究证明能量均分定理布朗粒子的正确性。这时3微米大小的玻璃微粒可以穿过

    Raizen's study now proves that the equipartition theorem is true for Brownian particles; in this case, glass beads that were three micrometers across.


  • 女孩帮助下甲虫捡回了一条穿过敞开窗户进了巨大的建筑物

    The Beetle saved his life with the help of the girls, And he flew into a huge building through an open window.


  • 沙漠一个蜿蜒地穿过景观峡谷可以让视线穿过而没有任何障碍。

    In the desert, a canyon that snakes through the landscape could also prevent crossing without creating an eyesore.


  • 20英里骑旅程障碍穿过交通繁忙马路避开车铃耳不闻的狗。

    During the slow-going 20-mile ride there had been hazards, from crossing busy roads to swerving to avoid dogs who ignored my agitated ting-a-ling.


  • 20英里骑旅程障碍穿过交通繁忙马路避开车铃耳不闻的狗。

    During the slow-going 20-mile ride there had been hazards, from crossing busy roads to swerving to avoid dogs who ignored my agitated ting-a-ling.


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