• 几乎所有自然文学类奖项都有的提名,包括国家图书奖国家评奖事实上它还获得了1988年普利小说

    It was recommended for nearly every nature literary class, including the National Book Award and the National Book Critics Circle Award, and it in fact won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 1988.


  • 是的。赢得一个最佳本地历史”作为年度图书奖

    Yyes, , I did. I won a prize for "best local history book" at the annual book award.


  • 是的。赢得一个最佳本地历史”作为年度图书奖

    Yyes, I did. I won a prize for "best local history book" at the annual book award.


  • 其作品曾荣获欧·亨利普利文学奖两次荣获国家图书奖

    Henry Awards, the Pulitzer Prize for literature, and twice National Book Awards.


  • 我会广东人民出版社共同主办《岭南文库》第三届国家图书奖

    South China Collections of Literature, jointly edited by the GDCCP and the Guangdong People's Press, was awarded in the3 rd National Book Prize.


  • 编辑《大中华文库》国家九五重点出版工程第一荣获国家图书奖

    Library of Chinese Classics is a key national publishing project and its first series (including The Analects) have won the National Book Award.


  • 著作《享受图画书——图画书艺术鉴赏》,2012年获“冰心儿童图书奖”。

    Enjoying the Picture Book: The Art and Critique of Picture Books, Bingxin Children's Book Prize, 2012.


  • 并不陌生奖励美国母亲图书奖故事世界浪漫时报最佳妇女小说

    He is no stranger to awards such as the American Mother Book award, Storytelling World awards and Romantic Times award for Best Women's Fiction.


  • 塔格最后一部小说《美国发表于1999,并于2000年荣获国家图书奖

    Published in the year of 1999, the last novel of Susan Sontag, In America, won the National Book Award in 2000.


  • 《长去年英国出版当之无愧赢得本周宣布2007年年度科斯塔图书奖

    Day” was published in Britain last year and well deservedto win the 2007 Costa book of the year award, announced this week.


  • 1967年,拉巴萨翻译何特扎尔《跳石国家图书奖此后一直身兼

    Since he won a National Book Award for his translation of Cortazar's Hopscotch in 1967, Rabassa has juggled two careers.


  • 科尔尼公司所著《棋盘博弈采购法荣获本届“物图书奖国外物流图书引进一等奖

    Purchasing Chessboard, authored by A. T. Kearney, has won the first prize of Introduced Foreign Logistics Book Award at this "Wuhua Publication Award" event.


  • 去世后出版的《短篇小说全集》收录所有短篇作品,并于1972年获得全国图书奖”。

    Her posthumous The Complete Stories (1971), covering all her prominent thirty-one pieces, was awarded National Book in 1972.


  • 他们欧茨早期文学创作巅峰之作,作者赢得了1970年的“美国国家图书奖”。

    A National Book Award winner in 1970, them is recognized as a peak of Oates'literary creation in the early stage.


  • 好的能带领读者徜徉心灵海洋。今年美国国家图书奖入围书目无疑是现代文学瑰宝

    Good books take readers on journeys in their minds. The announcement of this year's US National book Awards finalists has highlighted a number of modern literary gems.


  • 1997年国家图书奖广东省宣传文化精品、第四届广东省优秀图书一等奖岭南文库》。

    In 1997, "Lingnan Wen Ku" won the National Book award, Guangdong Cultural Essential of Publicizing award and the First Prize of Guangdong Excellent Book award.


  • 福尔兹文坛里颗冉冉升起的新星,今年考斯塔图书奖中,摘得年度最佳诗歌奖项的桂冠。

    Foulds is a young writer whose star is rising rapidly and he also won the best poetry category this year in the Costa book awards.


  • 麦卡锡因《《天下骏马》而分获普利国家图书奖,他视为美国第一无名小说家”。

    Winner of a Pulitzer for The Road and a National Book Award for All the Pretty Horses, McCarthy was once described as "the best unknown novelist in America".


  • 参与策划设计编辑的各类图书上千种荣获国家图书奖五个一工程奖冰心儿童图书奖多种奖项

    He has created, designed and edited thousands of book and won many awards like National book award, National Five Top Project award, Bingxin Children's Literature award and so on.


  • 汉雅·柳原这部小说国家图书奖小说类的入围作品,她通过非凡的意味深长细节,阐释了人类的极致苦难

    Hanya Yanagihara's novel, which was a finalist for the National Book Award in fiction, illuminates human suffering pushed to its limits, drawn in extraordinary, eloquent detail.


  • 昨晚年度科斯塔图书奖评选杀出匹黑马——一位因身患乳腺癌而接受治疗诗人还是写完了的最后一部作品。

    A poet who wrote her latest collection after being diagnosed with breast cancer was last night named the surprise winner of the Costa Book of the Year Award.


  • 这部作品获得了众多奖项包括温哥华市最佳图书奖“加拿大总督文学奖提名奖受到广泛关注高度评价。

    Winning awards including the City of Vancouver Book Prize and Governor-General's Literary Award, the book has attracting extensive attentions and high praises.


  • 斯蒂芬美国国家图书奖接受因为对美国文学作出的卓越贡献颁发奖项时,美国国内出现一阵关于文化的争论。

    There was a clash of cultures at the US National Book Awards on Wednesday when horror writer Stephen King accepted an honorary award for his contribution to American letters.


  • 学校情况显然如此,尤其是男孩来说他们的阅读量明显上升——仅此一点,罗琳就无愧于所获的奖项(《哈里·波特》曾获英国国家图书奖儿童小说奖等奖项)。

    It has certainly worked at schools, especially for boys, whose reading has clearly taken an upward swing--for this alone, Rowling deserves her rewards.


  • 乔伊斯.卡罗.欧茨(Joyce Carol Oates):这个极端高产作家看看Wikipedia页面中的著作列表 )获得了无数个奖项其中包括美国国家图书奖(NationalBook Award)。

    This extremely prolific writer (see her bibliography on her Wikipedia page!) has won numerous awards, including the National Book Award.


  • 乔伊斯.卡罗.欧茨(Joyce Carol Oates):这个极端高产作家看看Wikipedia页面中的著作列表 )获得了无数个奖项其中包括美国国家图书奖(NationalBook Award)。

    This extremely prolific writer (see her bibliography on her Wikipedia page!) has won numerous awards, including the National Book Award.


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